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Home 1040W Originals International Sabbath Fellowship – 04 (1st half)
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International Sabbath Fellowship – 04 (1st half)

This is week 4 of our Sabbath class/ Bible study. We review again from Jer6:16 and dig deeper into walking with God… Adam. Enoch, Noah, Abraham. We also look at circumcision and the inclusion of everyone in Abraham’s household.

We are beginning a new bible study about the promise to Abraham and does that promise benefit non-Jewish people. What does the Old Testament / Tanakh have to say about God/ELOHIM’s plan to “save = bless” all humanity.

All are welcome to study with us. We are not Seventh Day Adventist, Jewish/ Messianic Jews, Black Hebrew Israelites… just people looking to have a deeper relationship with our Creator who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This class is good for Beginners and Intermediate learners for Torah study.
Join us live on Clubhouse (10/40 Window Mission Network) every Sabbath at 4am East Coast – USA 10am Pretoria , South Africa 4pm Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We have added the transcript below to help with translation and the hearing impared community.

Saturday Jan 28, 2023 w/ Elder Regina Roundtree

00;00;41;23 – 00;00;42;18

00;00;44;16 – 00;00;47;02
Esther, will you pray for us?

00;00;47;16 – 00;00;50;02
And yes, you can pray in Vietnamese.

00;00;50;02 – 00;00;50;16
Of course.

00;00;50;16 – 00;00;51;03
You always know.

00;00;51;03 – 00;00;56;21
That. Yes.

00;00;57;09 – 00;00;59;28
Thank you.

00;01;03;24 – 00;01;35;13

00;01;35;17 – 00;02;31;02

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00;03;21;05 – 00;03;51;07
vietnamese Yes, sure, I’m here.

00;03;51;19 – 00;03;54;15
I mean,

00;03;54;15 – 00;03;59;25

00;03;59;25 – 00;04;03;18
Amen. Thank you.

00;04;03;18 – 00;04;09;00
Thank you for that.

00;04;09;00 – 00;04;14;16
So let’s do a little review.

00;04;14;16 – 00;04;15;18
Who remembers?

00;04;15;18 – 00;04;17;25
We talked about a lot of things last week.

00;04;17;25 – 00;04;23;17
Is there one thing that stood out to you
last week about what we

00;04;24;14 – 00;04;33;26
we talked about in our study?

00;04;33;26 – 00;04;35;23
Even if you went
and listened to the replay,

00;04;35;23 – 00;04;40;09
is there anything that stood out to you
about what we talked about

00;04;41;08 – 00;04;55;27
last week?

00;04;55;27 – 00;04;56;22
So much alone.

00;04;56;22 – 00;04;57;04
She go.

00;04;57;04 – 00;04;59;22
How are you?

00;05;02;05 – 00;05;03;27
Shabbat shalom, everyone.

00;05;03;27 – 00;05;05;00
I’m good, thank you.

00;05;05;00 – 00;05;07;00
Sorry, I was just sharing your room.

00;05;07;00 – 00;05;08;02
Yeah, no problem.

00;05;08;02 – 00;05;09;20
Thank you.

00;05;09;20 – 00;05;16;06

00;05;16;06 – 00;05;19;07
Nobody, huh?

00;05;19;07 – 00;05;20;08

00;05;20;08 – 00;05;24;13
Well, as we had done

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in a few previous classes,
we started off in Isaiah 56,

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one through eight,

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and it’s kind of our launching pad
for a little while

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because it’s so important

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to understand who

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we are in relationship to Elohim.

00;05;46;15 – 00;05;49;21
And then we ended off in

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Exodus 17

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and we went through that chapter
talking about

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how the covenant was

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given in more detail to Abraham

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with the the requirement of circumcision

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for all the males.

00;06;14;08 – 00;06;16;23
And we talked about how

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even though the promise

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has been or the covenant has been

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to his seed, that there were

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other people that were not his seed

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that were brought into the covenant.

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Covenant with the act of circumcision.

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So it wasn’t something that was particular

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only to those of the bloodline,

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although it was going to be the bloodline
that was going to carry the blessing.

00;06;52;27 – 00;06;55;02
It was particular

00;06;55;02 – 00;06;58;18
that in order
to show your covenant connection

00;07;01;16 – 00;07;03;24
to Elohim,

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you needed to make sure

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that you,

00;07;12;20 – 00;07;14;25
you needed to make sure that you

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were circumcised
in order to to be connected.

00;07;21;14 – 00;07;23;22
So let’s go to Isaiah 56.

00;07;24;12 – 00;07;25;21
Where’s my hip?

00;07;25;21 – 00;07;28;27
Okay, let’s go to Isaiah 56.

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Went through eight.

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His will refresh our minds with that

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and then we’ll take any thoughts
that anyone had.

00;07;42;06 – 00;07;47;00
And then we’ll go right into Exodus 17,
talking about the Covenant.

00;07;47;09 – 00;07;51;08
Remember our theme over this series for

00;07;52;08 – 00;07;56;25
you know,
the next few weeks will continue to be

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understand, adding that even though

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that Elohim has promised this covenant

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to us, to all of humanity,

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but he had to pick somebody

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to be the representative

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who he could have a deep relationship
with as an example

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of what it meant to to walk with Elohim.

00;08;26;02 – 00;08;30;19
And we talked about
walking in Jeremiah. 616

00;08;32;16 – 00;08;35;09
So anyone want to read

00;08;35;12 – 00;08;43;22
Isaiah 56 one through eight Esther,
can you read for me?

00;08;43;22 – 00;08;45;19
Yes, just

00;08;46;23 – 00;08;47;25
it. Okay.

00;08;48;02 – 00;08;58;10
And has that the law

00;09;00;19 – 00;09;03;29
it we just men and do justice

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for my salvation is needed to come

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and my righteousness to be revealed lives.

00;09;12;29 – 00;09;15;20
This is the men that does is

00;09;16;26 – 00;09;20;13
the son of man that lays whole on.

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It’s that he does that from unloading it

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and keep his hand from doing

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and any evil need

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to let the son of a stranger

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that had to him so to

00;09;40;11 – 00;09;43;02
yeah we speak saying

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yeah we had a totally separate me
from his people

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neither let the end notes they behold

00;09;55;19 – 00;10;00;02
I am a dry tree for two sat

00;10;00;20 – 00;10;03;00
yeah way into the

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end nook that keep my sabat

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and choose the things that please me

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and take hold of my covenant

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even unto them we I keep in mind how

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and with doing my way of play

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that a name that the
then a son and a daughter.

00;10;30;19 – 00;10;34;09
I will give them an everlasting

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name that so not be kept up.

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It’s also the son of the stranger

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that chide themselves to yeah, way

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to serve him and love the name of

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yeah way to be has served even

00;10;54;02 – 00;10;58;11
every one keep the Sabbath
from polluting it

00;10;58;28 – 00;11;01;27
and take coal up my covenant.

00;11;02;16 – 00;11;09;12
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain
and make them joyful

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in my house of prayer,

00;11;12;21 – 00;11;16;01
their burn offering and their sacrifice.

00;11;16;09 – 00;11;19;12
So they accepted a Padma

00;11;19;19 – 00;11;25;15
my altar for mine house
so be call on house a

00;11;25;15 – 00;11;29;11
pray for all people the Lord

00;11;32;03 – 00;11;34;25
God with gather

00;11;34;25 – 00;11;39;06
the outcasts of is as that yet

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I will, I gather added to him

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beside those that I gathered unto him,

00;11;48;27 – 00;11;52;04
all ye beasts of the feel

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come to devote, yeah,

00;11;56;26 – 00;11;59;20
all ye beasts in the forest

00;12;00;14 – 00;12;04;22
his watch men belie they are

00;12;05;12 – 00;12;08;11
and they are dumb the

00;12;08;29 – 00;12;11;25
and cannot but sleep thing

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lying down, loving to slumber Yes,

00;12;16;14 – 00;12;18;20
they agreed the dark

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with can never have enough

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and they sleep,
but that cannot understand.

00;12;26;29 – 00;12;30;02
They look to their own way.

00;12;30;11 – 00;12;34;10
Everyone saw his in from his what?

00;12;34;18 – 00;12;37;18
What the one to come.

00;12;37;18 – 00;12;40;03
They say they I will fit.

00;12;40;17 – 00;12;45;20
Why and we will feel
as so with strong doing

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and to morrow so these as they say,

00;12;51;22 – 00;12;58;08
and much more abundant, I find is that.

00;12;59;09 – 00;13;00;08
Thank you.

00;13;00;08 – 00;13;01;25
I think you went further than eight.

00;13;01;25 – 00;13;03;24
Yeah, a little bit, but that’s okay.

00;13;03;24 – 00;13;04;27
Oh, really?

00;13;04;28 – 00;13;07;13
Sorry. No, that’s okay.

00;13;07;13 – 00;13;11;24
That’s okay.

00;13;11;24 – 00;13;14;11
One of the reason I’m trying to wait
for a major daughter to get here

00;13;14;11 – 00;13;19;18
because she said she’s on the phone,
you know, and she’ll be right here.

00;13;19;18 – 00;13;24;12
One of the reasons
that it was important to me to

00;13;25;13 – 00;13;27;03
I felt that

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having an international Sabbath fellowship

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and hearing from different countries
and different dialects,

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hearing different accents
kind of reminds us that

00;13;40;24 – 00;13;43;16
our language, the way we talk, is

00;13;43;16 – 00;13;47;10
not the only way in the world.

00;13;47;10 – 00;13;52;15
If I could just share a testimony
with you,

00;13;52;15 – 00;13;56;04
I grown up and lived
all my life in America

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and about this maybe going six years now

00;14;01;09 – 00;14;05;20
every year I want to keep saying
five years, but I’d always add the year.

00;14;06;09 – 00;14;09;11
So it may have been six years, six
and a half years ago

00;14;09;12 – 00;14;11;18
when I went to Vietnam to visit

00;14;12;23 – 00;14;14;07
and I had only intended to

00;14;14;07 – 00;14;17;28
stay about four or five weeks
and then return,

00;14;18;29 – 00;14;21;06
and I fell in love with the country.

00;14;21;06 – 00;14;24;10
I believe that God had

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something special for me to do there.

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And so I never left.

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And probably

00;14;32;28 – 00;14;35;21
if it wasn’t for COVID,
I don’t know that I would have come back.

00;14;37;14 – 00;14;40;00
I still loved Southeast Asia,

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I loved Vietnam and the people

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and the country. I felt like it.

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The land healed me.

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So anyone ever gone, any place

00;14;51;15 – 00;14;54;28
like even if you just like gone out
to nature or to park

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or to the beach and you felt different.

00;15;00;02 – 00;15;02;22
Like you felt like
you connected with the universe.

00;15;02;28 – 00;15;09;18
Anyone have a testimony like that
or something they can share?

00;15;09;18 – 00;15;11;22
She can go ahead.

00;15;14;01 – 00;15;14;12

00;15;14;12 – 00;15;20;11
So, so personally,
I find that on a Sunday in the morning.

00;15;21;20 – 00;15;23;00
So I have a puppy. Right.

00;15;23;00 – 00;15;27;15
That lives with me now
due to circumstances my son is not here.

00;15;27;15 – 00;15;28;08

00;15;28;12 – 00;15;32;20
But on a Sunday
we tend to take a walk out in nature.

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So I choose different places every week.

00;15;35;03 – 00;15;35;26

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And so whether it is near lake

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or very mountainous or nature,

00;15;42;20 – 00;15;47;14
but I find that is the time
it is easiest for me to speak to you.

00;15;47;25 – 00;15;48;27
I don’t know.

00;15;48;27 – 00;15;51;05
I just find it during that time.

00;15;51;05 – 00;15;53;22
It is
there’s just so much hearing and it’s

00;15;55;07 – 00;15;57;06
my mind is just so much clearer.

00;15;57;06 – 00;16;01;22
And I just find that
that is just like such a sacred space.

00;16;02;09 – 00;16;06;05
So for me, especially all early
in the mornings, we tend to take a walk

00;16;06;05 – 00;16;10;20
really early, like five in the morning,
and then we surrounded by nature.

00;16;10;20 – 00;16;12;17
That time I find is just,

00;16;13;20 – 00;16;15;00
I don’t know, it’s just

00;16;15;00 – 00;16;20;28
recouping, restoring,
and it’s just beautiful.

00;16;20;29 – 00;16;24;16
Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance
to travel the world

00;16;25;29 – 00;16;29;03
and there are such beautiful places
outside of South Africa,

00;16;29;03 – 00;16;30;17
which I’d like to see.

00;16;30;17 – 00;16;33;29
I mean, within South Africa I’ve been
but I mean, outside

00;16;33;29 – 00;16;36;20
of South Africa,
which definitely I would like to see.

00;16;36;29 – 00;16;42;09
But yeah, that is just me.

00;16;42;09 – 00;16;43;10
Thank you.

00;16;43;10 – 00;16;48;23
Esther, what about you?

00;16;48;23 – 00;16;52;20
I’m making the talk today.

00;16;52;20 – 00;16;59;15
You know that
I am traveling for tree and tree country

00;16;59;26 – 00;17;03;05
like Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia

00;17;03;25 – 00;17;06;23
and it country to have it different.

00;17;08;03 – 00;17;13;00
Like like in Malaysia
they have tree fallen within there,

00;17;13;21 – 00;17;16;06
but they have the

00;17;16;06 – 00;17;19;23
the the general language is
English natives that speak English

00;17;19;23 – 00;17;26;08
and then they have another school
for its people, like for Malaysia, people

00;17;26;16 – 00;17;30;11
from Chinese, Chinese have two languages,
they have

00;17;30;16 – 00;17;33;16
Cantonese and do and

00;17;35;05 – 00;17;37;09
Cantonese and Mandarin.

00;17;37;28 – 00;17;42;03
Yes. And, and also for the India people,

00;17;42;03 – 00;17;47;25
they have the Hindi for the black,
they call that is black India.

00;17;48;06 – 00;17;51;12
And for the white India,
they have another language.

00;17;51;12 – 00;17;55;10
And I feel like,
oh, they have a lot of language.

00;17;55;10 – 00;17;59;18
And then I learn from there a lot,
especially my English

00;17;59;18 – 00;18;01;06
is learned from Malaysia.

00;18;01;06 – 00;18;03;10
So only when I was in Malaysia

00;18;03;10 – 00;18;07;01
I have changed to speak English
and then learn English from there.

00;18;07;27 – 00;18;14;06
So for me, Malaysia is just like a second
country for me and then got us.

00;18;14;14 – 00;18;14;22

00;18;14;22 – 00;18;19;00
We also changed me a lot during that time
when I was there

00;18;19;09 – 00;18;22;00
because I alone, no family, no friend.

00;18;22;15 – 00;18;27;06
And you know, I have I,
I have to depend on God

00;18;27;06 – 00;18;30;28
and then ask us for everything
so that is film

00;18;31;01 – 00;18;34;05
my relationship with him. And

00;18;35;11 – 00;18;37;07
I find out like

00;18;37;07 – 00;18;41;15
Malaysia language
is just like ten deep percent.

00;18;41;25 – 00;18;47;00
My own language is like exactly like

00;18;47;09 – 00;18;51;26
and I learn the history
and then find out like my people

00;18;52;09 – 00;18;56;21
even that we live in Vietnam,
but our ancestor is from Malaysia.

00;18;56;21 – 00;18;58;10
We come to Vietnam.

00;18;58;10 – 00;19;00;22
That is an interest for me.

00;19;00;22 – 00;19;01;11
That’s right.

00;19;01;11 – 00;19;04;15
I feel like Malaysia is my my country.

00;19;05;06 – 00;19;08;22
And I went to another country

00;19;08;22 – 00;19;13;12
like some boarding even that that company
very close to Vietnam.

00;19;13;18 – 00;19;16;02
But there is a lot of people, too.

00;19;16;14 – 00;19;19;10
They live in the jungles just like us.

00;19;19;10 – 00;19;23;02
And, you know, the way they do agriculture

00;19;23;16 – 00;19;28;00
and then the way they talk
about the agriculture and then how they

00;19;28;09 – 00;19;32;19
they bring the first fruit to their own
got even.

00;19;32;19 – 00;19;33;22
That is not funny.

00;19;33;22 – 00;19;36;22
Yeah we but I learned

00;19;36;22 – 00;19;39;24
that is like they just do

00;19;40;12 – 00;19;44;03
the thing that yeah we sat in the Bible
even they don’t know him

00;19;45;05 – 00;19;46;23
just like that

00;19;46;23 – 00;19;47;24
I you.

00;19;50;07 – 00;19;52;01
Know that’s good.

00;19;52;16 – 00;19;53;16
Thank you.

00;19;53;16 – 00;19;55;05
Thank you for that.

00;19;56;01 – 00;19;57;20
And so

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what happened?

00;20;02;03 – 00;20;04;28
Obviously, I ended up staying up
five years in Vietnam.

00;20;04;28 – 00;20;07;23
And I also got a chance
to travel to Malaysia,

00;20;09;00 – 00;20;11;12
Singapore and Hong Kong.

00;20;11;12 – 00;20;16;00
Never only went to Cambodia, just
across the border to renew my passport.

00;20;16;00 – 00;20;19;03
And so Cambodia
and Vietnam share a border.

00;20;20;16 – 00;20;23;19
Malaysia is an island,
so you have to get there.

00;20;23;19 – 00;20;27;26
But islands, Singapore
kind of doesn’t Singapore collect Vietnam,

00;20;28;11 – 00;20;33;03
connect the land to Malaysia? Yes.

00;20;33;20 – 00;20;34;19

00;20;34;22 – 00;20;36;07
They have to look at the geography.

00;20;36;07 – 00;20;39;03
And then of course,
Hong Kong is an island,

00;20;39;03 – 00;20;41;04
so you can’t get there without flying.

00;20;41;04 – 00;20;43;11
Same thing for Malaysia.

00;20;43;11 – 00;20;44;18
And so

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one of the things that struck me

00;20;48;07 – 00;20;51;06
as I was telling you
about being in Vietnam for five years,

00;20;52;16 – 00;20;54;04
basically Southeast Asia

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was that I the land spoke to me.

00;20;57;29 – 00;21;01;01
I felt initially too,
that the land healed me.

00;21;01;01 – 00;21;04;27
And like you, Esther,
I obviously didn’t have too many.

00;21;04;27 – 00;21;07;15
I had one person I knew there.

00;21;07;15 – 00;21;11;17
They only stayed for about another three
or four months and then they left.

00;21;11;17 – 00;21;12;26
And so is there by myself.

00;21;12;26 – 00;21;14;28
And I did not know Vietnamese

00;21;16;16 – 00;21;22;05
and what I value about our Sabbath

00;21;23;02 – 00;21;27;06
and as we as more people
join, is that we’re really having

00;21;27;06 – 00;21;31;16
different culture and different language
because it’s easy to read the Bible

00;21;31;16 – 00;21;34;21
and think that you understand it
if you don’t know

00;21;36;00 – 00;21;38;01
what it’s written in

00;21;38;09 – 00;21;40;23
or if you don’t really understand.

00;21;41;08 – 00;21;43;22
And that can be a difficult thing because

00;21;45;24 – 00;21;47;16
you want to trust the translator,

00;21;49;03 – 00;21;51;05
you want to trust the people

00;21;51;05 – 00;21;53;17
who are telling you
that this is what the word means.

00;21;54;11 – 00;21;57;25
I mean, we have such technology
now that we’re able to

00;21;58;21 – 00;22;02;08
we can search out a lot of things
on the Internet, but you can also get down

00;22;02;08 – 00;22;05;10
into a really deep rabbit hole trying to

00;22;05;17 – 00;22;08;10
to figure out who we are,

00;22;08;23 – 00;22;12;29
what’s going on?

00;22;12;29 – 00;22;15;20
Shabbat shalom to you, royalty.

00;22;16;05 – 00;22;19;10
So good to see you again.

00;22;19;10 – 00;22;20;19
How are you?

00;22;20;19 – 00;22;22;02
Hi. I’m fine.

00;22;22;02 – 00;22;23;27
It’s so good to see you as well.

00;22;23;27 – 00;22;24;24
I love seeing the.

00;22;24;24 – 00;22;28;01
1040 Window Dalmatians.

