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Home 1040W Originals International Sabbath Fellowship – 02
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International Sabbath Fellowship – 02

This is week 2 of our Sabbath class/ Bible study. We start with isa 56:1-8 and Jer 6:16. Isa 56 takes center stage as we talk more about Yehovah making room for the “son of the stranger and the eunuch”. After this we get back into Genesis and have long discussions about Noah and Abraham.

We are beginning a new bible study about the promise to Abraham and does that promise benefit non-Jewish people. What does the Old Testament / Tanakh have to say about God/ELOHIM’s plan to “save = bless” all humanity.

All are welcome to study with us. We are not Seventh Day Adventist, Jewish/ Messianic Jews, Black Hebrew Israelites… just people looking to have a deeper relationship with our Creator who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This class is good for Beginners and Intermediate learners for Torah study.
Join us live on Clubhouse (10/40 Window Mission Network) every Sabbath at 4am East Coast – USA 10am Pretoria , South Africa 4pm Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We have added the transcript below to help with translation and the hearing impared community.

Saturday Jan 14, 2023 w/ Elder Regina Roundtree

00;00;39;11 – 00;00;45;21
Speaker 1
Okay. So, Esther, you want to pray for us?

00;00;49;16 – 00;00;55;15
Speaker 2
Yeah. Okay. Can I pray in vietnamese?

00;00;55;16 – 00;01;02;07
Speaker 1
Of course you can pray in Vietnamese. You know, I love it when you pray in Vietnamese.

00;01;02;15 – 00;01;05;16
Speaker 2
Okay. Thank you.

00;01;08;20 – 00;01;43;28
Speaker 2
Okay. Vietnamese

00;01;43;28 – 00;02;35;22
Speaker 2

00;02;35;23 – 00;02;44;28
Speaker 2

00;02;48;05 – 00;03;01;10
Speaker 1
Shabbat shalom, Shikha. How are you?

00;03;02;24 – 00;03;06;08
Speaker 2
Shabbat shalom, everyone. I’m good, thank you. And you

00;03;06;08 – 00;03;11;14
Speaker 1
Good. How is your Sabbath? You’re in South Africa, right?

00;03;12;02 – 00;03;26;01
Speaker 2
Correct. So it’s the morning already to Barry living here. It’s just beautiful is just what I need it. It’s not raining. The sun is out. I just need to take it in. So I’m enjoying.

00;03;26;27 – 00;03;29;24
Speaker 1
Good. So you know that made your daughters in South Africa to.

00;03;31;13 – 00;03;32;22
Speaker 2
Which part you from.

00;03;36;15 – 00;03;54;28
Speaker 1
Pretoria Major daughter. Can you put it in the chat where you are in South Africa? I think it’s near Pretoria. She may have stepped away because she’s got family and stuff, but yeah, major daughter’s in South Africa.

00;03;55;27 – 00;04;05;00
Speaker 2
So that’s wonderful. Okay, so I’m more towards where the airport is. So I’m in hotel in Johannesburg. Oh, yeah.

00;04;06;01 – 00;04;12;01
Speaker 1
I I’m going to make it over there to South Africa. I tell you, I am pleased to.

00;04;12;02 – 00;04;14;11
Speaker 2
And I’ll take you to all the nice places.

00;04;16;00 – 00;05;15;08
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah, I got quite a few places I need to go. Once I hit that continent. So, yeah. So last week we talked about just beginning to look at the blessing. Oh, she did. She put it in the chat. Oh that’s spammer. How do they even get in here. But anyways they must have bots or something. So last week we, we talked about just the beginning of how important it is to understand that we, whether you are of Israelite blood or not, are still part of Elohim plan.

00;05;16;13 – 00;05;47;25
Speaker 1
We’ve always been part of the plan. And what we’re studying is really we’re going to begin studying the Abrahamic Covenant. There are there’s only one covenant before Abraham, and that’s the one that happened with Noah. And we’re going to look into that one in depth tonight. But we began talking about the different ways that Elohim began to interact with humanity.

00;05;47;25 – 00;06;17;12
Speaker 1
And we ended with a passage from Isaiah 56, which we’re going to go there in a second. But I want to I want us to read from Jeremiah six. So if you have your Bibles, go there and I will ask, you know, you guys to read with us and talk as we go through this. So I have a few different Bibles that I am working from.

00;06;19;03 – 00;06;52;08
Speaker 1
And yet last week I introduced you guys to the the transparent English Bible. Hey, you, Marie. I introduce you guys to the the transparent single. Oh, how did these spammers get in here? Now, the transparent English Bible, which only has Genesis done at this particular time. But today I am going to also introduce you to the core Tanakh.

00;06;52;08 – 00;07;30;26
Speaker 1
Right. And the core in case it sounds like Koran, K.O., R, E and and it is a Hebrew and English Bible. Right. And so it has a Hebrew on the one page and English on the other page. I really like the one of the teachers that I follow. And so I’ll be sharing with you the different teachers that I study with.

00;07;32;06 – 00;08;06;05
Speaker 1
And so now with technology and stuff, you can study with people online and they may not even know who you are. So but I do spend a lot of time studying with Hebrew scholars and who really understand the language. What’s interesting is like so there’s about four of them that I been currently, you know, for a while studying with two are like new that I just found.

00;08;07;03 – 00;08;35;15
Speaker 1
But what’s interesting about them, especially the one that referred me so the one that referred me to the current Tanakh, his name is Ross Nichols and he’s out of United Israel Worldwide Union. And so I’m not promoting anything with him, but I just want you to understand like that I’m sharing with you stuff that I also learned. So I don’t take credit for for everything.

00;08;36;14 – 00;09;04;07
Speaker 1
There’s a lot of stuff that’s that’s a revelation that I have gotten in. And I’ll really make that clear. But if I’m really quoting or referring to someone else, I will tell you who that is so that you can, you know, of course, go check. So anyways, the coin, Tanakh, he uses it even though he can read Hebrew and write it fluently and he is was not born a Jew Jewish.

00;09;04;07 – 00;09;42;00
Speaker 1
He was not born he was born into a fundamental Christian home. And later he transitioned over. He does archeology tours. He’s written a lot of books. And so I love the fact that when he teaches, he is we’re not interested, Mr. Smart, that when he teaches, gosh, you’re Mr. Smart. If you keep doing this, we’re just going to kick you out the room, okay?

00;09;42;06 – 00;09;43;17
Speaker 1
So please stop.

00;09;47;10 – 00;10;40;26
Speaker 1
When he teaches, he is not interested in following what rabbis, the mission or the Talmud, all the other rabbinical teachings. He’s really what does the word say? And so I love that about what he’s talking about is is getting into this idea of what does the word say. And so I can really you can really glean from him because he is looking at the Hebrew he studied it for a long time and he’s read and he’ll tell you when he’s teaching that he’s put he you know, this is what the rabbit, the rabbi say.

00;10;40;26 – 00;11;12;23
Speaker 1
This was a mission, says what the Talmud said. And many times he doesn’t agree with them. Right. But he gives it as background in history, because commentary can give you information, but then you have to really vet it anyway. So that’s how come I got to that the Koran Tanakh. And so I want us to first start off in Jeremiah six and Ross Nichols is also the one who taught me about the white spaces.

00;11;12;23 – 00;11;39;26
Speaker 1
So in most Hebrew Bibles, you can see them in any Hebrew text. I’m talking about the Bible text that you look at, even if you can’t read Hebrew, if you look at the pages of the text, you’ll see that there are white spaces because they don’t do chapters. I mean, they have chapters and verses there as a guidepost, but in the ancient times they didn’t have paragraphs and chapters.

00;11;39;26 – 00;12;15;17
Speaker 1
And I think we understand as people that study than read the Bible that chapters and paragraphs are put in, you know, much later. And so but that’s not how the Hebrew writers began a thought or ended the thought. So what you’ll see sometimes is that a thought can end and begin with only three or four verses, right? Or it could be, you know, two and a half chapters, so you never end.

00;12;16;01 – 00;12;43;26
Speaker 1
And so we sometimes just take for granted that the thought, you know, begins at the chapter, ends at that chapter, which is not true. And so what I’ll do a lot and share with you guys a lot is where’s the white spaces? Where is the thoughts beginning and ending for the particular scripture that we’re reading in? And we may not, due to time, be able to read the whole thought.

00;12;44;18 – 00;13;15;10
Speaker 1
Right? But at least I’ll mention it. It’ll be here. You can make notes on it. Or when you listen to the replays like, you know, I’m going to go back and read the whole thought, you know, so we’re going to be in a we’re going to be in Jeremiah Chapter six. I want you to go to verse 16, and I’m in the Tanakh in the Koran.

