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HealthRood AwakeningVideo

Does God Care What We Eat? (Guest: KC Craichy) | THE HEALTH AWAKENING EP. 159

Looking healthy on the outside is not everything. That’s a fact that hit close to home for KC Craichy when his wife’s...


Water is life: 10 Ways to purify water when SHTF

Take the time to learn about these 10 different ways to purify water in both indoor and outdoor scenarios to avoid water shortages...


Was the Bible correct that pork is truly an unclean meat?

Pigs also do not have sweat glands. Perspiration is a key method that the body uses for detoxification, and the pig is not...

HealthRood AwakeningTorahVideo

What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations?

What's so bad about pork now that we have health regulations? Guest host Chaim Goldman and co-host Scott Laird answer the question "What's...


Pork: The Good and Bad About This Controversial Meat

As mentioned in the introduction, pigs are notorious for eating anything – whether it be rotten meat, maggot-infested carcasses, feces, urine or cancerous...

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