00;22;28;01 – 00;22;29;21
Thank you

00;22;31;10 – 00;22;38;03
so one of the things that I’m learning

00;22;38;14 – 00;22;42;10
in my Christian walk, especially

00;22;42;10 – 00;22;45;04
maybe these last seven years,

00;22;46;21 – 00;22;48;11
is that

00;22;49;23 – 00;22;52;01
if we don’t understand Hebrew,

00;22;53;10 – 00;22;55;27
which the Bible was written in

00;22;56;18 – 00;23;01;00
Hebrew, Aramaic, which Yeshua Jesus spoke,

00;23;02;07 – 00;23;05;10
we kind of are shortchanging ourselves

00;23;06;07 – 00;23;10;03
on all that’s meant to, to be understood.

00;23;11;23 – 00;23;14;05
And today

00;23;15;00 – 00;23;19;19
I’m going to do a little more
technical teaching.

00;23;19;19 – 00;23;24;07
I’m on a journey to learn Hebrew
and to understand it.

00;23;25;21 – 00;23;27;23
I obviously,

00;23;28;06 – 00;23;32;27
I cannot speak it yet,
but I’m about to get a private tutor.

00;23;33;06 – 00;23;35;10
But I’m making that commitment to myself.

00;23;35;19 – 00;23;39;05
Right, because it’s that important.

00;23;39;05 – 00;23;41;07
And I want to share some things with you

00;23;42;20 – 00;23;45;17
and some tools with you that

00;23;46;28 – 00;23;49;27
I think
are just an excellent place to start.

00;23;51;12 – 00;23;53;21
When we talk about

00;23;54;10 – 00;23;56;16
how it is that we need to understand

00;23;58;00 – 00;24;00;28
what’s really being said.

00;24;01;01 – 00;24;03;18
And I think one of the

00;24;03;18 – 00;24;06;28
the biggest things

00;24;06;28 – 00;24;10;07
is do we understand

00;24;10;12 – 00;24;13;29
the name of God?

00;24;13;29 – 00;24;16;01
And I’m here to tell you, it is

00;24;17;01 – 00;24;18;16
it is not

00;24;18;16 – 00;24;21;03
a one
class journey and it’s not even one that

00;24;21;03 – 00;24;24;26
I’m going to lead in in Sabbath

00;24;24;26 – 00;24;27;11
But I’m going to give you tools
and you’ll you’ll need to go

00;24;28;17 – 00;24;31;06
and research that for yourselves.

00;24;32;05 – 00;24;34;28
But it is

00;24;35;29 – 00;24;38;26
it is something to definitely understand.

00;24;38;26 – 00;24;42;13
What I’m trying to do right now is copy.

00;24;42;13 – 00;24;45;13
So most of us are on our phone

00;24;45;13 – 00;24;51;01
and Esther,
where you bring Doreen up for me?

00;24;51;20 – 00;24;53;10
I’m just pinning this link here.

00;24;53;10 – 00;24;59;05
Shabbat shalom, Doreen. Oh,

00;25;00;24 – 00;25;02;02
good morning to everyone.

00;25;02;02 – 00;25;03;01
Shabbat shalom.

00;25;03;01 – 00;25;05;11
The morning Torah.

00;25;05;26 – 00;25;09;08
Did you have anything you want
to share about outside our land?

00;25;09;08 – 00;25;10;16

00;25;11;11 – 00;25;13;13
You didn’t come off, Mike,
but it went to forget.

00;25;13;13 – 00;25;15;13
You know what it is.

00;25;15;14 – 00;25;19;00
But thank you.

00;25;19;00 – 00;25;22;08
Okay, so

00;25;24;28 – 00;25;26;01
we’d love to.

00;25;26;01 – 00;25;28;09
As you join our rooms.

00;25;29;05 – 00;25;31;19
I love to have Esther pray

00;25;33;06 – 00;25;35;27
and her
and I have been together for a long time.

00;25;35;27 – 00;25;40;04
We’ve traveled and ministered together,
translated together,

00;25;40;25 – 00;25;44;01
went to villages together. And

00;25;45;02 – 00;25;48;27
whenever we get into an English setting,
I always want her to pray.

00;25;49;02 – 00;25;52;01
I want her to speak because

00;25;53;21 – 00;25;56;19
it reminds us

00;25;57;00 – 00;26;01;16
that our God created so many languages

00;26;02;17 – 00;26;03;25
and that

00;26;04;23 – 00;26;08;05
we sometimes think that we have a superior

00;26;08;22 – 00;26;13;02
understanding of something
because we can master our own language.

00;26;13;02 – 00;26;16;16
So the testimony I was giving you
as I started to tell you about

00;26;16;16 – 00;26;19;20
was that when I went to Vietnam,

00;26;19;20 – 00;26;22;22
now I’ve never traveled
internationally before,

00;26;22;22 – 00;26;24;14
like going to Jamaica once or twice.

00;26;24;14 – 00;26;28;01
I don’t count that as necessarily
traveling internationally,

00;26;29;01 – 00;26;33;00
but when I got there, I was in their main
city, Ho Chi Minh City.

00;26;33;12 – 00;26;39;23
And Ho Chi
Minh City is like New York City.

00;26;39;23 – 00;26;43;21
More like the
the yeah, it’s it’s like new.

00;26;43;22 – 00;26;46;12
I mean,
lots of tall buildings, lots of concrete.

00;26;47;18 – 00;26;48;11
They probably

00;26;48;11 – 00;26;52;09
obviously have a lot more green areas
and green spaces than New York City does.

00;26;52;09 – 00;26;56;10
But the traffic that people
around the coffee shops, shopping

00;26;56;26 – 00;27;01;17
businesses, it’s just, you know,
you feel like you were dropped

00;27;01;17 – 00;27;04;20
except for seeing all the motorcycles
instead of cars.

00;27;05;04 – 00;27;08;14
You’d feel like you’re
in a really big city.

00;27;08;14 – 00;27;11;23
You were in a big in the very big city.

00;27;11;23 – 00;27;14;06
They have a, what, like

00;27;14;06 – 00;27;16;01
2 million people in Minh City?

00;27;16;01 – 00;27;18;01
Astor They have a lot of people.

00;27;18;01 – 00;27;20;20
I mean, it’s it’s a packed step.

00;27;20;21 – 00;27;22;28
It’s a big city in Vietnam.

00;27;22;28 – 00;27;26;13
Yes, it’s packed.

00;27;26;13 – 00;27;28;05
So I remember when I first

00;27;28;05 – 00;27;31;02
got there and I’m walking around
and seeing all these people

00;27;31;15 – 00;27;35;08
and I’m like, oh, my gosh,
why are there so many Americans here?

00;27;36;09 – 00;27;37;19
So this is what I was doing,

00;27;37;19 – 00;27;40;11
because I saw people with white skin.

00;27;41;14 – 00;27;43;26
I just assumed that they were American.

00;27;43;26 – 00;27;45;02
You can laugh out loud.

00;27;45;02 – 00;27;47;26
You don’t have to let me know
you’re laughing.

00;27;47;26 – 00;27;50;22
But I just made the assumption, oh,
my gosh, look at all these Americans.

00;27;51;03 – 00;27;54;19
You know, I was like, wow, I didn’t
I didn’t know Ho Chi Minh City

00;27;54;19 – 00;27;58;17
was that popular then I’d stay around
long enough and I’d hear them

00;27;58;17 – 00;28;02;24
speaking different languages
or speaking English with an accent.

00;28;03;17 – 00;28;06;24
And it was always kind of

00;28;06;24 – 00;28;09;00
it was always kind of enlightening to me,

00;28;10;01 – 00;28;13;23
you know, to remember that, oh,
my gosh, Regina, you need to get out more,

00;28;14;17 – 00;28;18;01
you know, because you just made this
assumption that because they’re white,

00;28;18;01 – 00;28;21;10
they were American, like there were
no other white people in the whole world.

00;28;22;07 – 00;28;26;05
And that was just my lack of exposure,
right, to traveling.

00;28;27;08 – 00;28;30;24
And but then what was amazing

00;28;30;24 – 00;28;34;12
to me
was that in this Vietnamese country city

00;28;34;24 – 00;28;37;12
that there were so many people
from different nations

00;28;38;24 – 00;28;40;12
that it was a

00;28;40;12 – 00;28;43;23
a vacation spot, a travel destination,
a place to hang out

00;28;44;16 – 00;28;47;06
and like, who would ever thought
that that happened in Vietnam?

00;28;47;06 – 00;28;49;21
But, I mean, I never went outside
my country.

00;28;51;08 – 00;28;54;26
What was I
like by the time I went to Vietnam?

00;28;54;26 – 00;28;56;26
I was full.

00;28;57;08 – 00;29;05;01
Oh 45 Yeah, I was 45, you know.

00;29;05;01 – 00;29;06;28
So you grew up in one place.

00;29;06;28 – 00;29;08;24
Now, people could say that different parts

00;29;08;24 – 00;29;10;21
of the United States
have a different culture.

00;29;10;21 – 00;29;12;11
Okay. Yeah.

00;29;13;10 – 00;29;16;09
Mm. Sorta.

00;29;16;09 – 00;29;19;20
But and it’s not even the full continent,

00;29;19;20 – 00;29;20;16
When you look at cause

00;29;20;16 – 00;29;25;13
you’re kind of connected to South America
and then you can go up to Canada, but

00;29;28;09 – 00;29;29;04
what I loved

00;29;29;04 – 00;29;34;04
about being there and always
having a prayer, someone pray in a

00;29;34;17 – 00;29;36;22
a different language
and I wouldn’t recommend

00;29;36;22 – 00;29;39;04
having people praying in front line
unless you knew them spiritually

00;29;39;04 – 00;29;42;03
because you don’t want them
speaking something weird over you.

00;29;42;28 – 00;29;47;09
But it kind of reminds us
that language is so important.

00;29;48;14 – 00;29;52;00
And what I want to talk to you
about today,

00;29;52;00 – 00;29;56;26
and we’re going to use this tool,
the Blue Letter Bible today,

00;29;57;09 – 00;30;00;28
because I want to just
show you a few things and how to use it,

00;30;02;01 – 00;30;06;26
because it’s going to be so helpful
for you.

00;30;08;15 – 00;30;10;19
And I’m going to share with you

00;30;10;19 – 00;30;13;29
some of the names of the people
that I study with

00;30;15;00 – 00;30;19;16
that you can find in a ton of their
material online for free.

00;30;21;04 – 00;30;22;28
And this is important as

00;30;22;28 – 00;30;26;13
you I hope as you
we go through this class today

00;30;26;24 – 00;30;29;26
and you see how much you do not know

00;30;30;22 – 00;30;37;14
about your Bible
because you do not speak Hebrew.

00;30;37;14 – 00;30;41;07
So I realize that

00;30;41;07 – 00;30;44;27
if you’re using your phone for clubhouse

00;30;45;13 – 00;30;50;07
and to look at this app, it may be hard
for you to switch back and forth.

00;30;50;07 – 00;30;52;25
So I understand that.

00;30;52;25 – 00;30;55;18
So I’m going to try to

00;30;55;18 – 00;30;57;11
make sure that I give you time to

00;30;57;11 – 00;31;00;21
to go to it.

00;31;00;21 – 00;31;04;11
So what I would like you to do is

00;31;05;11 – 00;31;10;15
you can click on that link above.

00;31;10;15 – 00;31;13;13
Oh, okay, great. During

00;31;13;25 – 00;31;15;20
you can click on now

00;31;15;20 – 00;31;18;16
sometimes the obviously
we all know this right

00;31;18;21 – 00;31;25;06
layout on your phone will be a little bit
different than layout on a laptop.

00;31;25;06 – 00;31;28;01
So I’m going to try
to guide you through this.

00;31;28;01 – 00;31;31;24
But what I do want you to do
is if you’ve not already clicked on that

00;31;31;24 – 00;31;35;19
link, please go to blue letter bible

00;31;35;24 – 00;31;39;25
dot org.

00;31;39;25 – 00;31;45;23
Please go to blue letter bible dot org.

00;31;45;23 – 00;31;47;05
And we’re going to look at

00;31;50;24 – 00;31;53;11
some important things.

00;31;53;22 – 00;31;56;21
So up in the space where it says

00;31;56;21 – 00;31;59;29
verse or words,
I want you to just type in,

00;32;01;18 – 00;32;03;17
I ask a if you just type

00;32;03;17 – 00;32;06;10
in a first few words,
because we’re going to go to Isaiah 56.

00;32;07;05 – 00;32;10;07
But if you just type in Issei

00;32;10;07 – 00;32;12;19
and then five, six,

00;32;12;28 – 00;32;16;05
what you’ll notice is that to the right

00;32;17;15 – 00;32;19;14
there’s a little dropdown

00;32;19;14 – 00;32;21;23
and it probably defaults to KJV,

00;32;23;05 – 00;32;26;02
which is the King James version.

00;32;26;02 – 00;32;30;05
If you click on that,
you will see that there are many different

00;32;30;05 – 00;32;34;19
translations in here,
which is cool, right?

00;32;34;19 – 00;32;36;21
And I think you should check them out.

00;32;36;21 – 00;32;38;26
There’s so much is a very powerful app.

00;32;38;26 – 00;32;41;09
We’re not going to go through everything,

00;32;41;09 – 00;32;44;01
but there are some key things that I do
want to show you.

00;32;44;21 – 00;32;49;21
So KJV, if you want to try ESV or CSP,

00;32;50;20 – 00;32;51;17
whatever, does it

00;32;51;17 – 00;32;54;14
matter to me what version you go to?

00;32;55;14 – 00;32;55;27

00;32;56;00 – 00;32;58;11
So just hit go or hit enter.

00;32;59;03 – 00;33;01;23
And we should be in Isaiah

00;33;01;27 – 00;33;05;06
chapter 56.

00;33;05;06 – 00;33;07;10
So you should click on the Blue Letter
Bible link

00;33;08;17 – 00;33;11;16
type in Issa
or you can type in the whole word Isaiah.

00;33;11;16 – 00;33;13;22
But if you spell it wrong,
they’re not going to find it for you

00;33;14;03 – 00;33;16;26
to just put in is a 56

00;33;17;07 – 00;33;20;14
and it’ll bring you up to

00;33;21;18 – 00;33;24;23
Isaiah 56.

00;33;24;23 – 00;33;29;27
So by each verse

00;33;30;17 – 00;33;33;07
you’ll see there’s a little box
that says tools.

00;33;33;25 – 00;33;36;17
There’s a lot of stuff in that box,
and we’re not going to go over it

00;33;36;17 – 00;33;42;19
because I, you, I, I promised myself
and I’ll say this commitment out loud

00;33;42;19 – 00;33;45;22
so that I do it,
that I’m going to do some teaching videos.

00;33;45;22 – 00;33;46;24
There’s a lot of teaching videos

00;33;46;24 – 00;33;49;28
out on Blue Letter Bible
if if you can’t wait for me to do mine.

00;33;51;02 – 00;33;51;25
But there’s a lot of

00;33;51;25 – 00;33;55;04
teaching that is even from Blue Letter
Bible themselves on YouTube

00;33;55;23 – 00;33;58;08
and they walk you through
which screenshots and everything on

00;33;58;08 – 00;34;00;17
how to how to use this.

00;34;02;09 – 00;34;04;10
What I want you to do is there’s a there

00;34;04;10 – 00;34;07;10
you should see the words Strong’s

00;34;07;16 – 00;34;10;29
G apostrophe S and a little checkbox.

00;34;11;18 – 00;34;15;10
Whether you’re looking on your laptop,
it’s probably right underneath

00;34;15;29 – 00;34;18;12
where you entered the verse.

00;34;18;12 – 00;34;22;11
If you’re looking at your phone,
it might say Isaiah 56

00;34;22;11 – 00;34;26;02
than to Collins in King James version, KJV

00;34;26;23 – 00;34;29;21
and then there should be a little box
that says Strong’s

00;34;30;14 – 00;34;33;19
Click that box.

00;34;33;19 – 00;34;36;13
And what happens is

00;34;36;13 – 00;34;38;22
it shows you

00;34;38;22 – 00;34;43;09
the Strong’s references for each word
just about or phrase.

00;34;43;23 – 00;34;48;23
So you’ll see this pop up with now these
little numbers H and some four numbers.

00;34;49;29 – 00;34;50;25
Is there anyone

00;34;50;25 – 00;34;54;24
that’s lost?

00;34;54;24 – 00;34;56;06
I know you’re looking at the apps.

00;34;56;06 – 00;34;58;09
You can come back and talk to me,

00;34;59;25 – 00;35;01;22
but if you’re lost,

00;35;01;22 – 00;35;04;29
just come back
and tell me or say, scuse me,

00;35;05;21 – 00;35;08;12
you know, and we’ll help you stay with us,

00;35;10;03 – 00;35;12;06

00;35;12;06 – 00;35;16;29
Can can you repeat the thing
you want us to set on the blue Bible?

00;35;17;12 – 00;35;19;27
I want you to put Isaiah 56.

00;35;19;27 – 00;35;23;18
So just type in I as a space five six

00;35;24;12 – 00;35;26;12
and hit enter or hit go.

00;35;27;03 – 00;35;29;17
And it will bring you to the chapter

00;35;29;17 – 00;35;32;06
of Isaiah 56

00;35;32;17 – 00;35;35;01
once you’re there.

00;35;35;16 – 00;35;35;22

00;35;35;22 – 00;35;41;13
Let me get your view
a minute to get there.

00;35;41;13 – 00;35;44;10
Once you are there, there is.

00;35;44;10 – 00;35;46;15
If you look below still at the top,

00;35;47;07 – 00;35;50;00
there’s a word called Strong’s
and there’s a checkbox.

00;35;50;00 – 00;35;54;06
And if you click the checkbox,
all these Strong’s numbers will show up.

00;35;54;22 – 00;35;57;29
This is a concordance.

00;35;57;29 – 00;36;05;17
So you’ll see H in like four numbers,
sometimes three, and it’ll just pop up

00;36;05;17 – 00;36;11;25
once you hit that checkbox there, there,
if you click the checkbox, they go away.

00;36;11;25 – 00;36;13;19
But I want you to hit the checkbox

00;36;15;02 – 00;36;17;24
so that you see all these numbers.

00;36;17;24 – 00;36;21;09
What this means
is that for each English word or phrase

00;36;21;09 – 00;36;27;02
that you’re seeing,
there’s a Hebrew word or phrase behind it.

00;36;27;02 – 00;36;30;28
And if you know anything about language,
you do know that

00;36;32;23 – 00;36;36;26
sometimes one word cannot explain

00;36;37;00 – 00;36;41;08
what the original word means, right?

00;36;41;15 – 00;36;46;05
And nothing is ever exactly
a direct translation

00;36;46;19 – 00;36;50;04
unless maybe you’re
talking about like colors.

00;36;50;04 – 00;36;52;21
I remember when I took Spanish, like,

00;36;52;21 – 00;36;55;26
I think blue is ASL and red is real.

00;36;57;19 – 00;36;58;27
I think green is.

00;36;58;27 – 00;37;00;22
I can’t even remember.

00;37;00;22 – 00;37;04;22
But, you know, except for things
like like car or I can’t even say car

00;37;04;22 – 00;37;07;20
because this but like colors for instance

00;37;09;04 – 00;37;12;01
if you say the color and they say
the color, it means the same thing.

00;37;12;20 – 00;37;17;02
But as we were giving the example last
week about hungry, about being I’m hungry,

00;37;18;02 – 00;37;19;08
the literal

00;37;19;08 – 00;37;22;21
translation of I’m hungry
in Vietnamese is I’m empty.

00;37;24;02 – 00;37;26;23
So if they translate that to you,
if you see it written

00;37;26;23 – 00;37;31;26
and they translate it literally,
what it means is, I am hungry, I am empty.

00;37;32;07 – 00;37;34;10
You’d be like, Well, what does that mean?

00;37;34;10 – 00;37;36;00
Well, that’s how they say, I’m hungry.

00;37;36;00 – 00;37;37;11
They say I’m empty.

00;37;37;11 – 00;37;39;20
They there’s no hungry.

00;37;39;20 – 00;37;42;23
Word. So

00;37;45;07 – 00;37;46;12
we’re here now.

00;37;46;12 – 00;37;49;14
And Isaiah 56

00;37;49;28 – 00;37;53;06
and what I want you to notice
as you just kind of scroll down,

00;37;54;00 – 00;37;57;13
is there’s the word lord in all caps

00;38;00;11 – 00;38;03;25
and that word Lord is h.

00;38;04;09 – 00;38;06;11
And you can zoom in if it’s too small.

00;38;06;17 – 00;38;09;18
Just, you know, zoom, zoom in so you can

00;38;09;22 – 00;38;11;24
you can see better
if it’s too small on your phone.