00;13;15;10 – 00;13;46;28
Speaker 1
It’s actually pronounced Koran, but it’s spelled COR and KATAMARI and and the thought in Jeremiah 616 begins actually a verse 16 in the thought ends at verse 20. So I’m going to read those four chapters and then we’re going to go to Ava as a 56 Sheikha. Can you read? Are you able to do that?

00;13;48;18 – 00;13;50;29
Speaker 2
Yeah. Do you want me to read out of the cage?

00;13;51;17 – 00;14;13;01
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s fine. So if you’ll get prepared, I’m going to have you read up from Isaiah 56 for us when we get over there. Okay, cool. Okay, so I’m in jail. We’re in Jeremiah 616 and we’re going to read about something called The Ancient Path, which I think is interesting. Jeremiah 616 I’m reading from the Koran.

00;14;13;25 – 00;14;41;19
Speaker 1
This is what the only thing I don’t like about this. Well, you know, it’s hard to find, like, the perfect translation Bible, right. Is this is really close to translating the Hebrew into English, but they don’t they don’t put the for the English, they don’t put the name the teacher the that they don’t put the symbol and they do leave it as Lord.

00;14;43;03 – 00;15;22;18
Speaker 1
And we understand that everybody’s at different places. We have different Bible versions that we’re reading from. And so when I read Lord the Capital Aloha T, I actually translated as Jehovah. And so there’s a lot that I’ve learned about. And you know, what’s so interesting is that we’re always learning. Have you guys noticed that? And the things that we think are new sometimes to us, I’m finding when I’m studying with these teachers that they’ve been teaching this for like ten, 15 years, 25 years, you know, and I just find them and like, oh my gosh, this is so exciting.

00;15;23;07 – 00;15;49;24
Speaker 1
And, you know, they’re teaching, teaching, teaching. And I look at the video post or the date, it is like eight years ago, five years ago. So so Jehovah, some say Yahweh someday Jehovah we know that we’re talking about the creator of the the universe. And so we’re, we’re quite fine in this room with you calling him by the name that you know when you understand, right?

00;15;50;23 – 00;16;26;26
Speaker 1
So here we are. 616 This is what you Hova said. Stand upon the roads and reflect. And in your KJV it may say the ancient paths, right? This is what Yo Hova said. Stand upon the roads and reflect. Inquire about the ancient path. What is the good way? Walk in it you will find tranquility for your soul But you said we will not walk.

00;16;28;03 – 00;16;59;11
Speaker 1
I set up watchman over you listen to the call of the Rams horn that’s the shofar. But you said we will not listen. Therefore, here o nations and no o community, what awaits them here? Earth, I’m about to bring evil upon this people the fruit of their schemes, for they did not listen to my words. And as for my law, they rejected it.

00;17;00;09 – 00;17;45;08
Speaker 1
For what purpose do I need? Frankincense brought from Sheba or choice came from distant land. Your burnt offerings are not desirable, nor do I find pleasure in your sacrifices. And so I wanted to bring this up because here Isaiah excuse me, Jeremiah is writing about ancient pathways. And don’t you think that’s interesting that in his time, which was I don’t know, he was somewhere between please don’t hold me to this.

00;17;45;08 – 00;18;21;05
Speaker 1
Somewhere between like eight and 500, 500, 800 years before the B.C.E., before the common Era, before Christ. And he’s talking about ancient pathways, right? And we’re like, you know, clearly 2000 years away from him. And yet he is talking about going back, that Yahweh is saying, Jehovah is saying, look at the ancient pathways. And so there is something to even then they’re saying, get back to the basics, get back to the beginning.

00;18;22;17 – 00;19;05;12
Speaker 1
Anyone want to share something that they’ve gotten from that? Hey, cyber suits me, Gabriel. And good morning or Shabbat shalom. Doreen. We are looking at Jeremiah six and we’re about to go into Isaiah 56. But what I brought this verse out first was to say that the Lord is telling them to look at the ancient pathways and this is ancient times to us.

00;19;06;02 – 00;19;35;01
Speaker 1
But he’s telling them to go back and look at the ancient pathways, and that’s actually what we’re going to be doing. We’re going to get into Genesis in just a moment. So Chika will you read from Isaiah 56? What you do is one through eight because this is where we left off last week and it was important that we wanted to share with everyone as we’re studying it.

00;19;35;01 – 00;20;12;14
Speaker 1
Even if you are not the bloodline of Israel, then all the promises you have access to and you have access to them because that was always your plan. That was always Elohim plan, and this is before you. Zohar Mystic was always his intention for you to have access to all the promises. So Shikha, will you read for us?

00;20;12;14 – 00;21;09;08
Speaker 2
Okay, that’s saying yeah, way. Keep his judgment and do justice for my salvation is needed to come and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the men, the men that do it this and the son of men that life hold on it that keeps the service from polluting it and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of the stranger that has joined himself to your way speaking speed come saying your way has utterly separated me from his people never let the inner did you?

00;21;09;11 – 00;21;47;23
Speaker 2
I say that right in and say Behold I am a dry tree? Yes. Units, unit. Thank you for that. Say it way. And so the eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant even unto them will I give in my own house and was in my walls a place and a name better than of sons and daughters?

00;21;48;24 – 00;22;25;21
Speaker 2
I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. Also, the sons of strangers, they join themselves to a way to serve him, to love him, to love the name of your way, to be his servants. Everyone that keeps the Sabbath from polluting it and take it hold of my covenant. Even then, what I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of praise, they burned offerings.

00;22;25;24 – 00;22;55;01
Speaker 2
Their sacrifices shall be accepted upon me, upon my altar, for my house shall be called and house of prayer for all people your way, which gathered the outcasts of Israel safe yet will I gather others to him beside those that are gathered unto him?

00;22;55;01 – 00;22;59;10
Speaker 1
Amen. Do you have a thought? What do you think about reading that?

00;23;00;26 – 00;23;30;15
Speaker 2
So my opinion or my understanding of this verse is that if we keep the Sabbath and we keep his commandments, then what he has in store for us will come to us. He even states he will give us a new name as well as if we do not pollute Sabbath, that he will bring us he will actually give us joy in his house during pray, if that makes sense, and if we don’t polluted.

00;23;30;15 – 00;24;02;25
Speaker 2
So the polluting part I feel is like how we say, can I just come out of the Bible? Sorry, this is easier explained Davos. When a gas is near your sins. Yeah, he’s seeing that. And if you turn back your fruits from the Sabbath, from doing your own pleasure on my holy day and call it a delight and a holy day of Elohim, honorable.

00;24;02;25 – 00;24;14;20
Speaker 2
So I feel like this prepares you for Isaiah 58, 13 to 14, pretty much. I don’t know. Does it make sense?

00;24;15;22 – 00;24;37;22
Speaker 1
Yes, it does. And, you know, we’re even though I’m reading and guiding us a little bit, I do want you to share and to speak your thoughts about that. And I think it does you’re right. It does kind of prepare you for it. Isaiah 58, 13 and 14 about turning your foot from Sabbath and Sabbath being your delight.

00;24;38;18 – 00;24;51;05
Speaker 1
And I think that’s good that you see that he’s going to give us a name. He’ll give us joy. What else? Anything else?

00;24;51;05 – 00;24;53;05
Speaker 2
And just give me a second.

00;24;53;14 – 00;24;55;15
Speaker 1
And then I’m going to ask you, Esther, what you think.

00;24;58;14 – 00;25;24;21
Speaker 2
What he also states in in in verse eight, that he even gathers the outcasts. So so this is a big one because like initially, before I understood or before I started studying and our apostle, you know, you feel like an outcast, you feel like you don’t fit anywhere. But here he states that even if you were an outcast, he calls you in.

00;25;24;21 – 00;25;37;22
Speaker 2
He kind of brings you towards him saying that, you know what the is helpful, that we’re not just cast away. I don’t know how I saw in that one verse a very nice amen.

00;25;38;20 – 00;25;47;22
Speaker 1
Thank you. And what about you, Esther?

00;25;47;22 – 00;26;29;06
Speaker 2
Yes. Okay, this is good, because you know, when I study about the Torah and then I see a lot of prominence, Father Israelite in, you know, time, I think that’s how I can join with the Israelite there, because it’s like they have the the promise from Abraham passed out with them. But we are we are the stranger. We are not Israelite.

00;26;29;19 – 00;27;14;19
Speaker 2
We are not born as a Israelite Israel. And this is the promise for us. This is a hope. This is it’s just like the thing that yeah, we one to let us know that just like the people you keep the Sabbath and keep God’s keep God’s word and then do whatever he say. Even you are not Israel. You are not the children of Avraham in the blood, but still the from is for you.

