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Home Health What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations?
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What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations?

What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations? Guest host Chaim Goldman and co-host Scott Laird answer the question “What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations?” on the March 14, 2014 episode of Shabbat Night Live.

00:00:17:02 – 00:00:27:05
Speaker 1
What’s so bad about pork? Now that we have modern health regulations, you know, is essentially he’s saying, does the Torah still stand now that things are different now?

00:00:27:06 – 00:00:47:09
Speaker 2
Well, you know, that question is very it’s complex, obviously, because people we have a couple of different things that people say about eating pork. First of all, we go back and say and in some Bible says, you know, you should has declared all foods clean and. Yes, and and we have Peter’s dream. And so theologically, people refer back to that.

00:00:47:16 – 00:01:08:06
Speaker 2
Then we move into this modern era where supposedly, you know, pork is now this other white meat, that it’s a clean meat. There are even some who are into natural health who claim claim like free range pigs, you know, as long as they’re not eating garbage, you know, they’re out there free range, free range pigs. And that pork can actually be a healthy meat.

00:01:08:06 – 00:01:20:16
Speaker 2
So. So I think we need to take this from two angles. One is theological and what does the Torah still stand? And the second is even this argument that if you even if you don’t believe in Torah, can we actually consider this to be clean? So which angle should we go?

00:01:21:16 – 00:01:24:05
Speaker 1
I’m interested to hear your angle on the Torah. First, let’s.

00:01:24:05 – 00:01:43:20
Speaker 2
Go there from the Torah. Yes, it’s. It stands ready to say anything else? Well, I said, is that eating pork? I mean, it’s it’s an important, by the way, pigs, very lovely animals. They were created for a purpose of course. In fact, they’re created to help clean up the world. They’re one of the garbage collectors of the world.

00:01:44:02 – 00:02:05:09
Speaker 2
And but we’re just not supposed to put them in our bodies. And in fact, it’s referred to eating a pig as an abomination with funny the same language is used to refer to homosexuality. And yet the Christians are all over the abomination of homosexuality. And then while they’re eating pork chops and spam and bacon and all kinds of other stuff.

00:02:05:09 – 00:02:20:24
Speaker 2
So we want to read the words. We want to put things on an equal footing, but also we go back and look. What about Peter’s dream? Well, we’ve talked about this on the program. It’s very clearly talking about men. You sure didn’t come to cleanse pigs. He came to clean men. The sheet came down three times. It was three men.

00:02:21:00 – 00:02:37:27
Speaker 2
Peter was wrestling. Lord, what can this mean? I’ve never eaten these animals 20, 30 years since Yeshua ascended. Never eaten these animals. He is going back and forth over it. Men show up at his house, he walks. He’s even wrestling with it all the way to the house. And right before he gets to the Gentiles house he goes, Aha.

00:02:37:27 – 00:02:54:28
Speaker 2
I’m clearly being shown that this dream was about men and not calling men unclean, because if they want to hear about your show and they want to come into the kingdom, they are welcome. And I’m not to judge any man Jew, gentile, nothing to do with food. Peter knew it had nothing to do with food. But then we move into, you know, the modern age, right?

00:02:54:28 – 00:03:02:21
Speaker 2
That’s really the heart of the question. What do we know about pork with all the antibiotics and everything? Is this the clean, the chicken noses, worms just go away?

00:03:02:21 – 00:03:09:21
Speaker 1
Is it even like like you imagine if you had a free range pig, which I don’t it seems like such a ridiculous term because a pig will eat anything, right?

00:03:09:22 – 00:03:20:21
Speaker 2
Actually, it would be safer to put a pig in a pan and control its food choices left to its own. Cows will not eat GMO corn, right? They will eat grass and other things. And so but when.

00:03:21:11 – 00:03:37:05
Speaker 1
You see some of this I get from my dad, my dad was he was involved in the food industry for 27 years. He told me no matter how clean a pig is, you’ve it’s always got worms. Every single pig has worms. He told me, don’t even gamble. I mean, it’s not even a question. And here’s some more information.

00:03:37:13 – 00:03:39:00
Speaker 2
Your father is not an Orthodox Jew.

00:03:39:04 – 00:03:40:06
Speaker 1
No, no, no.

00:03:41:18 – 00:03:43:19
Speaker 2
No bias of that coming. No. Okay.

00:03:43:24 – 00:03:58:04
Speaker 1
Now, this this information we have, here comes from national, which we highly respect that that website, good stuff on there. They mentioned that the digestive system of a pig is unique and metabolizes food very quickly in about 4 hours because of that not ruminant.

00:03:58:04 – 00:03:58:16
Speaker 2
It doesn’t it’s.

00:03:58:16 – 00:04:07:27
Speaker 1
Not ruminant what’s right. And so the toxins are carried to the fat cells because it’s not fully digested.

00:04:08:08 – 00:04:11:16
Speaker 2
So it’s like in and right into the right, into the meat, right.

00:04:11:16 – 00:04:23:06
Speaker 1
And the toxins go right into the meat because it isn’t fully digested, doesn’t go through the digestive system. And so when we consume pigmeat, we get all of these pathogenic microorganisms into our system.

00:04:23:06 – 00:04:39:24
Speaker 2
Pigs don’t even sweat. Right? Right. They don’t even sweat. So they can’t even if we, you know, ever, ever get around someone who stinks, you know, that’s toxins going out through your sweat glands, right? The pigs don’t even have the ability. How efficient? I mean, it’s like when the garbage truck comes down the street, do you ever have where it leaves and it’s drip that smelly one?

00:04:39:24 – 00:04:45:02
Speaker 2
Yeah. We don’t want garbage trucks that have any leaks. The pigs are amazing. They have no way for the toxins.

00:04:45:03 – 00:05:05:08
Speaker 1
To get out. Here’s the here’s the interesting thing. People say, well, yeah, that’s fine. But if you cook the pig all the way through, then it’s fine. Well, really. Okay, get this. High heat. Cooking methods produce a chemical in the meat that damages much of the essential fat, which then become highly carcinogenic.

00:05:05:08 – 00:05:27:12
Speaker 2
Okay, so. So we have cooked carcinogens that are in there already and anything that might have been healthy in the pig turns into a carcinogen. Right. It’s a toxic animal. It was created to be so. But I want to bring these two worlds together right now, because people bring these two arguments together as one, you sure said or were allow God revealed that pigs are now clean to eat because of Yeshua somehow magical way.

00:05:27:18 – 00:05:44:26
Speaker 2
And in this modern age, pigs are clean. But here’s the thing. If you sure sanctify the pigs, wouldn’t they have been clean 2000 years ago? Very good. But there were no antibiotics, refrigeration and all those things 2000 years ago. So these arguments need to stay separate because when you combine them, they’re just a it’s a fallacy. They can’t work.

00:05:45:04 – 00:06:12:11
Speaker 2
He didn’t come to clean pigs and pig was not made clean. 12 years ago. And today, if you put enough antibiotics in a pig to kill all the bad stuff, let’s say you could if you want to eat that anyway, filled with antibiotic.

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