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Hebrew NamesNehemia GordonOT - TanakhTorahVideo

Aaronic Benediction/ The Priestly Blessing

Nehemia Gordon speaks on the topic of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:23-27 and about the of Mixed Seed in reference to...


Was the Bible correct that pork is truly an unclean meat?

Pigs also do not have sweat glands. Perspiration is a key method that the body uses for detoxification, and the pig is not...

AHRCFeaturedOT - TanakhTorah

The Aaronic Blessing from a Hebrew Perspective

Once we have a basic understanding of the Hebrew alphabet, vocabulary, language and philosophy, we can now begin to interpret the Bible from...

AHRCOT - TanakhTorah

Covenants from a Hebrew Perspective

A covenant was instituted by the two parties of the covenant who would take a fattened animal, the best of the flock or...

HealthRood AwakeningTorahVideo

What’s so bad about pork now that we have health regulations?

What's so bad about pork now that we have health regulations? Guest host Chaim Goldman and co-host Scott Laird answer the question "What's...

Academia.eduFeaturedRoss NicholsTorah

Swearing by the Name of YHVH

This paper is a preliminary study of an ancient and long forgotten practice – swearing by the name of YHVH. According to the...

Hebrew NamesOT - TanakhTorah

Does Yehovah Mean Lord of Destruction?

The past, present and future forms of hayah which make up the Father’s Name are Hayah, Hoveh & Yiheyeh, meaning “He was, He is,...


Natives, Strangers, Immigrants and Foreigners

By Jeff A. Benner In another article I discussed the different people groups of the New Testament, the Jews, Greeks, Nations and Proselytes. In the...

1040W OriginalsOT - TanakhTorah

Honest discussion about tallits and tsitsits.

Before we begin… 1) When referencing scripture we will first use resorces from Jeff Benner of Ancient Hebrew Research Center.** We love the...

AHRCFeaturedOT - TanakhTorah

The Philosophy of the Hebrew Language

By Jeff A. Benner East and West Throughout the world, past and present, there are two major divisions of thought or philosophy; Western and...

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