00;38;13;19 – 00;38;17;01
So the word Lord h3068

00;38;18;12 – 00;38;20;22
if you scroll down,

00;38;20;22 – 00;38;22;14
you’ll see

00;38;23;18 – 00;38;25;05
that Lord

00;38;26;01 – 00;38;28;25
for the most part, the capital l0rd

00;38;31;22 – 00;38;38;00
is h3068.

00;38;38;00 – 00;38;38;21

00;38;39;00 – 00;38;46;22
Anyone not seeing that?

00;38;46;22 – 00;38;50;24
What I want you to do
is click on any one of the h3068

00;38;50;24 – 00;38;55;10
if you just click on it,

00;38;55;10 – 00;39;00;18
it’s going to have the lexicon
in the Strong’s h3068

00;39;01;05 – 00;39;03;28
and it will say something like,

00;39;03;28 – 00;39;12;14
Yeah, Hova.

00;39;12;14 – 00;39;21;29
And then it has the Hebrew written.

00;39;21;29 – 00;39;23;25
There’s a whole bunch of other things.

00;39;23;25 – 00;39;30;10
We are not getting into all those things.

00;39;30;10 – 00;39;31;06
Go ahead, Esther.

00;39;31;06 – 00;39;34;02
You came off mic. What you want to say?

00;39;34;06 – 00;39;34;22

00;39;34;22 – 00;39;38;05
You know, you hold that exact mic

00;39;39;10 – 00;39;43;03
into the Bible language, my own language.

00;39;43;18 – 00;39;46;07
Is that exactly like that, right?

00;39;46;07 – 00;39;51;00
Like that’s why we need h0vs.

00;39;51;22 – 00;39;53;24
Yeah. Awesome.

00;39;53;24 – 00;39;55;14
Thank you for that, because

00;39;58;07 – 00;39;58;26
one of the things

00;39;58;26 – 00;40;01;15
we want to talk about a little bit
today is the name

00;40;03;01 – 00;40;07;15
and I’m going to give you some reference,
like I said, studying

00;40;07;26 – 00;40;12;07
or coming up to understand
what is the name of your Hova and why?

00;40;12;07 – 00;40;16;26
It’s important to know that it’s it’s
not something that I can teach you.

00;40;16;26 – 00;40;21;13
So I’m not a Hebrew scholar, number one,
and even the Hebrew scholars

00;40;21;20 – 00;40;24;15
and I’m not just talking
about a Hebrew scholar who

00;40;25;20 – 00;40;28;04
studied some Hebrew.

00;40;28;04 – 00;40;30;15
I am talking about someone who can

00;40;31;03 – 00;40;35;02
speak and read and write in Hebrew.

00;40;35;02 – 00;40;37;14
So I’m not going to say Hebrew
scholar anymore because

00;40;38;02 – 00;40;40;25
we’ve got people who are professors
who studied,

00;40;41;07 – 00;40;48;03
you know, some Hebrew
and they think they’re Hebrew scholar.

00;40;48;03 – 00;40;50;17
You need to know the culture.

00;40;51;04 – 00;40;54;20
And I promise you, throughout this class,
I’m going to give you some information.

00;40;54;20 – 00;40;58;27
I’ll put some links in the chat
so that you can look and listen

00;40;58;27 – 00;41;02;12
to some people
who are Hebrew scholars for real,

00;41;02;24 – 00;41;07;13
who know culture, who have studied it,
not just for five years.

00;41;07;26 – 00;41;12;15
Most of the people that I am studying with
and reading their material,

00;41;12;27 – 00;41;16;21
they’ve been Hebrew
scholars reading, speaking, writing.

00;41;16;21 – 00;41;21;03
And when they teach, they read the Hebrew
and they talk about it in English.

00;41;21;15 – 00;41;23;23
All right.
So it won’t be difficult to follow.

00;41;24;02 – 00;41;29;15
And so they’ve been doing this
for 25 plus years, Hebrew,

00;41;30;14 – 00;41;32;23
not just reading the concordance

00;41;33;16 – 00;41;35;29
and trying to tell you what the word is,

00;41;36;28 – 00;41;39;23
not just giving their own thoughts
about it.

00;41;40;03 – 00;41;44;24
And they’ve studied Hebrew for three
or four years.

00;41;44;24 – 00;41;50;00
These are people who’ve written books
and there’s spirit of discernment.

00;41;50;00 – 00;41;52;07
I trust them and I’ll get to that later.

00;41;52;07 – 00;41;55;22
But anyways, let’s look at Jehovah

00;41;56;19 – 00;42;00;04
and so the capital l0rd

00;42;01;11 – 00;42;04;15
now we’ve seen this is how

00;42;05;02 – 00;42;08;27
it’s written in our English Bibles

00;42;09;06 – 00;42;13;19
and you can click those
if you’re looking at on your laptop,

00;42;14;01 – 00;42;17;21
you have a much wider view and it, it,

00;42;18;07 – 00;42;20;13
it lays out differently a little bit.

00;42;20;29 – 00;42;23;20
If you’re looking on your phone,

00;42;23;20 – 00;42;25;27
you actually have to hit the plus sign

00;42;25;27 – 00;42;30;20
by show Strong’s info.

00;42;30;20 – 00;42;32;29
So when you click Show Strong’s info,

00;42;34;20 – 00;42;36;28
it gives you some information.

00;42;37;17 – 00;42;43;16
It’s message taken from h1961.

00;42;44;04 – 00;42;46;13
It’s the self existent or eternal.

00;42;46;28 – 00;42;51;09
It’ll say Jehovah with a J
Jewish national name of God,

00;42;51;28 – 00;42;55;16
the Lord, and it’ll tell you to compare

00;42;56;26 – 00;42;59;07
now one.

00;43;01;01 – 00;43;04;23
We need to understand
that is not the Jewish

00;43;04;23 – 00;43;10;29
national name of God,
it is the Hebrew name of God.

00;43;10;29 – 00;43;14;24
Some of us sit under the same apostle
or teaching so and

00;43;15;20 – 00;43;20;11
and some of us have known this from before
we ever came together in a congregation

00;43;20;11 – 00;43;23;22
All right,
so I’m just going to kind of make

00;43;23;22 – 00;43;25;27
the assumption that

00;43;27;16 – 00;43;31;01
we’re kind of just renewing,
just refreshing our our memory.

00;43;31;19 – 00;43;32;25
All right.

00;43;33;21 – 00;43;36;06
So the Jews,

00;43;36;06 – 00;43;40;04
as far as an ethnicity,

00;43;40;04 – 00;43;45;07
they don’t happen till after Solomon, when

00;43;46;09 – 00;43;48;11
Elohim, when God

00;43;48;20 – 00;43;51;12
created the universe, there was just one.

00;43;51;13 – 00;43;53;23
It was Adam and Eve and that was it.

00;43;53;23 – 00;43;56;26
And this kind of basically one language.

00;43;56;26 – 00;43;59;08
Now, when children were born,

00;44;00;06 – 00;44;02;19
we can tell
if you ever read any of the genealogies.

00;44;02;19 – 00;44;06;04
Right, that these children went off
to create nations.

00;44;06;04 – 00;44;07;13
So when you get the sites

00;44;07;13 – 00;44;11;10
and the parasites in the Canaanites,
in the Hittites, in the heavy

00;44;12;01 – 00;44;15;16
and the Amala kites, they are nations

00;44;15;16 – 00;44;19;17
that came from children.

00;44;19;17 – 00;44;22;13
But for the most part,
everybody spoke the same language

00;44;22;13 – 00;44;27;29
until the Tower of Babel.

00;44;27;29 – 00;44;32;28
And the first time we even see anything
identified with Abraham being the Hebrew

00;44;34;07 – 00;44;38;07
is in Genesis around that

00;44;38;07 – 00;44;42;00
time with the story of Melchizedek
or when they took a lot,

00;44;43;02 – 00;44;45;10
the people identified him as.

00;44;45;10 – 00;44;48;17
Abraham The Hebrew and Hebrew meant

00;44;48;17 – 00;44;51;02
that you crossed the river,
that you were a foreigner.

00;44;52;15 – 00;44;55;01
That’s all.

00;44;55;01 – 00;44;57;25
But that was the language

00;44;58;09 – 00;45;02;00
that he was
speaking probably, or Chaldean, whatever.

00;45;02;00 – 00;45;04;03
That language was

00;45;04;08 – 00;45;09;28
probably obviously Hebrew because
we’re we’re following this this line.

00;45;11;19 – 00;45;14;17
My point is, is that

00;45;15;02 – 00;45;17;09
how do we know

00;45;17;18 – 00;45;19;21
about the name

00;45;20;23 – 00;45;23;03
and how do we we’ve been taught

00;45;23;03 – 00;45;26;12
a lot of things about

00;45;26;12 – 00;45;27;25

00;45;28;18 – 00;45;31;27
about Jewishness by the Jewish Bible

00;45;33;04 – 00;45;38;03
and can you guys still hear me?

00;45;38;03 – 00;45;41;17
I just got a read far.

00;45;41;17 – 00;45;44;17
I can hear you. Okay.

00;45;44;17 – 00;45;45;19
Shabbat shalom, brother.

00;45;45;19 – 00;45;49;19
Nicholas, good to see you.

00;45;49;19 – 00;45;52;28
It will let me invite up Esther,
our major daughter.

00;45;52;28 – 00;45;59;05
Will you send an invite to Nicholas
for me, please?

00;45;59;05 – 00;46;01;10
Oh, you might be on the other screen.

00;46;01;10 – 00;46;07;12
Okay, let me try it again.

00;46;07;12 – 00;46;08;13
Oh, no.

00;46;08;22 – 00;46;10;01
Well, let me.

00;46;10;01 – 00;46;14;05
Nicholas, if you want to come up, just
raise your hand and we’ll bring you up.

00;46;14;05 – 00;46;19;07
Sir, join us in conversation. So

00;46;23;13 – 00;46;25;03

00;46;27;25 – 00;46;29;19
is that

00;46;29;20 – 00;46;35;00
pronunciation for those Hebrew letters

00;46;35;00 – 00;46;38;29
that you’re looking at
that look like a little house?

00;46;38;29 – 00;46;40;14
Looked like it.

00;46;40;14 – 00;46;43;04
Well, now they remember
they read from right to left.

00;46;43;17 – 00;46;46;06
So it looks like a comma.

00;46;46;06 – 00;46;49;11
There may maybe like a little house
and then,

00;46;50;00 – 00;46;52;29
I don’t know, like a

00;46;52;29 – 00;46;55;15
little line and then like another house.

00;46;55;20 – 00;46;58;16
And then you’ll see underneath
that there are two dots,

00;46;58;21 – 00;47;01;04
then like a little t
and then a dot the top.

00;47;02;07 – 00;47;07;28
So these four letters are consonants.

00;47;07;28 – 00;47;11;07
And you’ve heard us say, Yo, hey, hey,

00;47;12;04 – 00;47;16;13
yo, is the comma, hey, is the little house

00;47;17;27 – 00;47;18;06

00;47;18;06 – 00;47;22;05
It looks like a little house with a little
like had a window or something.

00;47;23;08 – 00;47;26;15
Vov is that third letter remember

00;47;26;15 – 00;47;29;16
I’m count I’m going from right to left.

00;47;31;05 – 00;47;33;09
Yo, hey, hey.

00;47;34;11 – 00;47;37;15
Which is the y h v h.

00;47;38;11 – 00;47;40;29
Now sometimes I want to.

00;47;41;12 – 00;47;45;04
Sometimes it’s y h w h

00;47;46;10 – 00;47;48;06
and that’s just about is it vov or

00;47;48;06 – 00;47;51;09
wha is it with a V or with a W?

00;47;52;11 – 00;47;54;09
And like sometimes when you hear someone

00;47;54;09 – 00;47;57;16
say Abraham, they say, Abraham, right?

00;47;58;01 – 00;48;00;15
Instead of a B, they use a V sound.

00;48;00;26 – 00;48;03;11
And it’s just all about language,
that’s all.

00;48;03;27 – 00;48;06;13
Nothing super spiritual, but

00;48;07;27 – 00;48;10;05
what happened is

00;48;12;06 – 00;48;15;29
there was a lot of oral tradition.

00;48;16;03 – 00;48;20;29
If you just think about oral
speaking with the hieroglyphics, right?

00;48;20;29 – 00;48;22;08
Drawing, pictures, talking.

00;48;22;08 – 00;48;25;04
But when they talked,
they knew what they were talking about.

00;48;25;18 – 00;48;28;18
And so you’ll see that

00;48;28;18 – 00;48;30;15
well originally happen when we when

00;48;30;15 – 00;48;36;03
they started finding or translating
or making Hebrew available to us

00;48;36;09 – 00;48;38;23
who are not Hebrew, that
we could actually see what it looked like.

00;48;39;06 – 00;48;40;11
Right. That

00;48;41;21 – 00;48;43;23
it didn’t always have the little dots.

00;48;44;21 – 00;48;44;27

00;48;44;27 – 00;48;49;19
It was just the four consonants you’d
have of hey, and you knew the language.

00;48;49;19 – 00;48;51;17
So you knew what that meant, right?

00;48;51;17 – 00;48;52;25
So if

00;48;53;09 – 00;48;55;23
we all speak English here,

00;48;55;23 – 00;48;58;07
so if we said can’t

00;49;00;04 – 00;49;02;05
see an apostrophe T

00;49;04;11 – 00;49;06;18
well, we know that that

00;49;06;18 – 00;49;10;00
the apostrophe means cannot write.

00;49;10;00 – 00;49;14;28
It’s actually two words can and not
but basically we’re kind of

00;49;15;07 – 00;49;17;09
they cut out the extra and in the O

00;49;18;21 – 00;49;20;27
so when they’re writing here

00;49;20;27 – 00;49;25;01
we’re seeing all the consonants
and the little dots are the vowel sounds.

00;49;25;29 – 00;49;29;28
So the two dots at the bottom,
the T at the bottom, the at the top,

00;49;31;09 – 00;49;34;05
that’s just telling you which vowels

00;49;34;05 – 00;49;39;15
to use with those consonants.

00;49;39;15 – 00;49;41;03
That’s, that’s all.

00;49;41;03 – 00;49;44;06
And so lots of different continents
and that’s what the dots

00;49;44;06 – 00;49;48;05
and the things were
because when they were translating it,

00;49;48;05 – 00;49;52;04
the Jews believe now we’re talking Jews
because they were Jews by then,

00;49;52;27 – 00;49;55;04
that they should not add or take away

00;49;55;18 – 00;49;58;05
from the Hebrew Bible.

00;49;59;05 – 00;50;01;09
They shouldn’t
add anything or take anything away.

00;50;01;09 – 00;50;05;29
But as they got further away
from their native language and speaking

00;50;07;24 – 00;50;10;27
No. One, because they weren’t speaking
all the time they were into captivity,

00;50;10;27 – 00;50;14;12
we see that a lot, right
in the Old Testament that they were,

00;50;14;25 – 00;50;19;00
you know, Daniel Babylon
taken into captivity.

00;50;19;16 – 00;50;21;05
They kind of lost.

00;50;21;05 – 00;50;24;24
So when later on,
when people went back to translate,

00;50;25;10 – 00;50;28;09
they didn’t want to add or take away

00;50;28;09 – 00;50;30;21
from the number of characters

00;50;31;18 – 00;50;33;18
in their Hebrew Bible.

00;50;33;27 – 00;50;37;02
So they put the dots
and the teeth underneath it.

00;50;37;17 – 00;50;42;01
So they never really added they never
made it longer than it should be.

00;50;42;08 – 00;50;47;24
Rachel If one line only had ten characters
in it, by putting the little dots

00;50;47;24 – 00;50;52;16
and dashes above and below,
they were able to still keep that line.

00;50;52;16 – 00;50;53;23
Ten characters.

00;50;53;23 – 00;50;56;18
But now the vowels were there
and we’re like, Oh,

00;50;56;18 – 00;50;59;23
now we know how to pronounce it.

00;50;59;23 – 00;51;04;00
Okay, all right.

00;51;04;00 – 00;51;09;03
Just a little to let us know that like,
wow, there’s a lot going on

00;51;10;02 – 00;51;11;15
with this

00;51;11;25 – 00;51;14;02
for the most part.

00;51;14;02 – 00;51;17;11
For Hebrews,

00;51;17;12 – 00;51;21;23
the name is pronounced
how they understand it to be.

00;51;21;23 – 00;51;22;24
And we’re not going to get into

00;51;22;24 – 00;51;26;15
to be about and there’s no need to debate
about you, Hova and Yahweh,

00;51;27;01 – 00;51;30;17
because we’re talking about the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

00;51;31;13 – 00;51;35;16
and for our conversations right now, I’m
where it should all be good with that.

00;51;35;29 – 00;51;40;00
And people who join our circle
and only say, Lord, they don’t say Yahweh,

00;51;40;06 – 00;51;43;13
they don’t say Jehovah,
but they read exactly what they see.

00;51;44;06 – 00;51;46;11
There’s nothing wrong with that.

00;51;47;26 – 00;51;49;14
We’re all talking about the God of

00;51;49;14 – 00;51;51;29
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and

00;51;53;08 – 00;51;55;20
we are not Hebrew scholars.

00;51;57;03 – 00;51;59;04
Okay, so

00;52;02;00 – 00;52;04;01
let’s go back.

00;52;04;01 – 00;52;07;25
You should be able to, you know,
hit your arrow and, like, go back a page

00;52;08;08 – 00;52;14;11
and you should get back to the verse.

00;52;14;11 – 00;52;20;11
What’s important to understand here is
that using this, if you’re ever not sure

00;52;21;25 – 00;52;24;08
what the word is,

00;52;24;17 – 00;52;27;24
just put it in here,
put in the put in the verse

00;52;28;15 – 00;52;31;12
and click the Strong’s button.

00;52;31;12 – 00;52;34;25
Because you know how sometimes you see
Lord Little L.

00;53;15;22 – 00;53;16;12
Right in

00;53;16;12 – 00;53;20;18
the Internet is drop out and okay, here.

00;53;21;09 – 00;53;23;16
I’m back. Sorry.

00;53;23;16 – 00;53;27;17
Like I said, I was getting red bars
and it totally kicked me out the app,

00;53;27;17 – 00;53;31;13
so I had to refresh. So

00;53;33;24 – 00;53;36;22
we are going to

00;53;37;14 – 00;53;39;26
continue with

00;53;40;22 – 00;53;44;29
just having our discussion about,
as we’ve been talking about in Exodus 17

00;53;44;29 – 00;53;48;06
and talking about the relationship
with Yahweh,

00;53;48;15 – 00;53;51;28
with your Hova, with the Lord.

00;53;51;28 – 00;53;54;22
But because we all come

00;53;54;22 – 00;53;59;25
from different teachers.

00;53;59;25 – 00;54;02;17
Yeah, no, it was me. I dropped out

00;54;02;17 – 00;54;04;15
because we all come
from a different background

00;54;04;15 – 00;54;07;25
and different teachers
and have different beliefs.

00;54;07;25 – 00;54;09;23
I wanted to show you this tool

00;54;11;08 – 00;54;12;21

00;54;13;12 – 00;54;17;26
I want you to be able to at least begin

00;54;18;20 – 00;54;22;04
right as you’re reading
through your Bible to say, Huh,

00;54;23;01 – 00;54;26;13
I wonder who they’re talking about.

00;54;26;13 – 00;54;28;10
Hey, and so

00;54;28;20 – 00;54;30;25
you can do that

00;54;30;27 – 00;54;33;17
by clicking on this

00;54;34;19 – 00;54;38;00
now, how many of you

00;54;41;28 – 00;54;44;05
have always when you saw the Lord,

00;54;45;08 – 00;54;47;17
knew that it it wasn’t really

00;54;47;17 – 00;54;51;02
the name of God.

00;54;51;02 – 00;54;53;28
I mean, when I was in Christian,
I went to a Christian

00;54;54;14 – 00;54;57;06
high school, Lutheran schools, college.

00;54;57;25 – 00;55;00;21
No one ever told me

00;55;01;08 – 00;55;03;09
that the Lord

00;55;03;12 – 00;55;06;15
was not really the name

00;55;06;15 – 00;55;11;06
anyone else.

00;55;11;06 – 00;55;12;19
I never knew it at all.

00;55;12;19 – 00;55;17;01
Never knew it at all
until I came on to apostles

00;55;18;22 – 00;55;19;16

00;55;19;16 – 00;55;24;29
Never had any idea whatsoever.