00;27;16;00 – 00;27;19;29
Speaker 2
That is a good thing that I understand in this Scripture.

00;27;23;19 – 00;27;24;08
Speaker 1

00;27;25;04 – 00;27;25;13
Speaker 2

00;27;27;15 – 00;27;54;04
Speaker 1
A man. And that is the whole point of this study that we’re dealing in. So we’re going to get into Genesis now. But yeah, we are in Isaiah 56 verses one through eight and welcome to all of you who have joined us. If you want to come up, I’ve invited you all up. You can come up and just talk with us.

00;27;54;04 – 00;28;29;06
Speaker 1
But the son of the strangers, it says that what in verse six. And so there’s no doubt that he when he uses when you see the word stranger, foreigner, sojourner, that you’re definitely talking to people who are not of the bloodline of Israel. And what I love is that in verse six, it says that join themselves to Jehovah, to your way to Lord.

00;28;29;06 – 00;29;14;29
Speaker 1
If you see that in your Bible, to serve Him and to love the name of Jehovah and to be his servant. And so he doesn’t want you to join a tribe. He doesn’t need you. They didn’t have denominations back then, but we have them now. And it was about joining yourself to Jehovah and you serve him and you love the name of Jehovah and of course you’d have to know his name, the old head, but he that you can take hold of his covenant, but you have to keep the Sabbath.

00;29;15;04 – 00;29;43;26
Speaker 1
So here’s the things you need to do, right? You join yourself to Jehovah One then to serve him to then to love the name of you over three to be his servants four. It’s like he repeats it again and everyone that keep the Sabbath from polluting it. Five And take hold of my covenant. So there’s qualifications, right, to, to what happens, but none of it has to do with bloodline.

00;29;45;23 – 00;30;18;29
Speaker 1
And so if none of it has to do with bloodline, then this is amazing because the promises belong to us, all of us. And so what does he say in verse seven? Even them will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon my altar, for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.

00;30;20;07 – 00;30;41;28
Speaker 1
And that’s a popular scripture. We kind of hear that, you know, I’ve seen even churches called House of Prayer, you know, for all people. And you go into many prayer rooms and it’s you know, that’s a key verse, the house of Prayer for all people. But there’s a requirement for all people, right, to be joined in to the House of Prayer.

00;30;41;28 – 00;31;20;20
Speaker 1
And it it has nothing to do with bloodline, although bloodline is important. We’re not saying that, but we’re talking right now to people who are not of Jewish descent, not of Hebrew descent or Jewish is that is a culture not of Hebrew. So that’s amazing that we see that in the Scripture. And so now we’re going to go back into Genesis, where we were last week, and there were some things that we talked about in Genesis when we started.

00;31;21;28 – 00;32;03;27
Speaker 1
So we we’re looking at the progression of Elohim, of God’s relationship with humanity. And what we saw is in Genesis in the beginning, you know, one, two and three, he did not have any kind of covenant with Adam and Eve or and his wife. We never see Elohim make any covenant at all, not any promise that he was going to do something with them or for them.

00;32;03;27 – 00;32;43;09
Speaker 1
And then we realized that when we looked at Noah, that we saw is the first time that we hear Elohim say, I’m going to make a covenant with you. I’m going to make a promise with you. And that’s really important because then we see the progression of when he gets to Abraham. We we understand from that, we all study and read the Bible that there’s an even deeper and more meaningful covenant.

00;32;43;09 – 00;33;15;29
Speaker 1
And Abraham, who we’re going to focus on, but we need to backtrack a little bit, and I want us to look deeper a little bit at Noah, because we he is where everything splits off. All right. I mean, we can say Adam and Eve were the the the parents of of all living. But actually, when you think about it, it’s really it’s kind of like Noah, right?

00;33;16;01 – 00;33;45;17
Speaker 1
Because everybody was wiped off the face of the earth except for Noah and his family. So it’s like it started fresh again. Shabbat shalom, Yeshua. So good to have you with us and it’s important to if anyone’s listening to me, they’re like this. You just say so, but you love to Jesus. And I was like, Yeah, like he’s a friend.

00;33;46;05 – 00;34;16;10
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah. So how do you how do you pronounce your name? Because it’s spelled differently with your pastor. Can you speak issue or. No, I see you just giving the hearts so maybe you can’t talk right now. Okay. And you know, we should study that too as well, because one of the things that I learned in studying with the different Hebrew teachers that I have been is that it was very common to have some part of the name.

00;34;16;10 – 00;34;50;26
Speaker 1
JA In the name. So even that name. You sure that Jesus, that was not a unique name. That was not like, you know, because we read it in English and we’re saying, wow, that’s the first time anyone’s ever used that name. And that is actually not true. It was very common during that time and throughout the Old Testament to have the name Ja Ja, Salvation, Jazz, Path.

00;34;50;26 – 00;35;26;23
Speaker 1
It was very important to it was very common actually to have the name ja in the name, but I digress. Let’s get back to Noah. So much alone. So let’s go. I click the wrong thing. Let’s go to Genesis chapter five. And so really kind of Noah and his family are the key. I mean, he came from Adam and Eve, but everything was wiped off.

00;35;26;23 – 00;36;00;28
Speaker 1
And so he started, you know, started fresh with him. And so we’re going to look at Noah. Oh, I want to share something else that I learned with you guys about the Book of Genesis. And if I get a chance, I’ll put these scriptures in the chat. So there is and you would only learn this if you could read the Hebrew, understand and study it and then share it with people who don’t know Hebrew.

00;36;01;08 – 00;36;27;13
Speaker 1
So I didn’t come up with this myself, but studying with others. And so one of the teachers shared with us how there’s an underlying division. This goes along with the white spaces, is the same gentleman who taught me about the white spaces. There’s an underlying the vision throughout the Book of Genesis that has nothing to do with the chapters in the verses.

00;36;27;13 – 00;37;05;21
Speaker 1
And this is the way he calls it a story within a story. And he says that it’s broken up into actually into ten sections. And the ten sections are broken up and they begin with these are the generations of. And he says what you’ll find is that each section is telling the story of that family with these other generations of now.

00;37;05;21 – 00;37;50;13
Speaker 1
Some sections are long and some are short. But the idea is that the story of Genesis is actually broken up by stories by the Hebrew writers. And so I hope that we up. Excuse me, I’m moving around here. I hope that we all can understand and appreciate that, you know, the way that the scriptures came to us at that the Old Testament, the way it was put together, is that, you know, the people in their lives, documented, wrote it down, whether they inscribed it on stone or cylinders or or on pieces of cloth or orally in the beginning until a written language came about.

00;37;51;19 – 00;38;19;03
Speaker 1
And then that there is the term they use often is like a redact or there is there are scribes who took all those pieces together, put them together and began to piece together the story. And we believe and accept it to be divine guidance. Right. That brought them to put the story together in the way that they put it together.

00;38;19;03 – 00;38;46;19
Speaker 1
But if you don’t read and understand the Hebrew, which I don’t yet, but I’m working on that, then you can’t tell the, the different nuances. Right. So if we read the King James, you know, we hear the the the thou, the should is the though, you know. And so we’re like, Oh, that’s the King’s English. But then you have like if you went to South Africa or Africa, there’s an English.

00;38;46;19 – 00;39;11;19
Speaker 1
If you go to UK, there’s an English. If you go to Australia, there’s an English. Well, it’s the same idea in the Hebrew language. There are different dialects and there’s different tone is still Hebrew. And so you realize that there are different authors who were writing or, or copy down. And so we have, you know, the Dead Sea Scrolls that they found and many other documents that are being found now.

00;39;12;06 – 00;39;49;12
Speaker 1
Or when I say now, I mean in the last ten or 15 years, right. That are and as countries are opening up, another person that I follow, he was born a rabbinical Jew, born a rabbinical Jew, and he’s now a at Jew, which is interesting. But now key because he studied the Leningrad Codex, all these major where we get our major poetic text from, right, was where you get the foundation, the Bible.

00;39;49;12 – 00;40;29;03
Speaker 1
So he studied all these things he had. He talks about how he had part of his when he was in school. What do you call that thing when you when you work in your in your field? So he had an assignment. But that’s not the word. I can’t think of the word where his job was to purposely sit down with photograph copies of the original, the best kept document, which is the upper logo, I believe, of the Old Testament, or they call the Hebrew Bible.

