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1040W OriginalsFeaturedHebrew Names

YHWH- Yehovah and Jesus – Yeshua

Torah for Every Culture Hebrew name for YHWH/ LORD and Jesus This is truly a very deep and rich discussion.  One that cannot...


The Israel Palestine conflict at 75: The domestic and regional landscape

In this IISS Conflict Briefing on Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Dr Benjamin Petrini, Noa Shusterman, Dr Nathan J. Brown and Khaled Elgindy...

HealthRood AwakeningVideo

Does God Care What We Eat? (Guest: KC Craichy) | THE HEALTH AWAKENING EP. 159

Looking healthy on the outside is not everything. That’s a fact that hit close to home for KC Craichy when his wife’s health...


Water is life: 10 Ways to purify water when SHTF

Take the time to learn about these 10 different ways to purify water in both indoor and outdoor scenarios to avoid water shortages...

1040W OriginalsAudio OnlySabbath Fellowship

International Sabbath Fellowship – 04 (2nd half)

This is week 3 of our Sabbath class/ Bible study. We review again from Jer6:16 and dig deeper into walking with God... Adam....

Hebrew NamesNehemia GordonOT - TanakhTorahVideo

Aaronic Benediction/ The Priestly Blessing

Nehemia Gordon speaks on the topic of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:23-27 and about the of Mixed Seed in reference to the...

AHRCOT - TanakhVideo

The Nomadic Hebrews – Part 3 of 3

The culture and lifestyle of the Hebrew nomads have a direct relationship to their language, the same language used in the Bible. Understanding...

Learn HebrewRoss Nichols

Introduction To Biblical Hebrew

We are BIG fans of Ross Nichols. This is a good start. June 2017: This post contains the video lessons of our popular...

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