00;55;24;29 – 00;55;26;08
Okay, you’re not. Thank you.

00;55;26;08 – 00;55;32;08
I think that I’m lucky because
even in Vietnamese and in 80 languages,

00;55;32;08 – 00;55;38;11
in my own language, the the word is Z
whole that is will translate.

00;55;38;21 – 00;55;44;09
And then when it’s call God is dual
and then Jehovah is the name.

00;55;44;26 – 00;55;47;27
So I can see it very clear but

00;55;49;03 – 00;55;51;15
just I don’t know,

00;55;51;15 – 00;55;54;12
the Jehovah is God’s name, you know.

00;55;55;05 – 00;55;58;28
And until I study with Apple Show
and then he said that

00;55;59;04 – 00;56;03;21
yeah we and then I thought
that the translate is the wrong

00;56;04;02 – 00;56;06;18
because is, is not Jehovah

00;56;07;00 – 00;56;11;04
and now you get me the blue letter Bible
and it translates

00;56;11;04 – 00;56;16;14
to whole that just exactly
how we transmit in our language.

00;56;17;02 – 00;56;20;05
So that is interesting for me.

00;56;20;05 – 00;56;22;28
Yes. I’m Regina. Mm.

00;56;23;14 – 00;56;25;25
I need to make a correction.

00;56;25;25 – 00;56;27;29
It’s simple. I make the correction.

00;56;27;29 – 00;56;31;10
It’s not that it wasn’t mentioned
that I never knew it.

00;56;32;01 – 00;56;35;24
It was said, but there was no importance

00;56;36;26 – 00;56;39;14
applied to what was taught.

00;56;39;14 – 00;56;42;29
It was just information.

00;56;42;29 – 00;56;47;17
It’s like saying if you go to the shop,
you can buy that butter

00;56;47;26 – 00;56;51;25
and that type of butter if you choose.

00;56;51;25 – 00;56;53;29
But there wasn’t even any choice.

00;56;53;29 – 00;56;56;09
It was, we’re giving you information.

00;56;56;09 – 00;57;00;10
So I’m incorrect in what I said
because that’s how I felt.

00;57;00;26 – 00;57;04;02
And we’re looking at things
now that it wasn’t important

00;57;05;11 – 00;57;07;12
to apply.

00;57;07;17 – 00;57;09;28
And sometime probably my understanding

00;57;12;12 – 00;57;14;03
is sometime it does go down on somebody.

00;57;14;03 – 00;57;19;00
If you don’t have a teacher to sorta
imply that to you,

00;57;19;11 – 00;57;22;02
you think it’s just

00;57;22;03 – 00;57;24;05
a fly by night, so to speak.

00;57;24;05 – 00;57;26;08
I hope that makes it clear.
So I apologize.

00;57;26;20 – 00;57;29;23
So given the incorrect information,

00;57;30;09 – 00;57;33;12
thank you.

00;57;33;12 – 00;57;35;00
No problem, Doreen.

00;57;35;00 – 00;57;38;25
No problem at all.

00;57;38;25 – 00;57;39;06

00;57;39;06 – 00;57;41;26
So let’s go to number six

00;57;42;27 – 00;57;47;22
and we’re going to talk we’re going to see
some things about why it’s important.

00;57;47;22 – 00;57;53;01
Know his name.

00;57;53;01 – 00;57;56;15
So if you can go to number six, just type.

00;57;56;15 – 00;58;00;13
If you type in and you m space six
then hit enter

00;58;01;24 – 00;58;04;22
up in that little box
there, it’ll take you to number six.

00;58;04;22 – 00;58;21;13
And we’re going to scroll down to
I think it’s like 22.

00;58;21;13 – 00;58;25;08
So probably many of us have heard that

00;58;25;13 – 00;58;29;17
Eric blessing Aaron’s
benediction, they call it

00;58;32;23 – 00;58;35;10
and I’m going to read it.

00;58;36;02 – 00;58;40;23
And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,
speak unto Aaron and unto his son

00;58;40;23 – 00;58;45;05
saying On this wise, you shall bless
the children of Israel, saying unto them,

00;58;46;14 – 00;58;48;17
The Lord bless you and keep you

00;58;48;17 – 00;58;52;09
the Lord make His face shine upon the
and be gracious unto me.

00;58;52;21 – 00;58;57;08
The Lord lift up His countenance upon the
and give the peace,

00;58;57;28 – 00;59;01;13
and they shall put my name
upon the children of Israel,

00;59;01;26 – 00;59;06;06
and I will bless them.

00;59;06;06 – 00;59;09;17
It is very important that we know the name

00;59;11;00 – 00;59;15;18
and like I said, for our room
in our conversations where we are

00;59;16;01 – 00;59;20;07
your way, your Hova,

00;59;20;07 – 00;59;24;29
Yehuda, Yehuda,
who we’re not going to argue over that

00;59;27;03 – 00;59;29;00
because we’re all talking

00;59;29;00 – 00;59;33;10
about the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Israel and Jacob Israel.

00;59;33;10 – 00;59;34;01

00;59;34;01 – 00;59;38;11
So as long as we’re all cool
with that, I’m cool with that.

00;59;38;11 – 00;59;40;20
And if you were reading a passage
and you say, Lord,

00;59;41;06 – 00;59;44;00
I don’t mind because I know we
we are here,

00;59;44;00 – 00;59;46;20
we know what we are talking about
in other rooms.

00;59;46;27 – 00;59;48;29
It may be different when you

00;59;49;24 – 00;59;53;26
you know, you just have to gauge yourself
by the environment you go in, right?

00;59;53;26 – 00;59;58;28
Some prayer groups or whatever
where I go, I don’t pray, Elohim.

00;59;59;09 – 01;00;01;17
I don’t even say, you show Hamas.

01;00;01;29 – 01;00;05;21
Sometimes I’ll just say, Jesus Christ,

01;00;05;21 – 01;00;09;14
you just adjust to wherever they are.

01;00;09;17 – 01;00;11;09
Because it’s not about making a fence.

01;00;11;09 – 01;00;13;12
It’s not about causing division.

01;00;14;27 – 01;00;15;21
I think

01;00;16;16 – 01;00;19;15
if you come into different studies
and if you’re looking for something,

01;00;19;15 – 01;00;22;29
you’ll find groups, you’ll find rooms
that are teaching about that.

01;00;23;19 – 01;00;25;18
So it’s important.

01;00;25;18 – 01;00;27;28
But what’s important
here is to know his name.

01;00;28;12 – 01;00;29;23
And so

01;00;30;15 – 01;00;33;22
we have to understand that he said
and Rachel

01;00;33;23 – 01;00;39;17
put my name upon the children of Israel
and I will bless them.

01;00;39;17 – 01;00;44;00
his name means putting his name in.

01;00;44;07 – 01;00;48;14
It’s speaking, proclaiming,

01;00;48;14 – 01;00;50;29
Turn on your strong

01;00;58;02 – 01;00;58;29

01;01;00;08 – 01;01;05;17
and you’ll see the the strong concordance.

01;01;05;17 – 01;01;08;27
Now let’s say I wanted to
better understand and they shall put

01;01;09;23 – 01;01;13;05
my name upon the children of Israel
and I will bless them.

01;01;13;24 – 01;01;19;23
Well, how does it what does it really mean
to put my name right?

01;01;19;23 – 01;01;25;15
So if you click on it, it’s h7760.

01;01;25;15 – 01;01;27;17
I’m in number 6 to 7.

01;01;29;02 – 01;01;30;14
Shabbat shalom, Andrea.

01;01;30;14 – 01;01;32;08
Shabbat shalom, Elder.

01;01;32;08 – 01;01;36;02
Good to have you.

01;01;36;02 – 01;01;38;03
Do you like to come up
and join our discussion?

01;01;38;27 – 01;01;42;22
Yes, Andrea, go ahead.

01;01;42;22 – 01;01;45;29
Oh, I was just acknowledging your
your greeting

01;01;49;09 – 01;01;51;20
of flushing
because I was acknowledging your greeting.

01;01;51;23 – 01;01;52;17
Thank you.

01;01;54;02 – 01;01;58;14
So if we look at eight seven,

01;01;58;14 – 01;02;02;26
760 now,
this is just a good place to start.

01;02;03;03 – 01;02;08;20
It doesn’t mean that you have mastered
the Hebrew at all, but it’s like

01;02;10;15 – 01;02;13;25
anyone looking at this
and you’re seeing, well,

01;02;14;21 – 01;02;16;22
there’s like

01;02;17;03 – 01;02;20;28
nine different words.

01;02;20;28 – 01;02;23;09
Yes, strong major daughter.

01;02;23;12 – 01;02;28;15
If you put the check in the Strong’s box,
all of a sudden what will happen is

01;02;28;15 – 01;02;33;10
you will see you may have stepped away
while I was teaching them how to use this.

01;02;34;06 – 01;02;35;17
If you put

01;02;36;01 – 01;02;37;25
hold on, everybody, just for a moment,

01;02;38;29 – 01;02;40;18
if you click

01;02;40;18 – 01;02;42;21
once you go into blue letter Bible,

01;02;44;14 – 01;02;45;05
that’s where we are.

01;02;45;05 – 01;02;47;27
Andreas We clicked on that
link on Blue Letter Bible

01;02;49;05 – 01;02;52;06
and we went to number six.

01;02;52;11 – 01;02;55;25
So if you just type in
and you Space six and hit enter,

01;02;56;03 – 01;03;01;16
it’ll bring you to the chapter of number
six and just at the top there should be

01;03;01;20 – 01;03;07;25
a word called Strong’s
with a checkbox to the left.

01;03;07;25 – 01;03;09;27
You’re on the app. Go to the.

01;03;10;28 – 01;03;11;24
Oh, you know what?

01;03;11;24 – 01;03;15;03
Because sometimes I understand
sometimes internet is not good.

01;03;15;03 – 01;03;17;02
So you downloaded the app?

01;03;17;02 – 01;03;19;09
Oh, anyone have the app?

01;03;19;26 – 01;03;21;29
I never use the app because.

01;03;23;13 – 01;03;25;00
Yes, I have the app.

01;03;25;00 – 01;03;28;10
You have the app. Where’s the strong.

01;03;28;10 – 01;03;32;27
Is it still there, Esther?

01;03;33;16 – 01;03;35;19
That’s what I was looking for
because I don’t know.

01;03;36;09 – 01;03;40;17
I never go to the app
and then you open the book

01;03;40;17 – 01;03;43;16
you want to read
and then you choose the verse,

01;03;44;03 – 01;03;47;00
and then you click on the verse
and then you go straight

01;03;47;14 – 01;03;50;14
and just wait for me, okay?

01;03;50;14 – 01;03;51;14
Choose a verse.

01;03;52;13 – 01;03;54;14
And then it was so you

01;03;55;19 – 01;03;59;07
line here
and then you just click on it as reads.

01;03;59;07 – 01;04;02;12
So you this strong.

01;04;02;12 – 01;04;05;20
So look for. Oh,

01;04;05;20 – 01;04;07;27
thank you, Esther.

01;04;08;03 – 01;04;10;17
Right, thank you, Esther.

01;04;11;02 – 01;04;14;02
Yeah, you can.

01;04;14;02 – 01;04;16;15
But it’s so it looks so complicated.

01;04;16;15 – 01;04;20;06
It’s not like I know, but yes.

01;04;20;10 – 01;04;22;26
I can’t get it. I can’t. I’m not.

01;04;22;26 – 01;04;23;15
Okay, so.

01;04;23;15 – 01;04;26;05
Okay, hold on. I know. Just hold on.

01;04;26;25 – 01;04;29;13
We want you to see, as you see

01;04;29;13 – 01;04;32;07
all those age and numbers,
is that what you’re seeing, Andrea?

01;04;33;24 – 01;04;36;18
I’m seeing a full page.

01;04;36;25 – 01;04;37;24
Oh, yeah.

01;04;37;24 – 01;04;38;09

01;04;38;09 – 01;04;42;12
Strong’s English Pass is that it?

01;04;42;20 – 01;04;43;15

01;04;44;02 – 01;04;46;21
First of all, it starts with

01;04;46;21 – 01;04;50;11
inflected root and transliterated
and it looks like Hebrew.

01;04;50;18 – 01;04;52;15
Then it’s got Strong’s
and it’s got the numbers

01;04;52;15 – 01;04;56;10
underneath the strings,
and then it’s got the English underneath,

01;04;56;13 – 01;04;59;07
and then some words under the English
and then something else.

01;04;59;17 – 01;05;02;20
Okay, so when you look at the word for

01;05;05;16 – 01;05;08;11
where are we, we’re in where are you
in number six?

01;05;08;11 – 01;05;10;27
Andrea Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.

01;05;10;27 – 01;05;16;27
And number 627 and I clicked on the 27
and that’s what I have

01;05;17;07 – 01;05;20;05
and I’m looking at first of all h77, six

01;05;20;05 – 01;05;23;15
oh and the English is and they shall put.

01;05;23;21 – 01;05;25;24
Yes, that’s exactly where we are.

01;05;26;16 – 01;05;28;19
Yeah. Sorry about that, ladies.

01;05;29;01 – 01;05;30;04
No, no, no, no.

01;05;30;04 – 01;05;31;27
We have nowhere to be.

01;05;31;27 – 01;05;34;06
We’re in no rush right.

01;05;34;06 – 01;05;37;10
Because as. You.

01;05;38;26 – 01;05;40;27
This is a good this very.

01;05;40;27 – 01;05;43;12
Good story.

01;05;44;18 – 01;05;47;15
I just want to cut and dry like that.

01;05;47;15 – 01;05;49;27
But when reaching that, it started for me,

01;05;50;28 – 01;05;54;04
the blue bible
I also don’t know how to use.

01;05;54;17 – 01;05;58;08
And then I just day by day
now I met on it,

01;05;59;12 – 01;06;00;12

01;06;00;12 – 01;06;02;05
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01;06;02;05 – 01;06;06;03
I don’t use this one
so it’s I’ll get used to it.

01;06;06;03 – 01;06;07;02
Thank you anyway. Yeah.

01;06;07;02 – 01;06;09;19
So you go on between. Yeah.

01;06;11;12 – 01;06;13;00
And so

01;06;14;25 – 01;06;17;06
we are
looking at and you’re seeing like wow

01;06;18;01 – 01;06;22;05
there’s all these different words
to put in place.

01;06;22;25 – 01;06;27;25
I don’t know if you see in parentheses
they have the qual q a l

01;06;28;12 – 01;06;31;04
and then they have like have fell
and ho fall

01;06;33;28 – 01;06;35;28
and the parentheses are no,
you can’t go back and forth

01;06;35;28 – 01;06;38;13
if you’re using your same phone. Sorry.

01;06;38;13 – 01;06;39;20
Sorry to interrupt.

01;06;39;20 – 01;06;43;24
Well, we know because what you’re talking
about is what I want to understand.

01;06;44;03 – 01;06;48;01
So which scripture in where
you’re finding all the filthy files,

01;06;48;08 – 01;06;50;19
however you pronounce them,
which scripture. And please.

01;06;51;00 – 01;06;54;04
We are number six versus seven

01;06;54;28 – 01;06;58;00
and we are down at the word put.

01;06;58;22 – 01;06;59;05

01;06;59;05 – 01;07;04;07
So which is H and what you can also
do since we gave you which is nice about

01;07;04;07 – 01;07;10;02
this is if you just type in h7760
instead of the actual.

01;07;10;04 – 01;07;14;21
So let’s so we go back to the verse,
scripture verse again number six, sorry.

01;07;15;02 – 01;07;17;06

  1. And what word.

01;07;17;20 – 01;07;19;25
Come in and click on it and then you

01;07;20;07 – 01;07;23;08
can so you sorry.

01;07;23;08 – 01;07;23;21

01;07;24;22 – 01;07;26;28
Three, seven, seven, six three.

01;07;27;24 – 01;07;28;15
Yeah I’m aware of that.

01;07;28;15 – 01;07;30;18
I was just waiting for Regina to finish
because of that.

01;07;30;23 – 01;07;34;11
First of all, I just wanted to know the
because she’s come on something

01;07;34;11 – 01;07;37;14
which I need to and why is it not okay?

01;07;37;14 – 01;07;38;24
There it is. Right.

01;07;38;24 – 01;07;39;05

01;07;39;05 – 01;07;42;15
So, Regina,
you were talking about Clarence Sterling.

01;07;42;15 – 01;07;46;16
How far if I’m pronouncing it properly,
you’re going to go through that now?

01;07;46;16 – 01;07;50;04
Because that’s one of the things when
I’ve been looking at the letter Bible,

01;07;50;14 – 01;07;53;16
what does the obviously it’s
giving me different meanings,

01;07;53;25 – 01;07;56;23
but why those particular words there?

01;07;56;23 – 01;08;02;03
Are they different types of Hebrew
pronunciations or whatever?

01;08;02;07 – 01;08;05;29
So I’m going to lead you to explain
that to me if you kindly do that.

01;08;05;29 – 01;08;07;11
I appreciate it. Thank you.

01;08;08;18 – 01;08;09;21

01;08;09;26 – 01;08;14;07
So, again,
I am in the process of learning Hebrew.

01;08;14;25 – 01;08;19;03
And like I said, I’m going to do a my own

01;08;19;03 – 01;08;23;14
few videos on the blue on the Bible,
but you can do research on it.

01;08;24;02 – 01;08;26;16
But what I do understand

01;08;26;16 – 01;08;28;24
is that those are talking about

01;08;30;03 – 01;08;32;06
the verb tense.

01;08;32;06 – 01;08;33;00
So back to low.

01;08;33;00 – 01;08;38;27
Minister Jackie, good to see you.

01;08;38;27 – 01;08;43;06
Those are talking about the verb tense. So

01;08;46;03 – 01;08;48;26
and there’s a chart
because I don’t know them.

01;08;49;09 – 01;08;53;08
And so if what I’ll do is
I can send it to you or

01;08;54;07 – 01;08;55;18
I can try to have it for our next.

01;08;55;18 – 01;08;59;04
But what you’re looking at is

01;09;00;03 – 01;09;00;15
let’s see,

01;09;00;15 – 01;09;04;00
how would I say, okay,

01;09;04;00 – 01;09;07;01
I went to the store,
I am going to the store.

01;09;07;02 – 01;09;10;16
I go to the store,
I am going to the store.

01;09;10;29 – 01;09;14;02
That’s all. Go right. That verb go.

01;09;14;07 – 01;09;18;01
But depending on the mood,
the tense that I’m context

01;09;18;01 – 01;09;23;25
that I’m using, you would say
she is going, but I am going.

01;09;25;08 – 01;09;27;21
You are going.

01;09;28;05 – 01;09;30;02
He went. That was past tense.

01;09;30;02 – 01;09;36;09
I will go to the store tomorrow
so the qual the have for the NFL all those

01;09;36;09 – 01;09;40;24
when you see them in that parentheses
there they’re talking about

01;09;42;00 – 01;09;43;12
the tense

01;09;44;05 – 01;09;44;29
what’s the tense.

01;09;44;29 – 01;09;47;00
So in all those different tenses

01;09;48;07 – 01;09;49;03
you can tell.

01;09;49;03 – 01;09;51;04
The thing is, if you don’t know Hebrew,

01;09;51;18 – 01;09;54;02
you don’t know exactly
which tense is being used.

01;09;54;17 – 01;09;59;28
All this is doing is telling you
these are all the possible tenses.

01;09;59;28 – 01;10;01;13
So you’re like.

01;10;01;13 – 01;10;03;16
Oh, that’s great.

01;10;03;24 – 01;10;09;02
But you know, it’s not like each
tense has its own letter.

01;10;09;02 – 01;10;11;02
So we’re looking at the word to put.

01;10;12;16 – 01;10;14;26
And so they’re saying, well,

01;10;14;26 – 01;10;18;03
if it’s, you know, the present tense,
then it’s this.

01;10;18;12 – 01;10;20;09
If it’s the past tense, then it’s that.

01;10;20;09 – 01;10;22;29
If it’s future,
then it would be like this.

01;10;23;13 – 01;10;28;24
But unless we actually see
the Hebrew word and the noun

01;10;30;00 – 01;10;31;02
that it’s we’re

01;10;31;03 – 01;10;35;22
to or the object that it’s referring to,
we don’t really know what it is.

01;10;36;21 – 01;10;39;08
And that’s where you have to really you

01;10;39;08 – 01;10;42;11
get a master of Hebrew,

01;10;42;26 – 01;10;45;19
the Hebrew language,
and you don’t have to master that.