00;40;29;17 – 00;40;57;05
Speaker 1
And then you had to verify another Bible. They’re very meticulous about that. Every jot, every tittle, every mark, every vowel that was his job, right? Was to look at the original, the best, and then look at a transcribed and make sure that everything was in place. So he did that during his studies. He was raised from the, you know, in a rabbinical household.

00;40;57;05 – 00;41;43;15
Speaker 1
So he shares about the time he was three, his father, a rabbi, was sitting and talking to him about the discussions they were having over the Talmud. So he shares how what was my point for telling you all of that? Oh, my gosh. I lost my point about telling you why I was telling you about him. Oh, I think I was getting to the point that so that the English as we have it, we say, oh, there’s lots of translations, but it all comes from a Hebrew text which was brought together by, by different people throughout the life who documented, wrote the things down.

00;41;43;15 – 00;42;14;08
Speaker 1
And then, you know, it was copied and put together in such a way that it was then duplicated. And I don’t even know why I was saying all that, but maybe it’ll anyone know where I was trying to go? I was trying to make to you an important point about. Oh, yes, the story lines. So there are I mean, I give you the verses.

00;42;14;08 – 00;43;12;03
Speaker 1
So there’s Genesis, too, for that has these other generations of. So Genesis two, four Genesis six 910 111 ten, 11, 27, 25, 12, 25, 1936 one, 36, nine and 37 to Joe. You can go back to the replay and listen to those, but those are the generations of and so you’ll find these are the beginnings of right where we are seeing the storyline of what’s happening of a family.

00;43;13;14 – 00;43;39;12
Speaker 1
And when we begin to look at, for example, when we begin to look at Abraham, he starts out his story starts out with the generations of Torah, which is his father. But we only read about Torah for the first few verses, and then it’s all about Abraham. But then nothing changes until it’s all the generations of Torah, until you get to like chapter 25, right?

00;43;39;17 – 00;44;34;15
Speaker 1
And so there’s all these chapters about Abraham, but then he dies, and then these became the generations of Isaac and Ishmael. So it’s interesting how there is an underlying culture, an underlying storyline that is happening in Genesis, and that these are kind of the ways that we should look at the passages of scripture, right? So let’s go to I want to say go to Genesis chapter five and go down to is it chapter five or is it chapter six?

00;44;36;07 – 00;44;36;27
Speaker 2
Hold on one.

00;44;36;27 – 00;45;38;02
Speaker 1
Moment. Okay. So Genesis, chapter six does is chapter six. Let’s look at verse seven and I’m in the cage. V Hey, brother Gabriel, it’s good to see you. Good to see you, sir. Okay, so we are just beginning to look now at our study is going to be about the promise of Abraham, the promise that Elohim has towards all of humanity, and that even though we are not of the Israeli bloodline, it was always his plan to bless all the nations of the earth.

00;45;38;20 – 00;46;02;28
Speaker 1
And even that phrase should sound familiar to you. Right? But we’re looking right now at the first time that Elohim is making a covenant with humanity, because he did not make one with Adam, but he did make a first promise of something that he would do with Noah. And so I want us to look at look at this a little bit more.

00;46;02;28 – 00;46;31;03
Speaker 1
So we’re in Genesis chapter six. And let’s look at and I’m in the KJV right now, I’m going to switch back and forth between different versions, but I’m in three, four, six, four, seven and the Lord Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and the creeping thing in the pharaohs of the air for repentance me that I have made them.

00;46;32;15 – 00;47;17;19
Speaker 1
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah. No was a just man and perfect in his generation. And Noah walked with God, walked with Elohim and no begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japeth. And what we’re going to see here is that no is identified as having walked with God. Who else remembers somewhere else that we see that that that person walked with God is enough?

00;47;17;29 – 00;47;51;17
Speaker 1
Yeah. Good. Enoch And did anyone notice when I was reading Jeremiah Chapter six, what did your way you hova, what did he ask them to do? And they said that they wouldn’t do it. I’m going to go back and read it really quick. You don’t have to go. I’m I’m back in the the Koran because I happen to have I have this paper Bible actually, this probably the the only paper Bible.

00;47;51;17 – 00;48;35;29
Speaker 1
I have with me. Most of the other ones I just use online or on my phone, but in Jeremiah chapter six, it’s that verse 16. This is what your Hova said. Stand upon the roads and reflect. Inquire about the ancient path What is the good way? Walk in it you will find tranquility for your soul. But you said we will not walk that idea of walking.

00;48;35;29 – 00;49;02;23
Speaker 1
I think obviously it means more than just, you know, taking a stroll down the street right. And yet we see that we just read here that Noah was a just man and perfect in his generation. And Noah walked with God. Esther just reminded us that Enock walked with God and he was taken. There’s another time that we see walking.

00;49;03;03 – 00;49;39;01
Speaker 1
Not quite using the word, but we do see the word walking. Who else can think of another time earlier than that that we see walking? Yes. Made your daughter. They did. They refused to walk in it. Anyone else? Where else do we see that idea of walking? Go to Genesis three. Let’s go. This was so cool to me when I was studying in it, like just leaped off the page.

00;49;39;01 – 00;50;12;06
Speaker 1
They had not put them together. Genesis three Let’s look at verse eight. I’m reading them from the the KJV and they heard of the voice of Jehovah God, Jehovah, Elohim, walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Isn’t that cool? This there is this idea of walking with Elohim that is like we’re going to see it weaved all throughout our text.

00;50;14;00 – 00;50;41;14
Speaker 1
So we saw in Jeremiah that that Elohim is saying to the people, I want you to go back and look at the ancient pathways, right? And this is Jeremiah. This is your way you hova talking to them saying ancient pathways and we’re, you know, 2000 years away. We’re like, he’s talking about ancient pathways. But he said, Look at the ancient pathways and will you walk in it?

00;50;42;01 – 00;51;12;24
Speaker 1
And we see in the beginning in the garden that he was walking and then we read that Enoch walked with God and he was taken. We’re seeing the whole world now. We’re in and we’ve jumped up to Genesis five with Noah is corrupt, but Noah walked. This is interesting. When we get to let’s just because we’re just talking about walking let’s go to Genesis 17.

00;51;14;15 – 00;52;00;04
Speaker 1
I want to show you again 17 that Elohim as Abraham to walk with him. Where did I put that? No. Genesis 17 verses one. And when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abraham. Now, now Jehovah had already, in Chapter 12, had called him out of his land, told him was going to make him a great nation.

00;52;00;04 – 00;52;33;08
Speaker 1
All right. And so he left his land with all his people and lot. And then so we see here he’s 99 when I believe is like he’s 76 he has Ishmael. So something around then and so is 99. He’s already had Israel. He still has not had Isaac yet. But this is what Jehovah says to him. And when Abraham was 90 years old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abraham and sent it to him.

00;52;33;08 – 00;53;07;05
Speaker 1
I am the Almighty Elohim, I walk before me and be thou perfect and I will make my covenant between me the it will multiply the exceedingly. There is something about walking with Elohim. And so we see that in the garden, we see it with Enock, we see walking with Noah, we see the Abraham who ask him to walk with him.

00;53;07;22 – 00;53;29;02
Speaker 1
We see in Jeremiah six, when Elohim is pleading with the people like come out of their sin, he’s like, Look at the ancient path. Like Look at the past. All the people that I’ve asked to walk with me, so walk with me and they would not walk. And then there’s one more on, on walking. And then we’re going to we’re going to get into Noah.

00;53;29;14 – 00;54;25;07
Speaker 1
But I just I just love this. Go to Micah six. Go to Micah six. So we are Micah six. Look at Micah six, six. Where with shall I come before Jehovah and by myself before the high Elohim. Shall I come before him with burnt offerings and with calves of a year old? Will you Hova be pleased with thousands of rams or ten thousands of rivers of oil?

00;54;26;09 – 00;55;13;28
Speaker 1
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body, for the sin of my soul? He hath showed the man what is good. And what does your Hova require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Elohim. I’m telling you, there’s something about walking. This is that thing. This is that thing that he wants with us that he’s shown to us all throughout the Old Testament, all throughout the Hebrew.

00;55;13;28 – 00;55;28;13
Speaker 1
But to walk with him, we’ve seen that from from the beginning. And I think that that’s is such a key part of what was his purpose, what is his desire with us.

00;55;30;14 – 00;55;54;28
Speaker 1
He wants to walk with us. And in again, of course, we understand walking is not just, you know, taking a walk, but it implies relationship. Check out Esther. You show anyone, have a thought made your daughter want to be quiet for a moment?

00;55;54;28 – 00;56;36;25
Speaker 2
Yeah. And you know that walking in Vietnamese, that the meaning is we follow exactly what God said. Like we walk with mean not only walking, but we just apply obedience that is called walking in the in Vietnamese. So yeah, it’s more than that that when you see walking, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just like detect chapter or you copy.

