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YHWH- Yehovah and Jesus – Yeshua

Torah for Every Culture

Hebrew name for YHWH/ LORD and Jesus

This is truly a very deep and rich discussion.  One that cannot be expressed in a simple article.  What I have done is compile a few of the teachings that have helped me to come to the understanding that I have now.  There are more than what you see here; I encourage you to study for yourself.  I pray that this gives you a good start.

God’s true name is YHWH and is pronounced Yehovah and Jesus name in Hebrew is Yeshua or Yehoshua.   For many centuries God’s name has been hidden from humanity. You can begin first by understanding that your typical Bible has hidden the word YHWH with LORD from the world. You can read this article that will give you clarity.  We have reposted this article on our website here.

How did I come to my decision about who to believe?

This is a very important issue understanding the name of YHWH. If you can’t speak, read, write Biblical Hebrew, for me, you can’t gain my trust that you understand what you are talking about when it comes to cutting through all the opinions. Of course it’s not enough to understand Hebrew but being a linguist, researcher and/or scholar on Biblical Hebrew is also a good start.  So I looked for people who met the standards above AND could show me their work.  And then I looked to see if others in their “world” referenced their work.

Here are a few major points that confirmed it for me. These are summaries of what I gained from the sources I listed in the table below.

  1. The Masoretic text is the most widely respected and agreed upon Hebrew/English translation of the Bible. Strongs is the most respected concordance When you look up the Strongs concordance for H3068 LORD it says Yehovah. Why trust it for everything else but not trust it for Yehovah?
  2. New documents and new scholars have appeared on the scene (around the early 2000) that could show the tetragrammaton with the consonants AND the full vowels. These visuals had been missing from “public” for centuries. Hebrew grammar rules are that 4 consonants YHWH must have three (3) vowels not two(2)
  3. Based on Hebrew grammar God’s name at the beginning is “Yeho” – Yehovah but at the end it’s Yah – Hallelu Yah. This also follows where the accent/stress is on the syllable of the words pronunciation
  4. 3 parts to YHWH – past present & future . Yehovah demonstrates that better than Yahweh. Direct quote from Seeking Truth
    “The root of יהוה is the verb היה Hayah/Ehyeh, which means “to be”. The past, present and future forms of hayah which make up the Father’s Name are Hayah, Hoveh & Yiheyeh, meaning “He was, He is, He will be”. Yehovah’s very name speaks to His eternal nature.”
  5. All the Hebrew teachers that I have listened to (who will say the name) have said Yehovah. And I respect those who have previously went all in for Yahweh and now in light of new findings of ancient Hebrew documents have agreed it’s Yehovah. These “new” findings started appearing in the early 2000’s.



Video for Yahweh  HERE

This video is well presented. They are NOT in agreement with Yehovah and think it’s the least likely option.  It is very beneficial to watch.

I HIGHLY recommend reading this bookShattering the Conspiracy of SilenceBook

This article discusses how the Rabbi’s hid the name.  Then gets into a VERY detailed explanation of root words and how they changed through time.

This is a long read.

My Name Forever

By Michael McHugh

Don’t be fooled by the name. The video discusses how Yahweh came to be used but it is not the correct pronunciations. Within Hebrew communities it’s no doubt that it is Yehovah but some Samaritans (who are Jews) used Yahweh.Nehemia’s Wall – Origins of YahwehVideo
In this episode of Hebrew Voices, Why it’s Yehovah, but HalleluYAh, I explain why the vowel in “Yehovah” changes in “Yah” and why people who don’t understand this Hebrew rule are pronouncing Yeshua’s name wrong.Hebrew Voices #106 – Why it’s Yehovah, but HalleluYAhVideo /Article
6min video that visual show the past, present and future within the name YehovahNehemia GordonVideo
Many articles about YHWH but this one discusses the vowels for Adonai and Yehovah  – with pictures.Seeking TruthArticle

Jesus name in Hebrew is Yeshua or Yehoshua

The name “Jesus” has a long, long history. The origin of this name is the Hebrew name יהושע (yehoshu’a, Strong’s #3091 [Latinized as Joshua]), which means “Yahweh saves.” This Hebrew name is first used Exodus 17:9 where we are introduced to Yehoshu’a Ben Nun.Where did the name “Jesus” come from? By Jeff BennerVideo
Interesting video; it lays foundation for Yehovah as well as at the end getting to Yeshua meaning Yehovah’s salvationHebrew Luke and John found in Vatican Junk Box – Nehemia’s WallVideo
Gives links to images of the Hebrew NT text with YeshuaSeeking TruthArticle

If you desire to do a deep study on Yehovah – Nehemia Gordon has a wealth of information and teachings on his page.  (FYI, We have no financial engagement with him or his material.)I also recommend reading this book

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