01;10;46;07 – 01;10;46;17

01;10;46;17 – 01;10;50;19
But if you want to get
the full understanding,

01;10;51;28 – 01;10;54;28
then that’s always a good thing.

01;10;55;07 – 01;10;56;19
Thank you so much.

01;10;56;19 – 01;11;00;04
That’s all I need to know right now,
because two weeks

01;11;00;04 – 01;11;04;00
I’ve been looking at those and I go, okay,
and then I read through what I’m reading

01;11;04;08 – 01;11;07;24
and for some reason able supplies in

01;11;08;18 – 01;11;11;17
to whatever the Scripture

01;11;11;17 – 01;11;12;24
is saying.

01;11;12;24 – 01;11;17;27
But for me that wasn’t good enough
because I need to know what those

01;11;17;27 – 01;11;18;23
when sometimes

01;11;18;23 – 01;11;23;01
they have like seven or eight of them
it goes okay, like okay, right.

01;11;23;01 – 01;11;24;02

01;11;24;02 – 01;11;28;09
And I to go to a, you know, pick anyone,

01;11;28;14 – 01;11;32;13
but sometimes the Holy Spirit
up at the desk will show me which one.

01;11;32;16 – 01;11;35;06
But now that you give me the understand,
that’s all I want to.

01;11;35;06 – 01;11;37;20
They were verb tenses. That’s it.

01;11;37;21 – 01;11;38;19
I’m happy that

01;11;40;01 – 01;11;41;00
you say that way.

01;11;41;00 – 01;11;44;04
So faithful because this morning

01;11;44;04 – 01;11;47;23
there were particular things
I was asking that I needed to know.

01;11;48;17 – 01;11;50;26
And I’ve got it.

01;11;50;26 – 01;11;53;11
One of them, many thank you so much.
I appreciate you.

01;11;53;11 – 01;11;54;09
Thank you.

01;11;54;09 – 01;11;56;29
You’re welcome. So

01;12;00;06 – 01;12;01;25
I’m going to give you another tool.

01;12;01;25 – 01;12;05;23
I don’t want to overwhelm you with tools,
but let’s kind of stick because there’s a

01;12;06;13 – 01;12;08;13
there’s a teacher that I study with and

01;12;10;03 – 01;12;11;23
he has

01;12;12;13 – 01;12;15;13
he teaches only the paleo Hebrew,

01;12;16;04 – 01;12;18;19
which is before the Aramaic Hebrew,

01;12;19;02 – 01;12;21;17
which is the the biblical Hebrew
that you’re looking at.

01;12;22;19 – 01;12;25;09
And he teaches about the culture.

01;12;25;23 – 01;12;32;16
He’s got really great books, easy
to read, easy to understand.

01;12;33;01 – 01;12;36;22
It’ll just give you such a depth
in being able

01;12;36;22 – 01;12;40;01
to understand
and the culture and the meaning, right?

01;12;40;25 – 01;12;42;23
He has this one particular

01;12;44;03 – 01;12;44;19

01;12;44;19 – 01;12;46;24
He only has the Torah done.

01;12;46;24 – 01;12;50;04
But what you will find is

01;12;50;20 – 01;12;52;17
he gives you

01;12;52;17 – 01;12;55;22
the actual he’ll do just every verse

01;12;56;11 – 01;12;59;08
and he’ll write the verse

01;12;59;27 – 01;13;03;05
with the literal Hebrew meanings,

01;13;04;06 – 01;13;06;27
and then underneath it
he’ll give you the English

01;13;06;27 – 01;13;10;03
in a context that you can understand.

01;13;10;03 – 01;13;14;28
And remember
I was using the example about Vietnamese,

01;13;16;06 – 01;13;18;19
and when they say I’m hungry,

01;13;18;19 – 01;13;21;17
then literal English translation
is I’m empty.

01;13;22;10 – 01;13;25;22
Now, if you were reading that
and someone in your reading and the child

01;13;25;22 – 01;13;29;27
said, I am empty, you’d be like,
What are you talking about?

01;13;30;21 – 01;13;32;15
What you mean Willis?

01;13;32;16 – 01;13;35;15
And it means, I’m hungry.

01;13;35;15 – 01;13;38;26
So we’re not going to get into just yet.

01;13;38;26 – 01;13;41;29
But these are

01;13;43;07 – 01;13;47;13
what we’re doing
today is just talking about some tools

01;13;48;24 – 01;13;51;12
to help us

01;13;52;02 – 01;13;55;14
better grasp and appreciate what it is
that we do not know

01;13;56;10 – 01;14;01;19
about our Bible,
that we pick up and read all the right.

01;14;01;27 – 01;14;05;17
And so if you can see that
there are all these contexts

01;14;05;17 – 01;14;08;22
because it makes a big difference
if I said, Oh, I’m

01;14;08;22 – 01;14;11;11
going to the store and you’re like,
okay, great, I want to go with you.

01;14;11;27 – 01;14;16;06
And what I really meant was I went to
the store, Well, you can’t go with me.

01;14;16;10 – 01;14;19;26
I mean, it changes
the context of our conversation, right?

01;14;19;26 – 01;14;23;08
To understand what tense
I’m talking about,

01;14;24;10 – 01;14;26;04
does that make sense?

01;14;26;14 – 01;14;30;16
And so looking at this, do you not get

01;14;31;24 – 01;14;34;10
overwhelmed by it?

01;14;34;10 – 01;14;38;24
The the reason that I’m bringing you to
this is because I want

01;14;38;28 – 01;14;40;04
to talk about his name.

01;14;41;11 – 01;14;42;05

01;14;43;06 – 01;14;45;05
And we’re going to

01;14;45;05 – 01;14;48;11
we’re going to get into that
a little bit more.

01;14;48;11 – 01;14;52;27
And so we’re actually in number six, verse
27, for those of you who just joined us,

01;14;53;14 – 01;14;56;08
we’re reading on

01;14;56;09 – 01;14;59;07
the importance that

01;14;59;22 – 01;15;03;13
that the Lord said to Moses

01;15;03;13 – 01;15;07;00
to have the priests speak this over

01;15;08;05 – 01;15;10;00
the children of Israel.

01;15;10;00 – 01;15;12;00
And when you put my name on them,

01;15;13;18 – 01;15;16;04
I will bless them.

01;15;16;20 – 01;15;19;00
And so it’s really key to know

01;15;20;18 – 01;15;22;23
what his name is.

01;15;23;10 – 01;15;27;14
We can’t we can’t live without that.

01;15;27;14 – 01;15;32;29
So we’re familiar with numbers
622 through 27.

01;15;32;29 – 01;15;41;10
I want us to go to Exodus 21st, 24.

01;15;41;10 – 01;15;42;07
You don’t need that.

01;15;42;07 – 01;15;43;26
You can use the blue blooded Bible
if you want to.

01;15;43;26 – 01;15;45;18
You can just use your Bible
if you want to.

01;15;45;18 – 01;15;47;17
It doesn’t matter.

01;15;47;17 – 01;15;51;11
I’m going to come back to Blue Letter
when we get to another scripture.

01;15;51;26 – 01;15;54;05
But for now, yes, Andrea.

01;15;55;21 – 01;15;57;19
That was
exactly what I was going to ask you.

01;15;57;19 – 01;16;00;10
Do I still need to be in

01;16;00;10 – 01;16;03;06
this? No,

01;16;03;17 – 01;16;05;05
no, no.

01;16;05;05 – 01;16;06;18
Again, I would just stare at.

01;16;06;18 – 01;16;08;05
You and get out.

01;16;08;05 – 01;16;10;19
You’re like, Oh, my God, I’m eating you.

01;16;10;19 – 01;16;11;27
Have you

01;16;12;10 – 01;16;14;20
read my book? Yes.

01;16;15;16 – 01;16;18;13
I know. It’s

01;16;22;08 – 01;16;24;29
oh, gosh.

01;16;25;07 – 01;16;25;25
Now I.

01;16;25;25 – 01;16;28;29
I just wanted you to have just the basics
and the blue letter.

01;16;29;17 – 01;16;30;23
Right, because.

01;16;30;23 – 01;16;33;27
That help helps. Yeah, a little. Yeah.

01;16;33;29 – 01;16;34;29
Thank you.

01;16;35;14 – 01;16;36;03
You’re welcome.

01;16;36;03 – 01;16;39;12
So if you’re like, oh, I remember

01;16;39;12 – 01;16;41;15
some story about man drinks,

01;16;42;20 – 01;16;45;22
you know, like,
I wonder where that versus,

01;16;45;22 – 01;16;47;28
you know,
sometimes we be in our apostles class.

01;16;47;28 – 01;16;50;01
He’s like,
where’s that thing? Where’s that thing?

01;16;50;01 – 01;16;53;18
I always come here right. To.

01;16;54;10 – 01;16;54;26

01;16;54;26 – 01;16;55;19
Because if you.

01;16;55;19 – 01;17;00;14
Oh, word man drinks
or if you type in the word Cain

01;17;00;14 – 01;17;03;28
and if you type in the word Esau Edam,

01;17;04;12 – 01;17;06;28
it’ll take you to all the verses

01;17;07;27 – 01;17;10;15
that have that word in that.

01;17;10;15 – 01;17;11;24
Oh, okay. Yeah.

01;17;11;24 – 01;17;13;26
Well, yeah, my bible does that as well.

01;17;13;26 – 01;17;15;12
Yeah. Okay, I got you.

01;17;15;12 – 01;17;17;05
Yeah. Thanks.

01;17;17;05 – 01;17;20;11
So we’re going to come back
to the letter Bible.

01;17;20;11 – 01;17;22;17
You don’t have to be in there
for this next section.

01;17;22;17 – 01;17;29;17
But let’s go to Exodus 20.

01;17;29;17 – 01;17;32;00
Is it Exodus 20? What? Yes.

01;17;32;00 – 01;17;35;03
Want Exodus 2024.

01;17;35;03 – 01;17;37;02
But let’s go to Exodus 20.

01;17;37;02 – 01;17;42;10
So one of the other things that I shared
with you guys earlier and

01;17;42;20 – 01;17;45;28
and I keep repeating these things
just because we,

01;17;45;28 – 01;17;49;05
my people that join us or

01;17;49;25 – 01;17;52;10
it’s just good to keep repeating, right?

01;17;52;10 – 01;17;53;18
Is that

01;17;56;06 – 01;17;58;16
when the Hebrews translated this,

01;18;00;10 – 01;18;04;00
they did not have chapters and verses.

01;18;04;00 – 01;18;06;20
So how do you know?

01;18;07;22 – 01;18;10;07
So you’ve had other people for you

01;18;10;18 – 01;18;15;09
put in where
they thought that thought started ended.

01;18;17;02 – 01;18;20;01
One of the things I learned
with the Hebrew teachers that I have

01;18;20;01 – 01;18;24;27
is that there’s something to pay attention
to called White Spaces.

01;18;24;27 – 01;18;28;04
And the only way you can really see
white spaces is you’re

01;18;28;04 – 01;18;32;18
looking at a Hebrew text,
or you have a Bible

01;18;32;29 – 01;18;37;16
that has the most time.

01;18;37;16 – 01;18;40;12
If they have the Hebrew on one side,
in the English on the other,

01;18;40;22 – 01;18;43;18
they’re going to follow

01;18;43;18 – 01;18;44;24
the Hebrew.

01;18;44;24 – 01;18;47;25
And so I have this Bible called the Koran.

01;18;48;16 – 01;18;50;04
C I’m sorry.

01;18;50;04 – 01;18;50;29
K. O.

01;18;50;29 – 01;18;52;13
R. E And the Koran.

01;18;52;13 – 01;18;55;11
Tanakh. And

01;18;57;01 – 01;19;00;24
what I am enjoying about it right now
is that

01;19;01;13 – 01;19;05;20
even though I can’t read the Hebrew,
what happens is

01;19;05;25 – 01;19;09;08
I can see where a thought begins

01;19;09;08 – 01;19;12;28
and ends by the white spaces.

01;19;12;28 – 01;19;17;21
So it’s not just like your typical, you
know, one space between the word, right?

01;19;18;05 – 01;19;23;09
They probably have like, you know, 20
or 30, you know, how you hit the spacebar

01;19;26;01 – 01;19;26;26
when you’re really good.

01;19;26;26 – 01;19;30;05
You know how to use the tab key
right on the computer,

01;19;30;11 – 01;19;33;25
but sometimes you just hit the spacebar
to give you some space.

01;19;34;23 – 01;19;37;15
So they have

01;19;40;04 – 01;19;41;15
the spaces.

01;19;41;15 – 01;19;47;11
And so a smaller space maybe,
you know, like only ten spaces.

01;19;47;22 – 01;19;50;05
I’m going to Exodus 20.

01;19;50;05 – 01;19;51;05

01;19;51;28 – 01;19;55;10
The white spaces are smaller, right?

01;19;55;10 – 01;19;57;08
So it’s a

01;19;57;17 – 01;20;00;27
it it’s just a
simple break in the thought.

01;20;01;14 – 01;20;05;07
But then there are larger white spaces
which may be like,

01;20;06;14 – 01;20;09;16
oh, if a small space is maybe

01;20;09;16 – 01;20;12;15
ten or 15,
a larger space is probably double that.

01;20;14;07 – 01;20;16;24
And why I’m telling you

01;20;16;24 – 01;20;20;08
this is because I’m opening
my corn bible now.

01;20;20;08 – 01;20;24;05
It has the English on one side
and the Hebrew on the other side,

01;20;24;05 – 01;20;29;02
and my English side matches
with the white spaces.

01;20;29;02 – 01;20;33;03
So even though a chapter might end,

01;20;33;03 – 01;20;35;25
that doesn’t really mean
that’s the end of the thoughts.

01;20;36;17 – 01;20;39;09
And isn’t it important
to understand things in context?

01;20;39;23 – 01;20;43;04
So verses up and down, chapters
up and down?

01;20;43;04 – 01;20;45;06
Sure. I mean, read a chapter.

01;20;45;06 – 01;20;48;00
You want to be safe, read
a chapter before and a chapter after.

01;20;48;00 – 01;20;52;14
If there’s a particular verse
that you’re looking at, sandwich it.

01;20;54;13 – 01;20;57;14
But if you have the opportunity to look at

01;20;57;14 – 01;21;01;21
or have a Hebrew Bible,
you can even look them up on the internet,

01;21;02;27 – 01;21;05;05
a Hebrew text

01;21;05;05 – 01;21;07;08
to see where the white spaces are so that

01;21;07;08 – 01;21;09;25
you really understand
ending where they intended

01;21;10;26 – 01;21;13;17
to make to make the change.

01;21;14;27 – 01;21;17;04
Let me put this in the text
one moment, guys.

01;21;17;04 – 01;21;19;09
It’s the in

01;21;19;29 – 01;21;21;12

01;21;22;12 – 01;21;25;23
and it’s oops, it sounds like it’s Korean,

01;21;26;07 – 01;21;28;16
but it’s not Korean. It’s

01;21;32;09 – 01;21;35;01
Oh, now you don’t want to let me

01;21;36;11 – 01;21;38;06
just hold on, Esther.

01;21;38;06 – 01;21;42;18
Gosh, okay.

01;21;43;06 – 01;21;44;28
I put it in the text for you.

01;21;44;28 – 01;21;45;13
The chat.

01;21;45;13 – 01;21;48;09
It’s the Korean Tanakh

01;21;49;16 – 01;21;52;03
and it has the Hebrew and the English.

01;21;52;03 – 01;21;54;25
And so let me get to Exodus 20

01;21;56;13 – 01;22;00;24
and I want to focus on verse 24.

01;22;01;13 – 01;22;07;01
What I’m doing right now is I’m going into
my Hebrew Bible, is I want to see

01;22;08;05 – 01;22;10;19
where the thought begin and end,

01;22;10;19 – 01;22;13;23
because that’s what we want to talk about.

01;22;13;23 – 01;22;16;01
Just give me a moment.

01;22;16;01 – 01;22;19;17
It’s hard because

01;22;19;22 – 01;22;23;14
I don’t read Hebrew
and the Bible goes from right to left,

01;22;23;20 – 01;22;28;26
so I’m always opening it on the wrong
side, like, Oh Yeah, that’s right.

01;22;29;23 – 01;22;31;22
Genesis is where Revelation should be.

01;22;31;22 – 01;22;34;03
That’s what I say to myself and I’m like,
Yeah, no.

01;22;34;22 – 01;22;39;11
Okay, let’s go.

01;22;40;11 – 01;22;42;28
We want to look at Genesis

01;22;42;28 – 01;22;48;15

01;22;48;15 – 01;22;49;26
Is that it?

01;22;50;07 – 01;22;51;15
No, I’m sorry, not Genesis.

01;22;51;15 – 01;22;52;16

01;22;52;16 – 01;22;55;27
Oh, guys, I think I wrote it down wrong.

01;22;55;27 – 01;23;01;20

01;23;01;20 – 01;23;04;23
No, no, I didn’t write it down wrong.

01;23;04;25 – 01;23;11;09

01;23;11;09 – 01;23;14;09
Exodus 2024

01;23;18;02 – 01;23;20;06
So looking at my corn

01;23;20;06 – 01;23;25;03
bible 20

01;23;26;15 – 01;23;29;01
so they have a white space

01;23;29;01 – 01;23;37;02
starting at verse 19.

01;23;37;02 – 01;23;38;26
Oh yeah, that’s the other thing.

01;23;40;15 – 01;23;42;25
So sometimes

01;23;44;01 – 01;23;47;28
our English numbering system
is not the same as theirs.

01;23;48;26 – 01;23;52;07
For instance,
like we might have a chapter that ends

01;23;53;10 – 01;23;55;16
at 23

01;23;57;02 – 01;23;58;26
and their chapter and,

01;23;58;26 – 01;24;01;10
and for them like they end a couple verses

01;24;02;06 – 01;24;03;19
which is

01;24;05;10 – 01;24;06;08
a little awkward.

01;24;06;08 – 01;24;17;28
And these are the laws that you shall set

01;24;17;28 – 01;24;18;17

01;24;18;17 – 01;24;22;21
So theirs is Hebrew, 20 is 20, 22, right?

01;24;22;22 – 01;24;27;03
So I told is 2024 for us,
but theirs is 2022.

01;24;27;03 – 01;24;29;26
And it goes from

01;24;29;26 – 01;24;33;05
verse 19 to

01;24;36;15 – 01;24;39;02
they and their thought

01;24;39;02 – 01;24;43;00
of verse 23, which is at verse 24.

01;24;43;13 – 01;24;47;21

01;24;47;21 – 01;24;52;03
So we’re going to read Exodus 2019

01;24;52;03 – 01;24;54;15
through 24

01;24;55;20 – 01;24;58;08
and it and we’re doing this
because we’re talking

01;24;58;08 – 01;25;02;00
about the importance of, of, of God’s name

01;25;03;17 – 01;25;06;13
and remember, we kind of made a preference
that in our room,

01;25;06;21 – 01;25;11;06
if you say you
who are Yahweh, Jehovah, Jehovah,

01;25;12;10 – 01;25;13;11
we know that we’re all

01;25;13;11 – 01;25;16;04
talking about the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Israel.

01;25;17;13 – 01;25;19;27
So I don’t want you
to get caught up on that because

01;25;19;27 – 01;25;22;07
some say Jehovah, some say way

01;25;23;05 – 01;25;26;16
it’s okay,
we’re we’re talking about the same God,

01;25;27;23 – 01;25;29;14
but it’s important to know his name.

01;25;29;14 – 01;25;31;18
So this is what I’m trying to get at.

01;25;31;18 – 01;25;34;04
So calling him God or Lord

01;25;34;04 – 01;25;36;15
is what I’m trying to say
is not what we want to be doing.

01;25;36;16 – 01;25;39;02
Want to call him by his name.

01;25;39;09 – 01;25;41;15
And some people might be like,
well, you know,

01;25;42;17 – 01;25;46;20
Esther Esther,
say your name for me in Vietnamese.

01;25;46;20 – 01;25;48;16
Please say her full name.

01;25;48;16 – 01;25;53;04
Always put her on the spot.

01;25;53;04 – 01;25;53;23

01;25;53;23 – 01;25;57;18
I’m sorry.

01;25;57;18 – 01;25;59;28
My name is.

01;25;59;28 – 01;26;02;09
Are you there?

01;26;02;22 – 01;26;03;15

01;26;04;21 – 01;26;05;14
Say one more time.