00;56;36;25 – 00;56;42;03
Speaker 2
As Scott said, that is mean walking in Vietnamese I give my my.

00;58;50;24 – 00;59;19;20
Speaker 1
Oh I’m on mute. So I’m talking to you guys and I’m on mute. Okay, sorry about that. Yes. A look in the chat is you put it in the chat. Exodus 16, verse four Then Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day that I may prove them.

00;59;19;27 – 00;59;51;06
Speaker 1
Whether they will walk in my law or no. There’s something about walking with Elohim. There is something about walking. So that was a sidebar that we took on walking, but I think that’s just beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. That Scripture helps us bring everything in. So let’s go back to Noah, because we’re going to look at we’re getting to Abraham, all right?

00;59;51;09 – 01;00;26;27
Speaker 1
We’re getting to the covenant and to the place where we’re beginning to see what his plan is. But notice how we’re looking for it now in so these different we’re seeing this continuous message throughout the scriptures, right? That there is a plan to walk together, to walk with you. It’s his plan. It’s his plan for humanity. So we’re back in Genesis five.

01;00;26;27 – 01;01;25;28
Speaker 1
We’re looking at where we’re in Genesis six. We’re looking at at Noah because he is the first one that Elohim makes a covenant with. Right. And he is also kind of the the beginning, because all of humanity was wiped out except for Noah and his family. And so in Genesis 529, there’s something interesting. And what I love about when we have like these Sabbath studies and we’re studying and talking and just looking at it at the original plan of our Creator is we see things.

01;01;27;17 – 01;02;06;20
Speaker 1
And so in in Genesis 529, tell me what you guys think about this part that came to me. He called his name Noah, saying This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which Jehovah had cast. So here is a man given a name that he’s going to comfort them. He’s going to bring comfort to them, and he’s going to save them from the toil of the ground, from the curse.

01;02;08;03 – 01;02;44;16
Speaker 1
Where do we hear a story like that? Somewhere else in that everyone around him was sinful, but he was the only righteous one. And he saved his family. And they started a new anyone see what I’m hinting at? That’s like the story of Yeshua. He was given this name at his birth that he was going to save the people from the curse.

01;02;45;29 – 01;03;16;22
Speaker 1
And you in, it’s like, oh look at this Noah. He’s given a name by his father. The first time we see a name explained like this, right? We see all these other names, but here we see Noah’s name is explained. So of course, of course we know that you that you hope to plant all of this. But Noah is given a name, Noah, which means he will comfort them.

01;03;16;22 – 01;03;49;17
Speaker 1
He will save them from the toil of the land. Well, little did he. They know that Yale was going to wipe out all of the toil of the land. But the land was curse because of Adam sin. And so the land is cursed. And so now we have these generations later where we have this man saying, you know, because I’m sure Noah was community where he was didn’t just become reprobate and sinful when he was born is probably sinful for a long time.

01;03;49;24 – 01;04;16;20
Speaker 1
Right. That’s how you, however, could look at it and say it’s just it’s a mess. And so the world, the land. But this father is saying the land, they know that the land is cursed by Jehovah. How they know that maybe through oral stories, right? That Adam was explaining to his sons and his children. Eve was explaining, this is what happened.

01;04;16;20 – 01;04;51;04
Speaker 1
We used to live in this garden, but he promised that he was going to save us. And so she thought maybe through Seth, that, you know, they were going to be redeemed. That didn’t happen. So now, you know, you’ve got these hundreds of years later because people are living for eight in 900 years now and then. And he has this male child and he’s like, yes, Noah, you are going to save us from the toil of the land.

01;04;51;04 – 01;05;35;23
Speaker 1
Okay. So now we get to the next after Genesis six and we look down in verse nine, it says No was a just man and perfect in his generation. And Noah walked with Elohim. And so we understand that the the lands were coerced. And here is the first mark of a promise in verse 18 over 17, he says he’s going to bring the flood of waters and destroy all flesh and everything in the earth.

01;05;35;23 – 01;06;12;26
Speaker 1
But in Genesis 618, he says, But with thee I will establish my covenant, and thou shall come into the ark, thou and thy sons and the wife, and they sons wise with thee and every living thing of all flesh to of every sort. And so he he begins to tell him what to bring in. But this is the first time we see Elohim use the word covenant with a man who was given the name Noah because he was going to save the people from the curse of the land.

01;06;14;03 – 01;06;50;25
Speaker 1
Now, of course, God really did the saving right? So let’s jump over to Genesis nine, because the the verses in between are just talking about the flood and what happened. We want to get now to the the actual covenant is anyone want to read Esther? You want to read is okay.

01;06;51;03 – 01;06;56;11
Speaker 2
Yeah it’s okay. Just get to it. And I sent from one, right.

01;06;56;26 – 01;07;10;17
Speaker 1
Yeah. I read one 1 to 9 Genesis 9129.

01;07;12;06 – 01;08;03;03
Speaker 2
And Genesis and I went to nine and, and God loves this Noah and his sons and sat and did them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and the fear of you and the trade of of you upon every piece of the earth and upon every flow of the air, upon all that move upon the Earth and upon all the face of the sea into your hand, they delivered every moving thing that live so be made for you every as the green earth.

01;08;04;00 – 01;09;18;26
Speaker 2
Have I given you thing but flies with the lie that all with is the blood that of so ye not eight and solely your blood of your live. Will I recline at the hand of the everyplace? Will I be quiet and at the hand of men at the hand of every man’s brother? Will I cry? The life of men who so soon men let my men sell his blood be sued for in the inmate of God Meet the men and you be fruitful and multiply Bring thought abundantly the earth and multiply the in and gal with speck and to Noah and to his son with him saying and I behold I step this my and

01;09;18;26 – 01;09;27;05
Speaker 2
then with you and with your seat up there you open this great.

01;09;27;05 – 01;09;58;25
Speaker 1
Thank you so we’re seeing that idea be fruitful and multiply and abundantly fill the earth. We saw those same promises or the blessing that was given to Adam in the garden. And so it’s like he repeats the covenant, this this blessing. But it’s now a covenant, right, that he’s going to make with you and your seed after you.

01;09;58;25 – 01;10;32;15
Speaker 1
Which is interesting because as we look, the covenant is made forever, even even if the seed don’t don’t follow because he’s not given any requirements of sin yet. Right. And what I’m getting at is, as most of us have studied, so we know that he’s got ham, Cain and and Japeth. And so we know that ham gets cast right.

01;10;32;15 – 01;11;08;21
Speaker 1
And is and that happens. We know that Tower of Babel happens and everything is split up and sent. But yet there’s still this promise to the seed. Do understand what I’m saying? Like it. He’s not said. Well, only if you do this now. When he starts getting to Abraham, he’s getting a little bit he’ll get more specific. But we even see when we begin to look at Abraham that he says, I will bless you and make you in all of your seed and I will curse them that curse you, and I will bless them and bless you.

01;11;09;04 – 01;11;39;21
Speaker 1
Well, Ishmael is part of his seed, not just Isaac. Now, Isaac is the promised and will follow Isaac’s line family tree, if you will. But Ishmael, as promised, is blessed. We know that the children that he has with Katori, right? He has like seven sons and a daughter with Katara after Sarah dies. So those nations are we know that Ishmael had 12 sons of his own.

01;11;40;28 – 01;12;15;18
Speaker 1
So there are a lot of blessed seed here. But we only seem to focus on, you know, one particular family line because we’re following the people who decide to walk with Elohim. And like, that’s the key. We’re following the people. We’re following this promise of the people who decide to walk. Elohim So thank you, Esther, for reading. And I’m going to continue because it’s interesting.

01;12;15;18 – 01;12;50;00
Speaker 1
We haven’t even gotten to the Rainbow yet or the Promised he makes with the Earth. We talked about this last week, this interesting part in verse 13, where he makes a promise with the earth. So I’ll continue in verse ten and with every living creature that is with you of the foul of the cattle of every beasts of the earth, with you from all that go out of the ark to every beast of the earth, and I will establish my covenant with you.

01;12;50;21 – 01;13;22;13
Speaker 1
Neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of a flood. Neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth. And Elohim said, This is the token. Notice that I will establish my covenant with you. Neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood. Neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.

01;13;23;20 – 01;13;56;24
Speaker 1
And we’re kind of joking last week that, that. Yeah, right. Because in Genesis one we see that the whole earth is flooded like covered with water. And so we don’t know how many times that happened, but we do know of two times, right? In Genesis one, the earth is covered completely with water. And then we see here in Genesis nine, of course, thousands of years are in between, but we don’t know exactly how many.

