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Hebrew Names

Hebrew NamesNew TestamentVideo


Most of us did not start our spiritual journey with a Torah-observant mindset — we had what Keith Johnson calls a “Jesus...

Hebrew NamesNehemia GordonOT - TanakhTorahVideo

Aaronic Benediction/ The Priestly Blessing

Nehemia Gordon speaks on the topic of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:23-27 and about the of Mixed Seed in reference to the...

AHRCHebrew NamesNew TestamentVideo

Where did the name “Jesus” come from?

The name "Jesus" has a long, long history. The origin of this name is the Hebrew name יהושע (yehoshu'a, Strong's #3091 [Latinized as...

Hebrew NamesOT - TanakhTorah

Does Yehovah Mean Lord of Destruction?

The past, present and future forms of hayah which make up the Father’s Name are Hayah, Hoveh & Yiheyeh, meaning “He was, He is,...

Hebrew Names

In the Name of Love: A Passionate Quest for the True Name of The Creator

What we have today in the form of the Hebrew Bible is due to the tireless efforts of the Masoretes, a group of...

AHRCFeaturedHebrew Names

What is the difference between LORD, Lord and lord

If you have noticed, when you are reading your Bible in the King James Version (other versions will use these words similarly), you...

1040W OriginalsFeaturedHebrew Names

YHWH- Yehovah and Jesus – Yeshua

Torah for Every Culture Hebrew name for YHWH/ LORD and Jesus This is truly a very deep and rich discussion.  One that cannot...