01;26;05;14 – 01;26;08;10
Yeah, the name.

01;26;09;22 – 01;26;11;00
Okay, so

01;26;11;00 – 01;26;14;10
it’s spelled h i it is that correct.

01;26;14;28 – 01;26;16;15
R h it’s.

01;26;16;15 – 01;26;18;26
But it’s I b also h.

01;26;20;11 – 01;26;23;10
Yes. H So

01;26;23;10 – 01;26;26;01
they have a very tonal language like they

01;26;26;09 – 01;26;29;16
their vowels,
they can have five tones for their vowels.

01;26;29;23 – 01;26;33;23
And so if you say the wrong tone,
you’re saying the wrong word.

01;26;34;22 – 01;26;38;04
So I to not be able to say and so what

01;26;38;04 – 01;26;41;00
you’ll find in a lot of foreign countries,
especially like in Vietnam,

01;26;41;20 – 01;26;44;07
is that the Christians at least

01;26;44;27 – 01;26;47;04
will take an name from the Bible.

01;26;48;09 – 01;26;51;00
And because when they meet with foreigners
trying to get them to say

01;26;51;00 – 01;26;55;13
their name right is just too hard.

01;26;55;13 – 01;26;59;12
And so instead of having you because he

01;27;02;02 – 01;27;04;02
I say heap what is your name again.

01;27;04;02 – 01;27;06;25
Esther say it for me clearly. If.

01;27;07;24 – 01;27;10;05
Hipp Do you see how I said Heap?

01;27;10;15 – 01;27;11;21
But she said

01;27;12;29 – 01;27;14;06
it means two different things.

01;27;14;06 – 01;27;16;29
What does he mean when I said.

01;27;16;29 – 01;27;21;18
It’s mean the small I but he means that

01;27;23;04 – 01;27;24;22

01;27;25;17 – 01;27;28;00
Okay, that’s a big difference.

01;27;28;00 – 01;27;30;10
I said this. I called her the small lot.

01;27;30;10 – 01;27;35;21
I like in your head
I the small I but her name means unity.

01;27;36;07 – 01;27;38;26
It’s by simply getting the tone wrong

01;27;41;06 – 01;27;43;07
and I’d have to know the language.

01;27;43;07 – 01;27;46;15
And because even though we say h

01;27;47;05 – 01;27;49;07
i e p there’s a little

01;27;50;22 – 01;27;53;26
there’s an accent mark over the E, right.

01;27;54;27 – 01;27;55;14

01;27;55;14 – 01;27;58;18
Like a little the E and then that

01;27;59;19 – 01;28;01;15
and then the E.

01;28;01;15 – 01;28;06;05
So they have accent marks on top
and the bottom of their vowels

01;28;06;26 – 01;28;09;29
to tell you how to pronounce it.

01;28;11;01 – 01;28;11;27
So you know what

01;28;11;27 – 01;28;14;26
tone to make that might have been help
for us.

01;28;14;26 – 01;28;15;17
For us, right?

01;28;15;17 – 01;28;19;18
If we had the word let’s say the word red.

01;28;19;18 – 01;28;25;04
Well, I could say I read the Bible,
which is r e and then I could say

01;28;25;04 – 01;28;29;21
I read the Bible, which I did
at past tense, which is still our aid.

01;28;30;07 – 01;28;34;14
So if you see our ad on the page,
you don’t know if it’s read or read.

01;28;35;11 – 01;28;38;08
And if I just said O red, you could think.

01;28;38;08 – 01;28;40;16
I mean, the color red,

01;28;40;25 – 01;28;43;25
which is spelled R E D

01;28;45;01 – 01;28;48;04
and my point of bringing this out is that

01;28;49;11 – 01;28;53;07
that tone
does make a difference in language.

01;28;53;14 – 01;28;54;00
It does.

01;28;54;00 – 01;28;58;16
We’re we’re just starting
we’re just having this conversation.

01;28;59;02 – 01;29;01;26
And I’m going to get to a place,

01;29;02;06 – 01;29;07;06
another scripture, to help us understand
and appreciate the fact that Yahweh

01;29;07;06 – 01;29;12;02
understands, Jehovah understands
and I’m not schizophrenic because I use

01;29;15;08 – 01;29;15;16

01;29;15;16 – 01;29;22;04
Your daughter is running out the door.

01;29;22;04 – 01;29;26;03
I’m not schizophrenic
when they use Yahweh or Jehovah

01;29;26;06 – 01;29;29;12
is because I realize
there are different people in the room.

01;29;29;12 – 01;29;30;07
All right.

01;29;30;07 – 01;29;33;16
But as we grown accustomed to each other
and as new

01;29;33;16 – 01;29;36;09
people begin to join, you know, we may

01;29;37;17 – 01;29;40;26
feel like,
oh, they’re saying the name wrong.

01;29;41;22 – 01;29;46;11
Shabbat Shalom, Mamadi, Silbert,
Shalom Coffey.

01;29;46;21 – 01;29;49;06
Good to see you guys.

01;29;49;06 – 01;29;52;12
Shabbat shalom.

01;29;52;12 – 01;29;53;24

01;29;56;08 – 01;29;59;20
So the point I was

01;30;00;02 – 01;30;02;13
I told you that I said, oh,
I was talking about tone

01;30;03;10 – 01;30;05;18
and and the name.

01;30;06;05 – 01;30;06;12

01;30;06;12 – 01;30;11;04
And so if I say her name wrong,
I’m calling her small.

01;30;11;04 – 01;30;14;12
I like instead of saying unity.

01;30;15;07 – 01;30;16;22
And so

01;30;17;18 – 01;30;19;25
then I was just like,
okay, well, just call me Esther,

01;30;21;08 – 01;30;23;16
which not her birth name,

01;30;23;16 – 01;30;27;17
but is a name that she goes
by, the name that she will answer to

01;30;29;16 – 01;30;32;02
what happened?

01;30;32;02 – 01;30;35;16
I don’t know. I think like a year in

01;30;35;16 – 01;30;37;25
now, maybe a couple of years.

01;30;37;25 – 01;30;39;25
And I was like, you know what?

01;30;39;25 – 01;30;42;10
I got convicted about?

01;30;42;10 – 01;30;43;13
And I said, You know what, Esther?

01;30;43;13 – 01;30;47;04
I need to be able to say your name
because I love you

01;30;47;12 – 01;30;52;09
that much
and I want to call you by your name.

01;30;52;09 – 01;30;53;27
But I had to practice it.

01;30;53;27 – 01;30;55;01
He it

01;30;55;19 – 01;30;58;07
he like I would have to

01;30;58;07 – 01;31;00;14
I’d have her record it for me on the phone

01;31;02;06 – 01;31;04;08
and then I’d have to listen to it
and I’d have to work it.

01;31;04;08 – 01;31;06;15
And sometimes I said, heap,

01;31;07;20 – 01;31;10;09
I’m like, come here small I,

01;31;10;16 – 01;31;14;23
I love you small I.

01;31;14;23 – 01;31;16;21
But she knew that I loved her.

01;31;16;21 – 01;31;20;17
She knew that I was not mocking her
or making fun of her.

01;31;21;02 – 01;31;21;14

01;31;22;28 – 01;31;24;12
But that honestly was trying.

01;31;24;12 – 01;31;27;14
But it was just not my language.

01;31;27;14 – 01;31;30;11
Does that give me an excuse?

01;31;32;21 – 01;31;33;14
No. No.

01;31;33;14 – 01;31;36;29
If I loved her and I plan to stick around,
it’d be good.

01;31;37;12 – 01;31;39;26
I should make the effort.

01;31;39;26 – 01;31;43;13
But if I didn’t make the effort and I
call her Esther because, most of the time.

01;31;43;13 – 01;31;44;02
You guys hear me?

01;31;44;02 – 01;31;46;20
Everybody calls her Esther
because that’s the name she has there.

01;31;47;24 – 01;31;49;16
She answers to that.

01;31;49;16 – 01;31;54;13
If you call her Esther, she doesn’t feel
like she’s being disrespected.

01;31;54;13 – 01;31;56;27
But her real name is Hee Hee!

01;31;57;22 – 01;32;00;15
Then I say it right here.

01;32;00;15 – 01;32;01;04
Not to have.

01;32;01;04 – 01;32;02;10
Was there

01;32;04;16 – 01;32;05;03
anyone else

01;32;05;03 – 01;32;08;20
want to take a gander at saying her name?

01;32;08;20 – 01;32;09;17
It’s okay.

01;32;09;17 – 01;32;11;15
You have to send me
a voice notes with that

01;32;11;15 – 01;32;16;07
so I can practice it
because I will not be saying it today.

01;32;16;07 – 01;32;18;15
Think it read right.

01;32;18;15 – 01;32;21;09
And so if it’s not your culture, it’s

01;32;21;09 – 01;32;24;13
not your language,
but you’re trying to learn, right?

01;32;24;13 – 01;32;27;21
This is where I want us to be
in this room.

01;32;28;11 – 01;32;30;18
And I don’t want us to be judgmental

01;32;31;06 – 01;32;36;04
about whether someone says
Jehovah or Yahweh or Yahoo or

01;32;36;04 – 01;32;41;10
if they only when they read the Scripture,
they just say, Lord, right.

01;32;41;19 – 01;32;43;26
Okay, enough of that.

01;32;43;26 – 01;32;44;05
All right.

01;32;44;05 – 01;32;48;09
So we are in Exodus 20 verse 19.

01;32;48;09 – 01;32;54;08
So remember in number
six, 22 to 27, we read that

01;32;55;12 – 01;32;57;16
Jehovah said, Now I say Jehovah

01;32;57;19 – 01;33;02;15
when I’m other rooms, I say Yahweh,
because that’s the culture of that room.

01;33;02;19 – 01;33;08;17
When I’m other rooms I say, Lord
or God just depends on where I am.

01;33;08;17 – 01;33;10;23
But personally myself say Jehovah.

01;33;11;19 – 01;33;15;05
And that’s just because of the information
that I’ve been taught

01;33;15;05 – 01;33;17;03
and that I’ve seen with my own eyes.

01;33;17;03 – 01;33;21;13
And then I’ve gotten from people who speak
and read Hebrew

01;33;22;05 – 01;33;24;10
their whole life, right?

01;33;25;12 – 01;33;27;09
And so to me, I’m like,

01;33;27;14 – 01;33;30;15
someone couldn’t come
and tell me how to say Esther’s name

01;33;30;29 – 01;33;33;06
because they spoke Vietnamese for

01;33;33;29 – 01;33;36;29
a couple of years,
but they can’t remember how to say it now,

01;33;37;17 – 01;33;40;16
or they couldn’t read her name
or couldn’t write her name in Vietnamese.

01;33;41;17 – 01;33;43;10
But they want to tell me that
this is how it is.

01;33;43;10 – 01;33;45;06
And so I’m like, okay, I understand.

01;33;45;06 – 01;33;49;25
We’re all talking about the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, right?

01;33;49;26 – 01;33;53;28
So let’s not have that judgmental,
but it is important to know his name.

01;33;54;07 – 01;33;56;23
And so we’re going to find
that out here in Exodus 20

01;33;57;29 – 01;34;00;07
through to 24.

01;34;01;20 – 01;34;04;01
And they said unto Moses,

01;34;04;01 – 01;34;06;07
Speak now with us and we will hear,

01;34;06;25 – 01;34;10;02
but let not God’s speak with us lest
we die.

01;34;11;06 – 01;34;13;05
And Moses said unto the people,

01;34;13;05 – 01;34;16;17
share not for God is come to prove you,

01;34;17;02 – 01;34;21;06
and that his fear may be before your faces
that he said Senate

01;34;22;17 – 01;34;25;03
and the people stood afar off and Moses

01;34;25;03 – 01;34;27;29
through near onto the thickness,
thick darkness, where God was

01;34;29;18 – 01;34;31;26
and the Lord all caps.

01;34;32;02 – 01;34;34;23
So Jehovah, Yahweh,

01;34;34;23 – 01;34;38;20
you Hova said unto Moses, thus
thou shall say

01;34;38;20 – 01;34;41;22
unto the children of Israel,
You have seen that

01;34;41;22 – 01;34;44;24
I have talked with you from heaven.

01;34;44;24 – 01;34;48;00
You shall not make me with gods of silver.

01;34;48;19 – 01;34;52;01
Neither shall you make unto
you gods of gold

01;34;53;11 – 01;34;58;13
and ultra of earth
thou shall make unto me and shall thereon

01;34;58;13 – 01;35;02;11
thy burnt offerings and that peace
offerings, thy sheep and that oxen

01;35;03;26 – 01;35;07;05
in all places, where I record my name

01;35;07;25 – 01;35;10;22
I will come under
the and I will bless thee

01;35;16;05 – 01;35;20;26
in in Hebrew.

01;35;20;26 – 01;35;26;21
It actually says and I was studying this
with another teacher in all the places

01;35;26;21 – 01;35;30;27
where I cause you to put my name,
where you cause my name to be.

01;35;32;01 – 01;35;34;26
I will come and I will bless thee.

01;35;35;12 – 01;35;39;13
And that’s profound to me
that the creator, the universe will be

01;35;39;13 – 01;35;42;23
wherever his name is proclaimed,
whoever his name is put.

01;35;44;15 – 01;35;46;12
We we had two or three witnesses.

01;35;46;12 – 01;35;48;13
We saw that in number six seven.

01;35;48;13 – 01;35;52;08
We’re seeing it here in Exodus 2024,
where he’s saying,

01;35;53;10 – 01;35;56;20
I will come where you put my name in.

01;35;56;20 – 01;35;59;03
I will bless you.

01;35;59;03 – 01;36;02;13
And so it is important for us

01;36;03;10 – 01;36;05;16
to know what his

01;36;05;16 – 01;36;09;11
name is. Now

01;36;11;02 – 01;36;12;14
we have about 20 minutes.

01;36;12;14 – 01;36;15;29
We only try to go 2 hours here

01;36;15;29 – 01;36;17;03
because it’s early for me.

01;36;17;03 – 01;36;21;18
I want to go back to sleep before
my apostle comes on the class, but

01;36;27;01 – 01;36;30;04
what we need to understand

01;36;30;04 – 01;36;33;04
about the name so

01;36;34;26 – 01;36;39;19

01;36;39;19 – 01;36;40;27
I said I was going to do two things.

01;36;40;27 – 01;36;43;13
Okay, let me get that other website.

01;36;43;13 – 01;36;46;29
I’m going to put it up here for you.

01;36;46;29 – 01;36;51;23
It’s called the mechanical translation.

01;36;51;23 – 01;36;55;17
His name is Jeff Benner.

01;36;55;17 – 01;37;00;18
He’s been studying and teaching
paleo Hebrew.

01;37;00;18 – 01;37;03;16
So this is before

01;37;03;16 – 01;37;05;18
the Aramaic Hebrew
that we see in our Bible.

01;37;05;18 – 01;37;07;20
So this is with the pictographs.

01;37;07;20 – 01;37;09;06
All right.

01;37;10;00 – 01;37;12;18
And he has been doing this

01;37;12;18 – 01;37;15;22
probably 35 years now.

01;37;15;22 – 01;37;22;00
He’s not a Jew.

01;37;22;00 – 01;37;24;04
Hold on. Just let me remove this link.

01;37;24;04 – 01;37;28;28
I think can’t talk and chew
gum at the same time. I’m

01;37;35;21 – 01;37;38;10

01;37;38;10 – 01;37;41;12
So I put the other link up there for you
and I’ll put it in the chat

01;37;41;12 – 01;37;47;14
as well as I never know on the replays
if it always shows up.

01;37;47;14 – 01;37;51;02
And so

01;37;51;13 – 01;37;54;21
and I really

01;37;54;21 – 01;37;56;26
encourage you

01;37;56;26 – 01;38;01;07
to read his material
to learn about culture.

01;38;01;07 – 01;38;04;29
What’s amazing is the pictures of

01;38;06;06 – 01;38;11;00
the pictographs that before
they become the letters, tell a story.

01;38;11;00 – 01;38;15;07
And I think I was talking to you guys
about it last week about the name of God l

01;38;15;28 – 01;38;18;00
l then we get Elohim from

01;38;19;01 – 01;38;20;22
that in the pictographs.

01;38;20;22 – 01;38;23;01
It was the ax head and the shepherd stuff.

01;38;23;12 – 01;38;26;12
I don’t know if you guys
remember that from last week.

01;38;26;12 – 01;38;30;03
So the ox head in the Stepper
Shepherd stuff and so the ax head

01;38;30;26 – 01;38;33;01
I’m talking now
so you can click on the Torah,

01;38;33;02 – 01;38;36;01
the mechanical translation
link up there, book market, save it,

01;38;36;01 – 01;38;40;07

01;38;40;07 – 01;38;43;21
so that you can get there.

01;38;43;21 – 01;38;44;29
Was I saying, oh yeah.

01;38;44;29 – 01;38;47;20
So the ox head and the shepherd staff,

01;38;47;29 – 01;38;51;21
that was if you saw those two together
like those pictures together,

01;38;51;29 – 01;38;57;09
then they were talking about Elohim,
the creator of the universe,

01;38;59;06 – 01;39;01;09
and the ox head meant

01;39;01;09 – 01;39;06;18
power and strength, but the shepherd stuff
meant authority, right?

01;39;06;18 – 01;39;10;14
And so when you think about it,
and this is that Doreen had corrected me

01;39;10;14 – 01;39;12;17
that England no longer has a queen
they have a king,

01;39;13;13 – 01;39;18;12
but in any kind of where there’s royalty

01;39;19;29 – 01;39;21;23
in where they still have kings

01;39;21;23 – 01;39;24;05
and queens, they have crown and a scepter.

01;39;24;27 – 01;39;27;11
So the crown has
the basically has the horns

01;39;27;28 – 01;39;30;01
and the scepter
basically is the shepherd stuff.

01;39;30;01 – 01;39;35;08
It’s just kind of translate
did more into to modern times, but

01;39;39;02 – 01;39;41;17
I’m going to the mechanical translation

01;39;41;17 – 01;39;45;25
on my laptop.

01;39;45;25 – 01;39;48;00
Excuse me. Okay.

01;39;48;05 – 01;39;52;22
So I want us to go to Exodus 20.

01;39;53;25 – 01;39;56;14
So what you see when you go here

01;39;56;14 – 01;40;02;18
is that the mechanical translation is?

01;40;02;18 – 01;40;04;05
I don’t want to get too caught up
in everything.

01;40;04;05 – 01;40;07;06
When you have time later on
you can go back and study it to understand

01;40;07;06 – 01;40;10;05
like all the little key
things he’s saying, but basically

01;40;11;05 – 01;40;11;21
you have the

01;40;11;21 – 01;40;17;15
so let’s just all go to Exodus 2024.

01;40;17;15 – 01;40;19;21
So we’re looking at the same thing.

01;40;19;21 – 01;40;22;09
Let’s go to Exodus 20

01;40;22;09 – 01;40;29;16
and then scroll down to find 24.

01;40;29;16 – 01;40;32;23
So what he does here is he gives you
the Hebrew,

01;40;34;16 – 01;40;39;05
he gives you the transliteration, right?

01;40;39;05 – 01;40;41;22
And so that is

01;40;42;10 – 01;40;44;28
you can see the Hebrew letters,
but you don’t know how to pronounce it.

01;40;44;28 – 01;40;47;25
And so what he has is
so the first word is alter,

01;40;48;27 – 01;40;51;28
we’re at Exodus 21st, 24,

01;40;51;28 – 01;40;54;25
and we’re looking at it
through the mechanical translation

01;40;56;24 – 01;41;01;21

01;41;01;21 – 01;41;04;20
So 24 has the word alter

01;41;07;22 – 01;41;12;02
and in blue, if you click on that, it’s
going to take you somewhere else.

01;41;12;02 – 01;41;14;11
Don’t click on that. Right now,

01;41;14;21 – 01;41;16;06
it has the Hebrew,

01;41;16;06 – 01;41;19;14
he has the
how you might pronounce it misbah.

01;41;20;14 – 01;41;24;13
Then it has the next word ground.

01;41;24;13 – 01;41;27;17
Notice that it’s like Adama.

01;41;27;17 – 01;41;31;16
We know that from Adam Adama, right?

01;41;31;16 – 01;41;33;01
It could be a double.

01;41;33;01 – 01;41;35;25
Yeah, there’s two acts,
it’s probably Adama ground.

01;41;37;15 – 01;41;40;06
And then this is what I was talking about,
about verb tenses.