01;13;56;24 – 01;14;30;29
Speaker 1
We’re not going to debate that here, but we can clearly at least say that this is the second time that the earth has been covered with water. And so now remember what Lamech said about Noah being the one that would save them from the toil of the land, the curse that Jehovah placed on the land. And so here we see, we’re about to see you hopeful make a promise with the earth.

01;14;31;19 – 01;15;07;20
Speaker 1
So this is a token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generation. So it’s not going to end even though the Tower of Babel happens, even though ham is cursed and we there’s a perpetual bull covenant that he promised. Verse 13. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of covenant between me and the earth.

01;15;07;20 – 01;15;34;08
Speaker 1
So is the rainbow in the cloud really the reminder for humanity or the earth? Now some people might say, Well, we are the Earth because we’re made of Earth. Yeah, but in the verses before all, he was really clear about when he’s talking to Noah and his seed, he’s really clear about when he’s talking to you and every and every living creature, you know, those would be the animals.

01;15;35;21 – 01;15;56;05
Speaker 1
And then he says that I set my boat in the cloud and it shall be a token of covenant between me and the Earth. It’s almost like he’s saying, okay, Earth, listen, I’m sorry for we only know two could have been five could have been 100 could have only been two. But he’s like, I’m making a covenant with you.

01;15;57;27 – 01;16;20;22
Speaker 1
I’m not going to cover you with water. And he said, And it shall come to pass first 14 when I bring a cloud over the earth that the boat shall be seen in the cloud. And I remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the water shall no more destroy all flesh.

01;16;21;12 – 01;16;47;04
Speaker 1
Do you think he’s still talking to the earth? I mean, sometimes we make this assumption that in verse 15, he’s, like, turned his head back again to Noah. But he already talked to Noah, right? He blessed Noah in verse one and verse 11 he said, A covenant with you and with all flesh. Okay. And then he makes this covenant in verse 12.

01;16;47;11 – 01;17;18;23
Speaker 1
He’s like, This is a token between me and you and every living creature. Okay? And then in verse 13, he says, It’ll be a token of a covenant between me and the Earth. And I think he might still be talking to the Earth, he says. And when it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you.

01;17;18;23 – 01;17;46;06
Speaker 1
And so who’s you? I think you are still the Earth. I mean, I’m being subjective. I have no, I have I you know what? I should look at the Hebrew and see if I can. There’s some ways to find out who’s the object, who, who that you is. So let’s make that an assignment. All of us. We’re going to try to find out who is that?

01;17;46;06 – 01;18;26;21
Speaker 1
You, I think, is the Earth. I’ll make I’m in verse 15 and I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh, because every living creature of all flesh could be humanity, you know what I mean? And so the you could be the earth, and the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh, and the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will look upon it that I remember the everlasting covenant between Elohim and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

01;18;26;21 – 01;19;04;06
Speaker 1
And God said to Noah, This is a token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. And so they went, Interesting. Anyone have thoughts they want to share? Gabriel Or Cyber? You guys want to come up or Trudy and talk with us invites or D d I invited you up as well.

01;19;05;24 – 01;20;15;00
Speaker 1
If you want to come up and talk with us. Shika Esther made your daughter okay. Well, you have something to share. You are welcome. Okay, so let’s move on because we’re getting to Abraham now. What’s important to understand, as we keep moving on is that we have his three sons, Ham, Sam and Japeth, and what happens is that we we know about the we read about the curse that happens.

01;20;15;28 – 01;20;56;11
Speaker 1
And I think this is the only time we ever hear Noah say anything as important character as he was. You know, we we have all these kind of Christian movies and stories that, you know, Noah was preaching. But we don’t see that anywhere. We never see Noah say anything until you know what happens with Ham. And Noah curses his son but doesn’t really say anything until he says a thing.

01;20;56;11 – 01;21;32;21
Speaker 1
But he blesses Shem and then Japheth kind of gets, you know, a sidebar of that blessing. I mean, down in verse 25 or so. And so he curse became a servant of servant. Shall he be unto to his brethren and blessed be you Hova, Elohim of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant, and God shall in large depth, and he shall dwell in tent of Shem and Canaan shall be his servants.

01;21;32;21 – 01;22;02;22
Speaker 1
Who knows where the promised land is that you Hova promised to Abraham is Abraham’s not even born yet, but we see here from Noah now Noah walked with Elohim. We don’t know all their conversation, but we know more about his walking him than we do say with Enock like his in our walk with him. And then Enock was taken.

01;22;03;28 – 01;22;49;23
Speaker 1
And so we see here the no was a just man. Noah walked with. Noah doesn’t say much until this point. But you wondering if if Elohim set this whole thing up, knowing that this was going to happen this way, to bless Shem because Abraham comes from the line of Shem, we’re going to see that. So here we have the three lines of the family and many have said, and I’ve not studied it, but it does make sense to me that from these next two next chapters or so you see the 70 nations come out of the three sons, right?

01;22;50;19 – 01;23;29;10
Speaker 1
70 nations. And I forgot which teacher was bringing this point out to me. But they said it was interesting that we see here 70 nations. And then when Jacob comes into Israel, comes into Egypt with Joseph, there are 70 souls that are with him. So that that that 70. But I can’t remember which teacher was teaching that. So this is important because Abraham is not arbitrary.

01;23;29;10 – 01;24;03;27
Speaker 1
Like Abraham wasn’t just picked out of the air like always like Abraham. Yeah, let’s do that. There’s a path and we can see that because Noah has three sons, Noah curses his grandson Canaan and tells him that he’ll be a servant of his uncles. But then we see later on that the land that you hope a promise to Abraham is Canaan.

01;24;05;19 – 01;24;48;28
Speaker 1
Interesting. Kanan was coerced to be a servant and. So from Shem, what we get is the Semitic people. This the Semitic line? Shem Semitic, Jews, anti Semitic. Shem, Semitic. So let’s follow this blessing now. It’s like J Peth and Ham have kind of dropped to the side. So we’re looking at the line of Shem and from the line of Shem we get, we get Tura are Turok.

01;24;49;16 – 01;25;33;06
Speaker 1
And he is the father of Abraham. So we skip through. We’re going past the Tower of Babel. Wait, I need to show you where someone helped me too. We want to find the line of Shem. I think it’s in Genesis ten. Where did I put? I put my notes somewhere in my notes. I have too many notes. Okay.

01;25;33;06 – 01;25;34;01
Speaker 1
I had one.

01;25;34;25 – 01;25;41;09
Speaker 2
Nick. Hmm? No, I just said ten. This is ten, right?

01;25;41;16 – 01;25;58;09
Speaker 1
If I. So we’re looking down around verse 20 or so, I’m looking to find where Shem where Sara.

01;25;58;24 – 01;26;03;05
Speaker 3
Uh, la la la.

01;26;03;05 – 01;26;53;05
Speaker 1
La la la la. I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t write it down better. Oh, okay. Genesis 11. Here we go. Down the verse ten. There we go. 1126 Okay, so we’ll like where this is. The line of it starts in Genesis 1110 is where we’re seeing the descendants of Shem. Right? And so it’s like what we’re beginning to see is like the parting right of ham and japheth fall to the side.

01;26;53;13 – 01;27;17;21
Speaker 1
And we really focus on Shem and we see that happen even with Abraham, right? When eight when we get to Abraham, well notice that he does have Ishmael and, then he does have a whole bunch of children after Ishmael and Isaac, he has Isaac. But then we only follow the line of Isaac, right? And then even look at it again.

01;27;17;21 – 01;27;47;00
Speaker 1
Right. Isaac has Jacob Isa. Well it all falls to the side and then we follow again just the the line of Jacob. And then Jacob has 12 sons, 12, well, two sons and a daughter. And so then we follow the 12 sons, and it’s all about walking in. It’s all about a promise. But there is a pathway that is happening that we’re seeing being revealed us that he’s narrowing it down.

01;27;47;24 – 01;28;23;21
Speaker 1
But there’s still something with with bloodline because Terah Abraham did not come from the line of ham, did not come from the line of Japheth, but came from the line of Shem, who was the one that was blessed by Noah, the just man that walked with Elohim. So if you look in Genesis 11, down around verse 28 or 27, 25, so never lived after he beget Terah.

01;28;24;28 – 01;28;56;16
Speaker 1
So this Terah is the father because in verse 26 and Terah lived 17 years and begat Abraham Maher and Haran. So Abraham had two brothers that we know, right? And then these are the generations of Terah he begot Abraham. They are Haran and Haran begot lot in Herron died. And so they’re in the land of Erv, the Chaldeans.

