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OT – Tanakh

Hebrew NamesNehemia GordonOT - TanakhTorahVideo

Aaronic Benediction/ The Priestly Blessing

Nehemia Gordon speaks on the topic of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:23-27 and about the of Mixed Seed in reference to...

AHRCOT - TanakhVideo

The Nomadic Hebrews – Part 3 of 3

The culture and lifestyle of the Hebrew nomads have a direct relationship to their language, the same language used in the Bible. Understanding...

AHRCFeaturedOT - TanakhTorah

The Aaronic Blessing from a Hebrew Perspective

Once we have a basic understanding of the Hebrew alphabet, vocabulary, language and philosophy, we can now begin to interpret the Bible from...

Audio OnlyNehemia GordonOT - Tanakh

Reposting: Hebrew Voices #15 – The Bible of the Dead Sea Scrolls

NOTE: This is a very scholarly discussion but one that is defintely worth listening to… It may take a few “Listens” to get...

AHRCOT - TanakhTorah

Covenants from a Hebrew Perspective

A covenant was instituted by the two parties of the covenant who would take a fattened animal, the best of the flock or...

Hebrew NamesOT - TanakhTorah

Does Yehovah Mean Lord of Destruction?

The past, present and future forms of hayah which make up the Father’s Name are Hayah, Hoveh & Yiheyeh, meaning “He was, He is,...

1040W OriginalsOT - TanakhTorah

Honest discussion about tallits and tsitsits.

Before we begin… 1) When referencing scripture we will first use resorces from Jeff Benner of Ancient Hebrew Research Center.** We love the...

AHRCOT - TanakhVideo

The Nomadic Hebrews – Part 2 of 3

The culture and lifestyle of the Hebrew nomads have a direct relationship to their language, the same language used in the Bible. Understanding...

AHRCOT - TanakhVideo

The Nomadic Hebrews – Part 1 of 3

The culture and lifestyle of the Hebrew nomads have a direct relationship to their language, the same language used in the Bible. Understanding...

AHRCFeaturedOT - TanakhTorah

The Philosophy of the Hebrew Language

By Jeff A. Benner East and West Throughout the world, past and present, there are two major divisions of thought or philosophy; Western and...

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