01;41;41;02 – 01;41;42;27
See how it’s like you will.

01;41;42;27 – 01;41;44;27
But if you look down, it’s like you did.

01;41;46;12 – 01;41;48;17
He actually gives you this
what I was talking about.

01;41;48;17 – 01;41;51;02
He actually gives you
the actual verb tense

01;41;51;07 – 01;41;54;00
because you need to know that for the noun

01;41;54;24 – 01;41;59;16
and the verb, the thing is,

01;41;59;16 – 01;42;02;19
is that in Hebrew,

01;42;02;19 – 01;42;05;08
literally, it’s like the altar ground

01;42;05;29 – 01;42;09;08
do sacrifice upon ascension, offering

01;42;09;17 – 01;42;12;21
an offering of restitution flocks

01;42;13;05 – 01;42;17;11
at cattle all area which remember at title

01;42;17;11 – 01;42;19;18
oh come to kneel

01;42;21;23 – 01;42;24;02
like okay

01;42;24;10 – 01;42;29;09
now if you know the language
and the grammar you would look okay.

01;42;29;09 – 01;42;34;06
Well, if it’s this tense,
then I know it’s, you know, it’s a

01;42;35;08 – 01;42;37;18
it’s a singular, it’s a feminine.

01;42;37;18 – 01;42;41;06
All of that plays into Hebrew grammar.

01;42;41;06 – 01;42;46;03
Now when you look at the are empty, right.

01;42;46;03 – 01;42;48;21
Which is he’s giving you
like a translation.

01;42;49;28 – 01;42;55;07
He says you will make an altar of ground
for me and you will sacrifice upon him.

01;42;55;26 – 01;42;59;06
Now upon him is simply
because the word ground

01;43;01;09 – 01;43;03;06
is masculine.

01;43;03;06 – 01;43;05;03
So they’re very particular about that.

01;43;05;03 – 01;43;11;25
I think that even true in Vietnamese,
right, Esther, that even nouns

01;43;11;25 – 01;43;15;11
and pronouns are feminine and masculine,

01;43;15;11 – 01;43;19;14
and your verbs have to match.

01;43;19;14 – 01;43;23;02
You may not know that.

01;43;23;02 – 01;43;25;07
And the question that you.

01;43;27;14 – 01;43;30;18
So Esther’s

01;43;30;18 – 01;43;35;08
from the ADA tribe,
which is a tribe in Vietnam.

01;43;35;14 – 01;43;36;26
It would be like for you

01;43;36;26 – 01;43;40;00
if you’re in America, I’d be like saying
she’s a Cherokee Indian.

01;43;40;23 – 01;43;43;12
Right? She is native to that land.

01;43;44;11 – 01;43;45;06

01;43;45;06 – 01;43;46;18
To to Vietnamese.

01;43;46;18 – 01;43;49;24
They can tell the difference between them.

01;43;49;24 – 01;43;52;13
For our eyes,
we can’t always tell the difference.

01;43;52;17 – 01;43;57;00
Sometimes they can’t tell
unless they say the name.

01;43;57;00 – 01;44;00;25
But so they have tribal
people who live there.

01;44;00;25 – 01;44;03;09
And then the Vietnamese came, right?

01;44;03;09 – 01;44;05;05
And so

01;44;05;24 – 01;44;08;14
maybe it’s
just the Vietnamese language, Esther.

01;44;08;14 – 01;44;10;02
And not a day.

01;44;10;02 – 01;44;13;10
But don’t they have masculine

01;44;13;10 – 01;44;18;03
and feminine nouns?

01;44;18;03 – 01;44;19;27
Do you know what I’m talking about?

01;44;20;22 – 01;44;23;01
Nothing is going in the numbers.

01;44;23;21 – 01;44;26;21
Okay, so not her language.

01;44;26;21 – 01;44;29;22
All right, in Hebrew language.

01;44;29;22 – 01;44;30;20

01;44;31;24 – 01;44;33;21
This is.

01;44;33;21 – 01;44;37;19
There’s masculine and feminine
and they’re singular and plural.

01;44;37;23 – 01;44;42;18
And so your verbs have to match.

01;44;42;18 – 01;44;46;22
So what’s interesting is that we
look at these words, but the translation

01;44;46;22 – 01;44;51;04
is you will make an altar ground for me
and you will sacrifice upon him.

01;44;51;04 – 01;44;53;16
He’s talking about the altar,
not a person.

01;44;54;05 – 01;44;58;00
Your Ascension offerings
and your offerings of restitution,

01;44;58;15 – 01;44;59;25
your flocks and your cattle.

01;44;59;25 – 01;45;03;00
All the areas
will I make my title remembered?

01;45;03;16 – 01;45;05;27
I will come to you and I will exalt you.

01;45;07;17 – 01;45;08;29
Let’s read that again.

01;45;08;29 – 01;45;13;01
In the KJV, an altar earth
thou shalt make unto me

01;45;13;14 – 01;45;16;22
and shall sacrifice there
on thy burnt offerings and thy peace

01;45;16;22 – 01;45;20;16
offerings, thy sheep
and then oxen in all the places

01;45;20;16 – 01;45;24;27
where I record my name,
I will come onto the and I will bless thee

01;45;26;09 – 01;45;28;05
now I will bless the

01;45;28;05 – 01;45;31;11
I think to us might be different
then I will exalt thee.

01;45;32;27 – 01;45;35;12
And yet here

01;45;35;12 – 01;45;37;06
there’s this verb.

01;45;37;06 – 01;45;40;09
He will come and he will kneel.

01;45;40;13 – 01;45;45;16
So learning. Hmm?

01;45;45;29 – 01;45;48;05
You’re welcome, ladies.

01;45;48;05 – 01;45;49;25
You’re welcome.

01;45;50;13 – 01;45;53;05
This is stuff
that took me a while to find.

01;45;53;05 – 01;45;59;07
I didn’t just bump into this yesterday,
but what I realized

01;45;59;07 – 01;46;04;12
and why I’m sharing this with you
is that you cannot fully understand

01;46;04;12 – 01;46;08;27
the truth
and the revelations of our our Bible.

01;46;08;27 – 01;46;13;16
If you if you have no understanding
or concept of the Hebrew behind it.

01;46;14;19 – 01;46;15;09

01;46;15;10 – 01;46;19;23
And when start talking more about

01;46;24;19 – 01;46;27;12
about his name,
when we start talking about

01;46;27;20 – 01;46;31;04
that we are Israel, that we are included

01;46;31;04 – 01;46;36;02
in the promises of Elohim to us, that’s
how can we always start in Isaiah

01;46;36;02 – 01;46;40;05
56, one through eight.

01;46;40;05 – 01;46;44;15
We are not not included
because we are not of the bloodline.

01;46;44;25 – 01;46;49;12
But unless you start looking at this
from a different trend,

01;46;49;12 – 01;46;52;15
a different context,

01;46;52;15 – 01;46;54;23
you will feel that you are an outsider.

01;46;54;23 – 01;46;57;04
Even looking at this right
now is intimidating,

01;46;58;28 – 01;47;01;20
but this tool

01;47;01;29 – 01;47;04;15
was not available 20 years ago.

01;47;05;18 – 01;47;05;27

01;47;05;27 – 01;47;09;18
And so there’s always new knowledge

01;47;09;18 – 01;47;13;02
The Earth, there are always new people
and individuals

01;47;13;02 – 01;47;15;14
who come into the earth
and share what they know.

01;47;16;22 – 01;47;19;05
And then we this is the beginning of.

01;47;19;05 – 01;47;23;14
It has been the beginning of Elohim making
his name known through all the Earth.

01;47;25;09 – 01;47;27;06
When we read and

01;47;27;06 – 01;47;29;25
as we always started in Isaiah 56,

01;47;30;29 – 01;47;33;24
when he says The Son of the stranger
and the eunuch will come

01;47;33;24 – 01;47;36;00
to the name of your Hova.

01;47;36;00 – 01;47;38;25
They keep his Sabbath
and keep his commandments.

01;47;38;25 – 01;47;39;15
They are not.

01;47;39;15 – 01;47;40;13
They are part of it.

01;47;40;13 – 01;47;42;19
That was always his plan.

01;47;43;29 – 01;47;46;17
But if you don’t understand this,

01;47;46;17 – 01;47;50;18
it can be you.

01;47;50;18 – 01;47;52;00
It can be very difficult to come

01;47;52;00 – 01;47;56;01
to that understanding with someone
just telling you that it is so.

01;47;56;05 – 01;47;59;20
But you can’t go
and see that for yourselves.

01;47;59;20 – 01;48;02;20
And so one thing I want to

01;48;03;04 – 01;48;05;16
I want to end with as far as our teaching

01;48;06;00 – 01;48;10;08
and then I’ll if you have questions and
and stuff, great.

01;48;10;08 – 01;48;11;27
We don’t have to end at 6:00.

01;48;11;27 – 01;48;14;08
There’s no timer. But

01;48;15;10 – 01;48;16;05
I do want us to

01;48;16;05 – 01;48;18;27
always kind of
to stay on that, to our time frame,

01;48;20;06 – 01;48;22;10
something to just understand about

01;48;23;05 – 01;48;26;05
when you’re trying to look for

01;48;26;05 – 01;48;30;24
Hebrew teachers.

01;48;30;24 – 01;48;34;21
So there is

01;48;34;27 – 01;48;36;29
the paleo, the pictographs, right?

01;48;36;29 – 01;48;42;06
And then and then it transforms
into the Aramaic Hebrew mix.

01;48;42;25 – 01;48;46;25
And then we know from if you you’ve read
anything through the Old Testament,

01;48;46;25 – 01;48;53;12
you know that the the children of Israel
were conquered by different nations.

01;48;53;12 – 01;48;56;20
Think about Daniel I don’t know that
we always think that Daniel’s

01;48;56;20 – 01;49;02;00
not just sitting in Jerusalem somewhere,
you know, like he’s in captivity.

01;49;02;03 – 01;49;04;25
His people have been conquered by Babylon.

01;49;04;25 – 01;49;07;00
He is sitting in captivity.

01;49;07;21 – 01;49;09;17
That King changed their names.

01;49;09;17 – 01;49;11;01
Like we all kind of know that, right?

01;49;11;01 – 01;49;13;05
That that they changed their name.

01;49;13;05 – 01;49;14;07
Belta Nassar.

01;49;14;07 – 01;49;19;15
They changed all their names,
stripping them of their identity,

01;49;21;04 – 01;49;25;05
who they are, their cultures.

01;49;25;05 – 01;49;31;28
And so they’ve gone through changes
in their language as well.

01;49;31;28 – 01;49;40;05
When we get up to the time of Yeshua,
this is what I love

01;49;40;05 – 01;49;43;08
about having an international room
and I’ve said this in the beginning,

01;49;43;08 – 01;49;47;11
it’s worth saying again
that hearing other tones

01;49;47;12 – 01;49;52;28
as hearing other dialects reminds us that
we’re not the only people on the planet

01;49;53;19 – 01;49;56;01
and it should humble you

01;49;56;01 – 01;49;57;21
so that you remember.

01;49;57;21 – 01;50;04;25
You pick up and you read this Bible,
don’t be so arrogant

01;50;04;25 – 01;50;07;24
to think that you completely understand it
because you can read the English

01;50;08;22 – 01;50;11;02
that somehow if you go to the concordance

01;50;11;11 – 01;50;14;02
or you study this,
that somehow you know better

01;50;15;17 – 01;50;18;25
until you really can speak and read Hebrew

01;50;19;12 – 01;50;22;08
and understand the grammar, you don’t.

01;50;22;08 – 01;50;23;04
You’re close,

01;50;24;10 – 01;50;27;03
but you you really, you really,
really don’t.

01;50;27;03 – 01;50;28;10
You miss a whole bunch.

01;50;28;10 – 01;50;39;24
So the Jews,
how many of you’ve heard the the saying

01;50;39;24 – 01;50;44;19
or the conversation point about that
this name was hidden from us.

01;50;45;15 – 01;50;47;18
The name of God was hidden from us.

01;50;48;00 – 01;50;52;19
And that we we associate it to
and that the

01;50;53;01 – 01;50;55;16
that within Jewish culture,
there are a lot of Jews

01;50;55;16 – 01;50;59;02
who don’t even say the name
because they say it’s too holy.

01;51;00;15 – 01;51;02;00
For us.

01;51;03;01 – 01;51;05;18
Last year, Mike,
if you’ve ever heard that.

01;51;05;18 – 01;51;08;04
But when I was

01;51;10;05 – 01;51;10;16

01;51;10;16 – 01;51;13;10
Mamadi Doreen

01;51;13;11 – 01;51;13;27
I know.

01;51;13;27 – 01;51;16;26
Esther I know
she’s getting ready for work, so I know

01;51;16;26 – 01;51;19;23
Esther that you have to leave soon.

01;51;19;27 – 01;51;20;24

01;51;21;16 – 01;51;25;09
so here’s the thing.

01;51;25;09 – 01;51;28;24
As we go through our study,
you’re going to begin to see that

01;51;30;02 – 01;51;31;09
the plan of

01;51;31;09 – 01;51;34;10
Elohim, our creator, was always that

01;51;35;19 – 01;51;37;15
the seed of Abraham,

01;51;37;15 – 01;51;40;15
it would be a blessing and he would bless
all the families of the Earth,

01;51;41;04 – 01;51;43;14
that he would bless
all nations of the Earth, that indeed

01;51;43;15 – 01;51;45;17
all nations of Earth will be blessed.

01;51;45;17 – 01;51;48;07
I mean, it says that continually.

01;51;48;07 – 01;51;51;07
It was always God’s intention
for us to be blessed because

01;51;51;07 – 01;51;54;04
they were supposed to be an example
and then show people

01;51;54;04 – 01;51;57;14
how to have an example with ELO,
how to have a relationship with Elohim,

01;51;58;21 – 01;52;01;01
and then everyone
would come into the knowledge of him.

01;52;02;13 – 01;52;05;04
Well, that didn’t happen.

01;52;05;04 – 01;52;08;18
But also some other things happened
through persecution for them.

01;52;10;05 – 01;52;12;09
Now, some things were not

01;52;12;09 – 01;52;15;11
had nothing to do with persecution.

01;52;15;11 – 01;52;16;16
One of the things

01;52;17;17 – 01;52;21;00
about Jewish, about Judaism

01;52;21;16 – 01;52;24;25
is that they believe
that there two torah’s,

01;52;26;00 – 01;52;28;00
they believe that
there’s the written Torah

01;52;28;23 – 01;52;31;22
and the oral Torah.

01;52;31;22 – 01;52;34;26
So I’m going to talk to you about
the Talmud, the mission as the camera

01;52;35;29 – 01;52;40;28
and I, I’m giving you this which you can
all go search out yourself, because

01;52;42;08 – 01;52;45;19
I want you to understand
that when you read things

01;52;45;19 – 01;52;49;11
from a Jew Day ism point of view,
because you

01;52;49;21 – 01;52;54;04
you believe that they are going
to give you access to Hebrew.

01;52;54;24 – 01;52;57;00
Some of that is true,

01;52;57;03 – 01;52;59;21
but some of it is very much
their tradition.

01;52;59;21 – 01;53;04;04
But the way that they go about it,
you would think that it’s biblical

01;53;04;15 – 01;53;06;20
because to them it is.

01;53;07;04 – 01;53;09;20
So for them

01;53;09;20 – 01;53;13;26
there are two laws, oral law and law.

01;53;14;16 – 01;53;17;20
They believe that
when Moses went onto Mount Sinai

01;53;18;03 – 01;53;20;27
that he was given to Torahs.

01;53;20;27 – 01;53;24;07
One was written and one was oral.

01;53;24;07 – 01;53;29;10
And they believe that
this oral translation right.

01;53;29;12 – 01;53;33;27
Was the the explanation of things. So

01;53;38;06 – 01;53;40;14
the commandment says,

01;53;40;27 – 01;53;43;05
thou shall not take the name of the Lord
by God in vain.

01;53;44;21 – 01;53;48;03
Well, who knows what that means, really?

01;53;49;00 – 01;53;50;06
How do you implement that?

01;53;50;06 – 01;53;51;11
How do you live that out?

01;53;51;11 – 01;53;53;26
How do you walk that out?

01;53;53;26 – 01;53;56;04
Well, obviously, there’s an oral law.

01;53;56;27 – 01;54;01;08
This is then this is the belief it
I it’s absolutely true.

01;54;02;26 – 01;54;04;15
Well obviously

01;54;04;23 – 01;54;06;15
someone needs to tell me what that means.

01;54;06;15 – 01;54;07;13
How do I live that?

01;54;07;13 – 01;54;10;04
How do I walk that out?

01;54;10;17 – 01;54;12;29
Now, we just read in Exodus

01;54;13;25 – 01;54;15;29
that when they had do you remember

01;54;15;29 – 01;54;19;28
when I was reading in 19 how they said
they didn’t want to go near to God?

01;54;19;28 – 01;54;22;13
You tell us what to do.

01;54;22;20 – 01;54;26;07
X is 2019 and they said unto Moses,
Speak Thou with us and we will hear.

01;54;26;07 – 01;54;32;13
But let not God speak us lest we die.

01;54;32;13 – 01;54;34;06
There is this sense that

01;54;35;04 – 01;54;38;07
they could not directly
communicate with Elohim, but that’s not

01;54;38;07 – 01;54;39;02
what Elohim wanted.

01;54;39;02 – 01;54;41;21
He always wanted
have a direct relationship with him.

01;54;41;27 – 01;54;44;23
And we get confused by this new covenant

01;54;44;23 – 01;54;48;01
that, you know, Oh, it came in
with the New Testament, which is not true.

01;54;48;01 – 01;54;50;26
The New Covenant is directly spoken
in Deuteronomy.

01;54;51;11 – 01;54;53;17
We’ll get to that much later
in our studies.

01;54;54;21 – 01;55;00;11
But the point being is that in Judaism
they believe there are two laws.

01;55;01;07 – 01;55;05;01
For a long time
that oral law was only passed down orally

01;55;05;10 – 01;55;11;03
from their religious leaders,
their rabbis.

01;55;11;03 – 01;55;15;17
At some point because
they were being taken in captivity,

01;55;15;17 – 01;55;17;06
the temple was destroyed.

01;55;17;06 – 01;55;19;22
They realized, you know what,
we need to write down?

01;55;20;10 – 01;55;24;03
Because if we write this down
and we’re not able to be in one location,

01;55;25;03 – 01;55;27;13
we can still train and teach other people.

01;55;27;22 – 01;55;30;19
And that is the mission.

01;55;30;19 – 01;55;34;09
So the there oral law is the Mishnah

01;55;35;18 – 01;55;39;01
they give

01;55;39;01 – 01;55;42;17
unbelievable authority to their rabbis

01;55;43;26 – 01;55;47;27
in this idea
that if the rabbis say it’s true,

01;55;47;27 – 01;55;50;13
even if you don’t find it
in the Torah, it’s true

01;55;52;07 – 01;55;54;22
because it’s in the oral law.

01;55;54;22 – 01;55;56;19
That’s the Mishnah.

01;55;57;09 – 01;56;00;06
So They’ve been taught this way

01;56;00;13 – 01;56;03;02
for centuries.

01;56;04;20 – 01;56;08;00
It’s 2000 years now,
so they’ve had a good 20 centuries

01;56;08;00 – 01;56;13;19
or and more a believing and teaching
and walking this way

01;56;13;19 – 01;56;18;18
before you show
how much you got on the earth.

01;56;18;18 – 01;56;22;01
They believed that

01;56;22;23 – 01;56;24;25
there were two laws.

01;56;25;17 – 01;56;27;28
So if there’s this oral law

01;56;28;05 – 01;56;32;01
that gives you instructions
and how to abide

01;56;32;01 – 01;56;35;13
by the written law,

01;56;35;13 – 01;56;39;11
and so it’s called the Mishnah,
which is in the Talmud.

01;56;39;16 – 01;56;40;19
So the Talmud.

01;56;40;19 – 01;56;45;11
is just a large collection of works.

01;56;45;11 – 01;56;49;20
The Mishnah is in there.

01;56;49;20 – 01;56;50;24
So they

01;56;51;25 – 01;56;54;06
the Tanakh, they believe the Torah.

01;56;54;14 – 01;56;59;23
But there is also a law
that tells you what to do.

01;56;59;23 – 01;57;02;19
Now, the thing with the oral law is that

01;57;03;26 – 01;57;06;01
it may only

01;57;06;08 – 01;57;10;17
give you written instructions,
but that may not really help

01;57;10;17 – 01;57;11;29
you understand them.