01;28;56;16 – 01;29;34;00
Speaker 1
And what we see is in verse 31 is Terah took Abraham and his son Lot and the son of Haran and his son sons and Sarah, his daughter in law and his son Abram’s wife. And they went forth from them out of awe of the Chaldeans. We don’t know what kind of conversation that Elohim had with Tara, but they were already on their way out of or of the Chaldeans, and they were heading towards the land of Canaan.

01;29;34;00 – 01;30;36;08
Speaker 1
We don’t know if it was just we don’t see a conversation between Tara and Elohim. We have no idea. But we know that when they get to the city called Haran, that Tara dies in verse 11, Chapter 1132. And so when we get to the next chapter, chapter 12, this is where we hear Jehovah speaks to Abraham. It says, get the out of their country for and from their kindred and from their father’s house unto a land I will show thee now we already know in previous verses that they were heading towards Canaan and must have settled down somewhere and stopped and maybe just never moved on.

01;30;36;08 – 01;31;13;23
Speaker 1
And we don’t know if Tehran told Abraham that. Yahweh spoke to me over, spoke. We don’t know. But what we see is that now we hear this interaction and we see that the creator is now narrowing his focus down to Abraham. And so this is really important. So we’re going to read 1201 now you hova said enter Abraham, get out of that country.

01;31;13;23 – 01;31;42;06
Speaker 1
And from my kindred and from my father’s house until land I will show thee and I will make the great nation and I will the it make thy name great and now shall be a blessing and I will bless them that bless the and curse him that curse of the and in the shell. All families of the earth be blessed.

01;31;42;06 – 01;32;14;10
Speaker 1
It was always Elohim plan to bless all of the earth. But what he’s doing now is is narrowing it down. Finding people who will walk with him, talk with him, stay connected to him. And it took this many generations to find a family, to find a man who is going to do those things in the earth. It’s like everything got messed up.

01;32;15;01 – 01;33;14;08
Speaker 1
And so there was just no way. No a blessed Shem. Out of the line of Shem comes Terah. And Terrell has a son called Abraham. And Tara started out of heading toward Canaan, but they settled down somewhere. Never made it on that way. And so you Hova speaks to Abraham. And so what we find in the following chapters is that and we talked about it a little bit last week, is that you Hova then makes a covenant with Abraham in such a way that he doesn’t even make that same covenant with Abraham’s that even involved in it, right?

01;33;14;12 – 01;34;01;12
Speaker 1
Abraham just simply falls asleep and then the Covenant is made because Elohim himself walks through it. And so what? We’ll look at that right now. Any thoughts so far that you want to share that you’re thinking of as we’re looking the line of how Elohim is watching this thread through humanity until he gets to to Abraham, and he’s like, Yeah, this is the guy.

01;34;01;12 – 01;35;20;07
Speaker 1
Anyone want to share anything? Okay. Um, so let’s move on. We’re going to skip to well, we know that. So he said that blessing to him in Chapter 12. The next thing we want to look at is that covenant that happened. We talked about it a little bit last week and I want us to look at it even deeper.

01;35;20;07 – 01;36;05;11
Speaker 1
Is it in verse chapter 15? I’m looking for the section where he falls asleep and yes, 15 verse nine. So had said Let you go. I wanted to know what the smoking furnace and the the lamp were. I didn’t find that out. And it’s not worth trying to go down that that rabbit hole. But so in that middle section there were in Genesis 15 down around verse 11.

01;36;05;11 – 01;36;27;27
Speaker 1
So they’re making a covenant now. And back during that time when you were making a covenant, they didn’t you like go to lawyers like we have today in draft of a piece of paper and you you know, you guarantee your house or something like that and you sign your name they would cut an animal in half and walk between the two pieces.

01;36;28;14 – 01;36;58;20
Speaker 1
That’s how they made the covenant, at least during that time. And this is historical. You can read on on that. So the way that they made a covenant is they would cut an animal in half and they would walk between the two pieces in. That was them making their covenant, their commitments. But in this particular covenant, there are not two people walking through.

01;36;58;20 – 01;37;25;14
Speaker 1
Abraham goes to sleep. Oh yeah. We put them to sleep. And, and, and he makes a covenant himself with himself because you still see two entities pass through, right. So Genesis ten. And so he took them all of these and divided them in the midst and he laid each piece against another. But the birds, he divided he not.

01;37;26;11 – 01;37;51;04
Speaker 1
And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abraham drove them away. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon. Abraham kind of like the one that happened with Adam and Lowe to a horror. Great darkness fell upon him, and he said, this Elohim and to Abraham. So now he’s giving him a prophecy. They’re having about to cut a covenant.

01;37;51;04 – 01;38;28;05
Speaker 1
He goes to sleep. And so Elohim is speaking to him in a dream, prophesying to him. Now, Elohim does speak to him when he’s awake, right? But this particular time he’s to give him this message when he’s in a deep sleep. No surety that a seed shall be a stranger in the land that is not theirs and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them 400 years.

01;38;28;05 – 01;39;07;05
Speaker 1
And also that nation whom they shall serve will I judge? And afterward shall they come out with great substance, and thou shall go to my fathers in peace, and thou shall be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come here. There again, for the iniquity of the Emirates is not yet full, and it came to pass that when the sun went down and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between those two pieces in that same day.

01;39;07;28 – 01;39;40;09
Speaker 1
You, however, made a covenant with Abraham saying unto the I see. Have I given this land from the river Egypt unto the great river the Euphrates? And he goes through and he lists the names of the different people, and one of them is the Canaanites. But we know that the land is the Canaanite and so remember that that is the sea, the heritage that Noah Kirst, the son of Ham, Canaan, was cursed.

01;39;41;00 – 01;40;27;03
Speaker 1
And this is the land that Jehovah is giving to Shem. Remember, Shem was blessed and said that Canaan was going to be his servant. Shabbat shalom to you, Doreen. Shabbat shalom to you, Apostle, that this was the land that they were headed to. And so we see this path, this trajectory that is happening. But back to the where in Genesis 15, for those who just joined us.

01;40;27;03 – 01;40;54;18
Speaker 1
And so we see here that even though in tradition of that day, the two people walk through the land to make the covenant, walked through the split pieces. In this way, this is where we see that Yahweh, Elohim says, I’m going to make a covenant with my son. He did it by himself because he couldn’t trust anybody else.

01;40;54;18 – 01;41;24;03
Speaker 1
He couldn’t trust anyone else to make sure that it was performed. And so we do see the two representations, right? The two people, which are the smoking furnace and the lamp passed through. So this is where they made the covenant. And always at all this time what we’re getting at as we’re looking at this is that it was always Elon’s plan to bless all nations of the earth.

01;41;25;20 – 01;41;52;18
Speaker 1
Then it does not require that you have to be of the bloodline of Abraham because they are carrying the responsibility of bringing this message and how to walk. How to walk. And if you do not have a chance to join with us, maybe you can listen to the replay. But we talked a lot about this idea of walking with Elohim.

01;41;52;18 – 01;42;14;22
Speaker 1
We were started in Jeremiah six where Elohim was saying to the people, Walk with me and they said, We will not. He says, Look, the ancient pathways. Jeremiah six, six, six, 16. I think it is, yes. 616 He says to them, Look at the ancient pathways and walk with me, and they said, We will not walk with you.

01;42;15;08 – 01;42;42;21
Speaker 1
And so we looked at the ancient pathways and we saw in Genesis three where he walked in the garden, Genesis five or three or four or five when he walked with Enoch. And then we see that Noah was just and he walked with him. And then we see that Abraham, which we’re going to look at right now, walked with him and then we went to Micah six, six.

01;42;43;28 – 01;43;18;29
Speaker 1
Right when we see that Micah there talks about what is it that God desires, right? That we do justice, we love mercy, and that we walk humbly with our God. And even if she were brought in O, which is in the Exodus six teen, where Elohim is speaking to Moses, and he’s like, You know what? I’m going to I’m going to test the people to see if they will walk in his Torah, that they will walk with him.

01;43;18;29 – 01;43;59;01
Speaker 1
Not so this covenant was made. And let’s look at where this is, where now you Hova is going to change the name of Abraham to Abraham. But in Genesis 17 one it says, and when Abraham was 99 years old, he’s already had Ishmael. We kind of skip past that. He appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God, walk before me, walk before me and be that perfect, and I will make my covenant between me and the and will multiply the exceedingly.

01;43;59;11 – 01;44;39;21
Speaker 1
Now he had Ishmael, I believe, almost 20 years ago. Sarah still has not had a child. He’s 99 years old and Yahweh is speaking to him, and Abraham fell on his face. Elohim talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with the and thou shall be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name anymore be Abraham, but their name shall be Abraham for father of many nations.

