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Hebrew NamesNehemia GordonOT - TanakhTorahVideo

Aaronic Benediction/ The Priestly Blessing

Nehemia Gordon speaks on the topic of the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:23-27 and about the of Mixed Seed in reference to the...

Academia.eduFeaturedRoss NicholsTorah

Swearing by the Name of YHVH

This paper is a preliminary study of an ancient and long forgotten practice – swearing by the name of YHVH. According to the...

Hebrew NamesOT - TanakhTorah

Does Yehovah Mean Lord of Destruction?

The past, present and future forms of hayah which make up the Father’s Name are Hayah, Hoveh & Yiheyeh, meaning “He was, He is,...

Hebrew Names

In the Name of Love: A Passionate Quest for the True Name of The Creator

What we have today in the form of the Hebrew Bible is due to the tireless efforts of the Masoretes, a group of...

Nehemia GordonRood AwakeningVideo

The Aleppo Codex Mystery: How Adonai’s name was found

The Aleppo Codex is the most accurate copy of the Bible in existence. It was written in 924 by Aaron ben Moses ben...

Nehemia GordonRood AwakeningVideo

God’s name is not Yahweh – Proof from Jewish Rabbis

Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon research a newly found source that proves the name of God is Yehovah. We have written proof from...

Nehemia GordonRood AwakeningVideo

The name of God discovered in over 227 manuscripts!

As of today, we have over 227 early Hebrew manuscripts with the full vowels for the name of God – YeHoVaH (YHVH). The...

Nehemia GordonRood AwakeningVideo

Discoveries & Jewish Rabbis

This explosive episode will take you from the Old Testament to the New Testament in a matter of minutes covering topics from Isis...

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