01;57;11;29 – 01;57;15;19
And this is how I heard one Hebrew teacher
explain it to me.

01;57;16;20 – 01;57;18;25
Well, explain it in
the class was listening to.

01;57;20;11 – 01;57;22;17
So let’s say that

01;57;22;29 – 01;57;25;23
you go to IKEA or Wal-Mart or some store

01;57;26;18 – 01;57;29;25
and you buy a piece of furniture
that you have to put together yourself.

01;57;30;08 – 01;57;30;16

01;57;30;16 – 01;57;33;26
Or you get some instructions
to put together some piece of equipment

01;57;34;03 – 01;57;34;22
by yourself.

01;57;34;22 – 01;57;37;29
And there are written instructions.

01;57;37;29 – 01;57;41;27
Well, you may open those instructions
and look at them and be like,

01;57;42;26 – 01;57;47;17
oh, my gosh, in America
we have IKEA, and IKEA has a helpline.

01;57;47;17 – 01;57;49;24
So it’s like even if you’re
looking at these instructions

01;57;49;24 – 01;57;52;12
and you can’t figure out to do,
you can actually call someone

01;57;52;29 – 01;57;56;13
and they will explain to you
the instructions that you’re looking at.

01;57;56;21 – 01;57;57;09
Now you have

01;57;58;20 – 01;57;59;27
they’re there,

01;57;59;27 – 01;58;01;29
but you still can’t understand what to do,

01;58;03;15 – 01;58;05;18
or it’s confused,
or you get halfway through

01;58;05;23 – 01;58;08;12
and it doesn’t look like the picture

01;58;08;12 – 01;58;10;04
So what do you do?

01;58;10;11 – 01;58;12;24
You’re like, Oh, you can’t figure it out.

01;58;13;03 – 01;58;13;22
It may take you

01;58;13;22 – 01;58;17;19
all day to put together something
and it may come out crooked or whatever.

01;58;17;27 – 01;58;19;27
You miss the piece.

01;58;19;27 – 01;58;23;08
You didn’t understand
that the the screw that was only,

01;58;23;17 – 01;58;26;17
you know, two inches was supposed
to be used instead of the screw

01;58;26;17 – 01;58;29;14
that was two and a half inches,
you know, that kind of thing.

01;58;30;07 – 01;58;32;26
So you need someone to explain to you
the laws.

01;58;33;14 – 01;58;35;17
That’s the midrash.

01;58;35;18 – 01;58;39;29
So in the midrash
you have a lot of rabbis discussing

01;58;39;29 – 01;58;45;05
what they are thinking
and in how they would explain

01;58;46;22 – 01;58;48;04
the Mizner.

01;58;48;18 – 01;58;49;24
So you don’t understand.

01;58;49;24 – 01;58;53;08
So you have the Torah,
but the Torah has laws.

01;58;54;08 – 01;58;55;14
That’s the Mishnah.

01;58;55;14 – 01;58;58;07
Well, while you’re reading the mission,
you may not understand that

01;58;58;07 – 01;59;01;25
because it was,
you know, a thousand years ago.

01;59;02;05 – 01;59;05;28
So then you have the midrash,
which is a bench of I don’t want

01;59;06;00 – 01;59;09;18
say Bunch, which is a group of different
rabbis giving their opinions

01;59;10;23 – 01;59;13;28
on how you execute that.

01;59;13;28 – 01;59;17;01
And it may look different
if you’re in Egypt, it may look different

01;59;17;01 – 01;59;21;14
if you’re in Lithuania or Germany
or Australia.

01;59;23;10 – 01;59;26;24
One of the
the stories that I hear often from

01;59;27;01 – 01;59;29;14
this one teacher is and

01;59;30;17 – 01;59;34;21
his name
is, I’ll give it to you afterwards.

01;59;34;21 – 01;59;38;13
But the point I want you to stay focus
since I give you the name

01;59;38;13 – 01;59;41;14
that you could go and look them up,
not hear me now, just wait.

01;59;41;14 – 01;59;44;06
I’m going to give you all the names.

01;59;44;06 – 01;59;48;09
So what he said is he was born
and raised an Orthodox rabbinical Jew.

01;59;48;17 – 01;59;52;10
It’s been in his family,
his great grandfather, grandfather, father

01;59;52;13 – 01;59;56;01
were all rabbinical Jews
in this particular line.

01;59;56;25 – 01;59;59;14
But then he always questioned
the oral law.

01;59;59;14 – 02;00;00;03
He could just

02;00;00;03 – 02;00;02;09
he’s like, Well, if it’s not in the Torah,
even at ten,

02;00;02;09 – 02;00;03;29
he’ll tell you in his testimony
or something.

02;00;03;29 – 02;00;07;03
Even at ten, he is questioning
his father and his father’s like,

02;00;07;03 – 02;00;08;12
You’re not old enough.

02;00;08;12 – 02;00;11;22
You’re trying to say that,
you know, more than the hundreds of

02;00;12;10 – 02;00;14;25
wisdom speakers that we have.

02;00;15;29 – 02;00;18;18
And he was like, But it’s not

02;00;18;18 – 02;00;20;00
I can’t find it in the Torah.

02;00;20;00 – 02;00;20;21
It’s like that.

02;00;20;21 – 02;00;23;19
And he’s the his father would say, no,
the rabbi said it.

02;00;24;10 – 02;00;26;26
The rabbis have more authority
on Earth and God,

02;00;27;26 – 02;00;30;23
this is truly what they believe.

02;00;30;23 – 02;00;34;04
The rabbis were sanctified by God
and given the authority

02;00;34;04 – 02;00;35;28
to have authority on Earth
more so than God.

02;00;35;28 – 02;00;37;16
So if they say so, this is it.

02;00;37;16 – 02;00;40;16
So my point about the midrash and the Mr..

02;00;40;29 – 02;00;43;28
So There’s a,
there’s this law in the Mishnah

02;00;45;05 – 02;00;47;05
where when you get up in the morning,

02;00;48;16 – 02;00;51;03
you have to put on your

02;00;51;03 – 02;00;53;16
left shoe first.

02;00;53;16 – 02;00;55;24
No, you’re right shoe first,

02;00;55;24 – 02;00;58;17
but you don’t tie it,
you put on your left shoe,

02;00;59;13 – 02;01;02;17
then you tie your left shoe, then
you go to your right shoe in your tie.

02;01;04;02 – 02;01;04;20
And so

02;01;04;20 – 02;01;07;17
there’s another rabbi was like, Well,
we don’t have shoe laces,

02;01;08;04 – 02;01;11;05
but we still have to put on the right shoe
first, then the left shoe.

02;01;11;26 – 02;01;13;18
So this is the the midrash.

02;01;13;18 – 02;01;16;07
There’s a and and the thing about it is,

02;01;17;07 – 02;01;20;12
there’s a lot of wisdom in there.

02;01;20;12 – 02;01;23;15
There are a lot of things
that are not absolutely not true

02;01;23;15 – 02;01;26;15
because they are laws made by them.

02;01;27;23 – 02;01;31;15
Could they be practical and good laws
to protect you and keep you safe?

02;01;31;15 – 02;01;32;14

02;01;32;14 – 02;01;35;01
Do our parents give us laws that legally

02;01;35;23 – 02;01;39;16
aren’t binding in the earth
like you need to be home by ten.

02;01;39;16 – 02;01;41;21
You need to finish your homework
before you go outside.

02;01;42;04 – 02;01;45;05
There is no legal law in the Constitution
or in your government

02;01;45;05 – 02;01;47;07
that says that that is so.

02;01;47;07 – 02;01;51;10
But because you respect the authority
of parents, you abide by those laws.

02;01;52;00 – 02;01;54;12
It’s the same kind of idea,

02;01;54;12 – 02;01;56;19
except they’re fiddling with God

02;01;56;29 – 02;02;00;29
and they’re figuring with the Torah
and they know this,

02;02;00;29 – 02;02;05;14
they don’t hide this, they accept this,
and they give extreme honor

02;02;06;18 – 02;02;07;28

02;02;07;28 – 02;02;12;20
I think some cultures we don’t understand
honor of elders and those of wisdom.

02;02;13;26 – 02;02;17;06
Sometimes we do,
but this is how they honor them.

02;02;17;06 – 02;02;19;07
But that doesn’t mean
that there’s not a lot of wisdom.

02;02;20;11 – 02;02;23;15
Many of us have read books by Joyce
Meyer, by T.D.

02;02;23;15 – 02;02;27;09
Jakes, by Miles Monroe,
and we’ve been blessed by them.

02;02;27;24 – 02;02;32;26
They’ve many of us here have written books
that have blessed other people’s lives.

02;02;33;16 – 02;02;35;12
There’s nothing wrong with doing that.

02;02;35;12 – 02;02;39;18
There’s nothing wrong with
going through the Mishnah or the midrash

02;02;39;21 – 02;02;41;13
reading what they have to say.

02;02;41;13 – 02;02;44;05
But it’s not gospel law.
It is not the Torah.

02;02;44;05 – 02;02;46;17
If it contradicts the Torah,
then you just don’t do it.

02;02;46;17 – 02;02;48;19
You eat the meat
and you spit out the bones.

02;02;49;24 – 02;02;53;21
But for those in Judaism,
this is absolutely true.

02;02;54;21 – 02;02;55;25
So this becomes a

02;02;55;25 – 02;02;59;26
problem when when we start looking for

02;02;59;26 – 02;03;03;25
Hebrew information to
to learn about our Jewish Jesus,

02;03;05;00 – 02;03;08;18
and we start getting into Judaism
not fully understand adding

02;03;08;18 – 02;03;13;20
that a lot of what they are talking about
and they live by gives authority to men

02;03;14;17 – 02;03;16;21
and these particular wise men

02;03;17;01 – 02;03;20;24
have such authority,
even so than God too such that it says,

02;03;20;24 – 02;03;24;18
Well, you just do what the rabbi says
and when you get to heaven it’ll be okay.

02;03;24;18 – 02;03;27;19
You just tell God you follow the rabbi
and God will be like, Oh, it’s okay,

02;03;27;19 – 02;03;30;18
I understand
that’s how deep it goes for them.

02;03;32;11 – 02;03;34;05
And so

02;03;34;29 – 02;03;38;28
when you’re looking for teachers,
people to read,

02;03;38;28 – 02;03;44;10
you have to be sure that they are not
the type of Hebrew teachers who believe

02;03;44;22 – 02;03;47;16
and subscribe to the Mishnah,

02;03;47;16 – 02;03;50;17
the Midrash is the Talmud, the Torah law.

02;03;50;24 – 02;03;52;06
Now, many of them.

02;03;52;06 – 02;03;56;04
The names I’m going to give you,
they speak and read English.

02;03;56;11 – 02;04;00;29
They’re very much about the gentile
is coming into the understanding

02;04;01;16 – 02;04;02;18
of their Hebrew.

02;04;03;21 – 02;04;06;27
They may
talk about the Mishnah or midrash,

02;04;07;05 – 02;04;08;29
but these gentlemen
that I’m going to give to

02;04;08;29 – 02;04;12;05
you will totally say,
I don’t find that in the Torah.

02;04;12;11 – 02;04;15;29
And so they’re outliers
in their own communities, right?

02;04;15;29 – 02;04;20;23
So even though and two of them
were not even born or raised,

02;04;21;01 – 02;04;22;07
three of three of them

02;04;22;07 – 02;04;26;03
were not even born, are raised Jewish,
but they are Torah observant.

02;04;26;03 – 02;04;30;15
Some are very much Jewish
in that they celebrate Hanukkah and Puram.

02;04;30;24 – 02;04;33;00
And we know there’s nothing wrong
with celebrating those.

02;04;33;10 – 02;04;35;21
They’re Jewish traditions.

02;04;35;21 – 02;04;39;28
They’re not required that we do that,
but they’re Jewish tradition.

02;04;39;28 – 02;04;41;24
There’s nothing wrong with them.

02;04;41;24 – 02;04;45;25
So when you’re looking to study
and you’re listening,

02;04;46;05 – 02;04;51;26
if you’re going to listen to someone
who is a rabbi, understand

02;04;51;26 – 02;04;56;01
that you’re listening to them for wisdom
only in that gospel, truth

02;04;56;20 – 02;05;00;13
and some things you have to be like,
you better hope you have a conquered dash.

02;05;00;13 – 02;05;03;04
Some people may just not want to go there
because you’re not that mature yet.

02;05;03;04 – 02;05;04;28
To be able to hear something

02;05;04;28 – 02;05;07;19
and not believe everything
that that authority person told you.

02;05;08;07 – 02;05;09;16
So there are some people like that.

02;05;09;16 – 02;05;11;19
I used to be like that, right?

02;05;11;19 – 02;05;14;16
That if you were in authority and
you told me something, then it was true.

02;05;16;02 – 02;05;20;00
So but it’s important to understand
the Hebrew.

02;05;20;00 – 02;05;24;13
So what we have
now are we are having these individuals

02;05;24;13 – 02;05;29;16
that Jehovah has raised up
who completely have come out of,

02;05;29;16 – 02;05;33;21
been born,
raise rabbinical, Jew, read it, speak it.

02;05;33;21 – 02;05;38;03
They’re scholars in their own realm,
but now they are bringing

02;05;38;03 – 02;05;42;05
light to non-Jews, to the Gentiles,
to understand

02;05;42;05 – 02;05;45;27
the Hebrew Bible,
the way the Torah is written.

02;05;46;27 – 02;05;50;11
No commentary, no interpretation.

02;05;50;11 – 02;05;52;23
Now, may they tell you about traditions
that go on?

02;05;52;24 – 02;05;55;11
They may, but they’re always going to say,
you know, the mission says this

02;05;55;11 – 02;05;56;17
or the rabbi says this,

02;05;56;17 – 02;05;59;27
but if I can’t find it in the Torah,
then it’s not true.

02;05;59;27 – 02;06;02;26
It took me a long time to find these
people, and I’m going to give them to you

02;06;04;14 – 02;06;05;04
for you free.

02;06;05;04 – 02;06;11;14
Now, say you don’t have to search them out
and make mistakes on your own. So

02;06;13;05 – 02;06;15;25
while you’re thinking of your questions,

02;06;16;10 – 02;06;20;08
let me type their names in the chat

02;06;23;20 – 02;06;25;15
so that

02;06;26;22 – 02;06;27;19
so again,

02;06;27;19 – 02;06;33;24
these gentlemen, Nehemia Gordon,

02;06;34;01 – 02;06;36;13
he has.

02;06;38;14 – 02;06;40;01
Oh, Mitch, go away.

02;06;40;01 – 02;06;41;02

02;06;41;26 – 02;06;44;05
you don’t want to hear from you.

02;06;44;05 – 02;06;44;17
Hear me?

02;06;44;17 – 02;06;48;05
A Gordon has nahmias wal

02;06;48;11 – 02;06;57;14
Ross Nichols.

02;06;57;14 – 02;07;00;17
Ross Nichols

02;07;00;18 – 02;07;03;01
tell you is from.

02;07;03;19 – 02;07;05;23
I better type that out.

02;07;05;23 – 02;07;07;24
Ross Nichols.

02;07;07;24 – 02;07;10;27
All of these people have tons

02;07;11;17 – 02;07;15;17
of articles, youtube videos, teachings.

02;07;16;11 – 02;07;19;24
Oh my gosh.

02;07;19;24 – 02;07;22;05
Don’t blow your brain out. Right?

02;07;22;05 – 02;07;25;10
Because you can be like a kid like, oh,
where do I start?

02;07;25;10 – 02;07;26;27
Where do I start?

02;07;28;01 – 02;07;29;25
Ross Nichols is with

02;07;29;25 – 02;07;31;29
he might be a little horrified united

02;07;33;09 – 02;07;35;03

02;07;35;16 – 02;07;37;23
World Union

02;07;41;23 – 02;07;45;07
I’ve already told you about Jeff Banner

02;07;45;07 – 02;07;47;20
he has the mechanical translation
that your ad

02;07;47;20 – 02;07;51;01
or you went to and he’s with the ancient

02;07;52;07 – 02;07;54;17

02;07;54;28 – 02;08;00;20
Resource Center.

02;08;00;20 – 02;08;03;17
Keith Johnson is a black

02;08;04;26 – 02;08;09;19
American pastor,
formerly a methodist pastor,

02;08;09;19 – 02;08;14;08
and he

02;08;17;17 – 02;08;19;19
he you have to listen to him
tell his story.

02;08;19;19 – 02;08;20;26
But he

02;08;23;11 – 02;08;25;13
he wanted to know the name of you.

02;08;25;13 – 02;08;26;08

02;08;26;20 – 02;08;29;13
He’s a methodist
now trying to keep the faith.

02;08;30;08 – 02;08;37;23
Went over to Israel, met Nehemiah, learned

02;08;38;12 – 02;08;41;05
Nehemiah, taught him

02;08;42;13 – 02;08;43;12
how to read Hebrew.

02;08;43;12 – 02;08;45;29
So this is a black American pastor

02;08;46;19 – 02;08;48;20
and he was about to make it big.

02;08;49;06 – 02;08;51;08
He he was high up in the ranks.

02;08;51;08 – 02;08;55;28
He used to travel to the Olympics
as one of the chaplains.

02;08;56;09 – 02;08;59;25
He was about to have his own television
show on the major networks

02;09;00;21 – 02;09;08;14
and got canceled
when he started talking about Yeshua.

02;09;08;14 – 02;09;12;26
So Jeff, John Keith
Johnson and Nehemiah Gordon

02;09;13;23 – 02;09;15;25
do a lot of things together.

02;09;15;25 – 02;09;18;12
They have a very powerful series.

02;09;18;12 – 02;09;24;08
I say if you’re going to start anywhere,
watch the Open Door Series.

02;09;24;08 – 02;09;26;10
It’s about ten episodes.

02;09;26;10 – 02;09;28;02
It’s for free.

02;09;28;02 – 02;09;33;12
You can find the link on the Hemings wall.

02;09;33;12 – 02;09;34;28
Did I spell that right?

02;09;34;28 – 02;09;38;21
No. The hair.

02;09;38;21 – 02;09;40;21
Me as well.

02;09;41;01 – 02;09;46;24
I believe it’s dot org. So

02;09;47;28 – 02;09;51;23
interesting with Keith and Hermia is

02;09;51;23 – 02;09;54;23
you have Nehemiah who was born
and raised to be

02;09;54;23 – 02;09;56;28
a rabbinical Orthodox Jew,

02;09;58;05 – 02;10;00;11
eventually became a Care I Jew.

02;10;01;16 – 02;10;05;24
And Cara writes, Just believe the Tanakh.

02;10;06;14 – 02;10;08;18
They don’t believe anything
about the oral law.

02;10;09;09 – 02;10;10;22
Do they have their own traditions?

02;10;10;22 – 02;10;12;02
They sure do.

02;10;12;02 – 02;10;16;04
But they’ll tell you
their traditions are their traditions.

02;10;16;17 – 02;10;17;11
They are.

02;10;17;11 – 02;10;20;17
And are they wrapped in

02;10;20;18 – 02;10;22;11
the the Torah?

02;10;22;11 – 02;10;23;26

02;10;23;26 – 02;10;25;26
And I don’t see anything wrong
with that. Right.

02;10;25;26 – 02;10;29;03
So if, for example,
they may have traditions of

02;10;31;01 – 02;10;33;22
how they prepare for Sabbath,

02;10;33;22 – 02;10;37;15
how they have their church
synagogue services,

02;10;37;15 – 02;10;42;00
when the high holy feast days come around,
there are certain meals that they make.

02;10;42;00 – 02;10;47;06
That’s tradition but they’re very clear
to tell you this is not Torah.

02;10;47;06 – 02;10;51;13
Even in some of the writings of the care
rites, there are prayer books and stuff

02;10;52;28 – 02;10;56;02
they even highlight for
you when they translate them in English.

02;10;56;08 – 02;10;58;28
What part is from the Tanakh
and what part is them?

02;10;59;23 – 02;11;00;05

02;11;00;08 – 02;11;04;07
So if I were to say, Oh, let’s pray,
bless Jehovah, we love you, Lord,

02;11;04;13 – 02;11;05;28
we thank you, we praise you, honor.

02;11;05;28 – 02;11;08;14
Well, that’s not in the Torah, that’s me.

02;11;08;14 – 02;11;10;18
But there’s nothing that contradicts
the Torah.

02;11;10;25 – 02;11;13;16
Okay, so.

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