01;44;40;02 – 01;45;09;19
Speaker 1
Have I made the now we know that there are many nations from him, Shem and Japeth. We talked about that they split off into what’s understood as like 70 nations. We know that the Tower of Babel happened and people were spread all over the place until. But we’re following this path and we’re looking at the Elohim as narrowed down on this family with Abraham.

01;45;11;03 – 01;45;36;27
Speaker 1
And this is who he actually cut covenant with by himself. So there’s no he’s not leaving now like nothing. It doesn’t nothing can stop it. Right. So he created Adam and Eve and they fell. You know, we go through and we see the things that happen. We see the flood happen. And then there’s Noah, and then there’s three sons.

01;45;37;06 – 01;46;13;00
Speaker 1
He makes a covenant with no one. The Earth that they shall not be destroyed with water. And he he reestablishes that idea of, please be fruitful and multiply. Then we get to Abraham. We see that he calls Tara. We don’t know. But Tara, Abraham’s father, leaves and heads towards Canaan, never makes it to Canaan. And then Elohim speaks to Abraham specifically, and he said, I will bless you and all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

01;46;14;13 – 01;46;44;00
Speaker 1
He cut the covenant with him. And then now in Chapter 17, even though in Chapter 1615, we saw that Elohim did the Covenant by himself. Right, he split. The animals were split in. They walked between them. But he Elohim did it all on his own. He did not have Abraham walk through that because this is where we see him say he made the covenant with himself.

01;46;44;14 – 01;47;23;18
Speaker 1
He could swear by no greater. He did it himself. But then there is this other covenant that’s coming now where there is a separation of the flesh. And that’s what circumcision. So now here are things that are going to be requirements on Abraham’s part that he has to fulfill and this is where we see circumcision come in, in that every male had to be circumcised in their house.

01;47;23;18 – 01;47;52;05
Speaker 1
So he’s moving along with the promise that he intends to bless all the families of the Earth. But he’s made a covenant. He’s asked Abraham to do the same thing now with the circumcision of the flesh, and it’s all the nations of the earth. So we are almost at the end of, our 2 hours that we’ve been sharing and talking.

01;47;53;03 – 01;48;20;23
Speaker 1
SHIKA Have you come back? I know you stepped away. Are you there? Okay. You’re sure? Esther? Esther, you want to share anything? You’re getting ready for work. Got it. All right?

01;48;22;17 – 01;49;09;17
Speaker 2
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. That’s okay. Yeah, it’s good. Know, you even you talk about this, and we really read it about what we’re saying, but I’m the thing that I understand about after him and his father that God is not like God choose his father, but his father is not complete the journey. He just like said that now in Haran and then he died there.

01;49;10;04 – 01;49;45;15
Speaker 2
And then I understand that Abraham is continued the journey of his father, just like you said, that we don’t know because we didn’t see that in the Bible writing about how God is talked to who carries Abraham Father. But but he is more from his, from the play that he state and then moved to to go somewhere. But he just settled down and then not finished the journey.

01;49;45;15 – 01;50;00;29
Speaker 2
And then he died there just like that. And the state in that that that scripture. Okay. Hey.

01;50;02;04 – 01;51;08;13
Speaker 1
Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. Let’s go to Genesis 18 as we begin to wrap up our conversation, Genesis 1817 and this is where we’re going to end. And Jehovah said, Shall I hide from Abraham? The thing which I do, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him, for I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of your Hova to do justice and judgment that you, however, may bring upon Abraham.

01;51;09;00 – 01;51;42;27
Speaker 1
That which he has spoken of him. And I think it’s great that we end kind of here on this because if it is always Jehovah’s Plan to bless all the nations of the Earth through Abraham, why Abraham? Right. Like why until I began this study and looking at things that always just seemed like he just picked Abraham out of thin air, you know?

01;51;42;27 – 01;52;11;05
Speaker 1
And if he just did that, how would I ever know what it is that he’s looking for? You know what? What was so special? And I think that we can see that there is a path throughout the generations. I never really paid attention to the fact that Noah blessed Shem and that from the line of Shem came Tura.

01;52;12;18 – 01;52;48;11
Speaker 1
And of course there was the father of Abraham. And so he started with no cause he was looking for something, and that something passed through to Shem, the same medics aid, and then through Shem, through some generations, we get to Torah and Torah up and leave the land of or heading towards Canaan. And Canaan is already destined to be the servant, right from that curse from Noah.

01;52;49;29 – 01;53;34;02
Speaker 1
And so here is the line of Shem heading towards his family’s land, right? Because Shem is the uncle to Kaitlyn. And so here Shem family line heading to and and and Elohim is promising Sam, the uncle that you are going to possess the land of your nephew. And he cut the covenant in that line with not Torah, because Torah down in the land, even though Torah was headed towards Canaan, Torah died.

01;53;34;02 – 01;53;56;26
Speaker 1
And so then we see you Hova talking to Abraham and saying, get up and go and I’ll tell you where to go. And then he makes a covenant with him, and then you hova cut the covenant with himself because the smoking furnace and the lamp representing the two people needed to cut a covenant. But they were both him.

01;53;57;12 – 01;54;38;10
Speaker 1
They were both Elohim. And then we see that at that time, even when he made that covenant and set it up, he did not really give specific instructions to Abraham. Not that we see. Right. What’s the requirement for you to keep this covenant, besides just to walk with me? But after Ishmael, right? Then there comes this. Okay, Abraham, you’re going to have to shed some blood here, and that’s circumcision, and all your males shall be circumcised.

01;54;39;14 – 01;55;11;29
Speaker 1
And so this is the beginning of more detailed instructions. And I’m like, when you think about it, though, I mean, we don’t know the hearts of humanity, but B the flood happened because there was such great evil on the earth, right? And we saw how Lamech, Noah’s father, prophesied that, Oh, this son I have here, Noah, he’s going to comfort us from the curse of the toil of the ground.

01;55;11;29 – 01;55;52;26
Speaker 1
How did he know? I mean, was. Was Jehovah talking to him? We don’t know. But he named his son Noah and that’s exactly what happened. And so then we see that there’s a covenant made, but all they’re told to do is just multiply and the covenant comes down. We see it gets Abraham and Abraham’s initially told he’s going to be a father of many nations, and Abraham has Ishmael, but he’s like, But yeah, I was like, No, no.

01;55;53;15 – 01;56;43;01
Speaker 1
I mean, with Sarah, that’s the seed because Hagar is Egypt. Egypt falls through the line of ham. Now, you might say, I wonder if Abraham knew, you know, all of this at the time. I mean, we talked about how how stories and things were told orally written down and then put together that formed the Bible that we have, but that the Hebrew Bible then when it was written then and put together and so here the line of Shem has a child with the line a ham.

01;56;44;02 – 01;57;16;27
Speaker 1
Ham is cast. That’s that’s not where the promise is coming from. It’s coming through. Sarah Now, Ishmael is blessed because he’s the seed of Abraham that that that’s not going to change. But that’s not the promise that he’s talking about. And even after Ishmael, Abraham has a whole bunch more children and still that’s not where Elohim has his focus.

01;57;18;25 – 01;57;54;07
Speaker 1
And so it passes on through to Isaac. And next week we’ll begin to dove into the study of Isaac. Eventually, we’re going to spend a lot of time on the tribes talking about that. But if the whole world was corrupt, how many generations that take it take before Elohim, like, okay, I think this man can do it because we just read that right in Genesis 18 that Elohim was like, I know him and I know that he will teach.

01;57;54;16 – 01;58;16;17
Speaker 1
He will command not just his children, but his whole household. And that’s the important thing, right, is if you’re going to make all the families of the earth be blessed, you have to be willing to teach. You have to teach with you know, you have to walk in that way and then you have to begin to teach it to your children and to your household, which means there are people.

01;58;16;25 – 01;58;52;24
Speaker 1
And the circumcision here was not just of only him and Ishmael, right? It was everybody in his house. So now they are all part of the covenant agreement. We’re seeing all the nations of the earth be blessed. We are seeing that this promise was always for us. There are some important things about land and about inheritance, and so we’re going to continue to keep studying that.

01;58;52;24 – 01;59;14;19
Speaker 1
So we are going to close up. It’s 6:00. We’ve been here for 2 hours. Thank you. For those of you who joined us, hopefully you’ll join us next week. All the rooms have been set up for the next weeks so you can RSVP in, will be here 4 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, 11 a.m. in South Africa, and it’s 4 p.m. and in Vietnam.

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