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Home 1040W Originals International Sabbath Fellowship – 03
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International Sabbath Fellowship – 03

This is week 3 of our Sabbath class/ Bible study. We review again from Jer6:16 and dig deeper into walking with God… Adam. Enoch, Noah, Abraham. We also look at circumcision and the inclusion of everyone in Abraham’s household.

We are beginning a new bible study about the promise to Abraham and does that promise benefit non-Jewish people. What does the Old Testament / Tanakh have to say about God/ELOHIM’s plan to “save = bless” all humanity.

All are welcome to study with us. We are not Seventh Day Adventist, Jewish/ Messianic Jews, Black Hebrew Israelites… just people looking to have a deeper relationship with our Creator who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This class is good for Beginners and Intermediate learners for Torah study.
Join us live on Clubhouse (10/40 Window Mission Network) every Sabbath at 4am East Coast – USA 10am Pretoria , South Africa 4pm Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We have added the transcript below to help with translation and the hearing impared community.

Saturday Jan 21, 2023 w/ Elder Regina Roundtree

00;00;37;18 – 00;01;07;22
Speaker 1
So we’re we’re going to go in Jeremiah six and then Isaiah 56, and then we’ll get into our text today, which is where we left off back in Genesis 17. But we’re going to go to Jeremiah six. And I want to review a little bit and I want us to continue. I think it’s good to repeat, you know, kind of what we studied last week.

00;01;08;13 – 00;01;52;04
Speaker 1
And then there’ll be some key scriptures that we you know, we continue to, to keep studying. Jeremiah six Everyone gets there. I’m going to get there. I’m going to open them. So what I think is great is if you have different versions of the Bible, it’s always good if you have time to have at least two with you because we are going to, you know, study and there are differences in different places, which I think is is interesting but yet good for us to know.

00;01;52;29 – 00;02;36;05
Speaker 1
And so I think I shared last week that I have the Koran, which is spelled K or E and Tanakh, and Tanakh is Hebrew for the Old Testament. What we call the Old Testament was just the Hebrew Bible to them. And what I like about this current is that it has white spaces. So as I’ve been studying with other Hebrew teachers and this would be biblical and ancient Hebrew, not modern Hebrew, they’ve taught us about the white spaces, and in the Hebrew Bible you can really see it.

00;02;36;05 – 00;03;05;23
Speaker 1
And I was recommending to people to just, you know, Google a script, like a Hebrew script, so that you could see that they’re they don’t have that they didn’t have paragraphs when they were writing this, you know, in commas and things like that. So the way that they separated a thought was they had a white space. And so there are, you know, just too small and big.

00;03;06;02 – 00;03;30;20
Speaker 1
There’s two size white spaces. And so a smaller white space would be in sense where, you know, in clubhouse you can’t really see it, but there’s a small white space and then there’s a larger white space. And the larger white space would begin to tell you that that was the end of a thought. And it’s possible to have many white spaces in one chapter.

00;03;30;20 – 00;04;01;04
Speaker 1
It’s also possible to go chapters with no white space, meaning the thought is continuing. And so sometimes when we’re studying, I’ll, you know, with you guys, I’ll go to the Koran because I’d like to know where the thought begins and ends, because we can’t really tell by the chapters, at least in the English translations that we have. And so this Korean Bible has the Hebrew on one side, and English on the other side.

00;04;02;08 – 00;04;29;07
Speaker 1
And so what I want you to know is that for the thought around Jeremiah 616, it actually goes from 16 to the end of verse 20. So that’s all we’re going to read because it covers the thought. And what we really want to do is discuss a little bit of Jeremiah 616.

00;04;30;27 – 00;04;31;08
Speaker 2

00;04;31;29 – 00;05;00;29
Speaker 1
So I will read from this Tanakh is anyone want to have another version that they might want to read from just so that we can can hear the difference if you do come off your mic? So I’m going to read and this is from the Koran, which is the Hebrew English Bible. Jeremiah 616 This is what and so here the only thing is because it’s Hebrew.

00;05;00;29 – 00;05;31;01
Speaker 1
English, they use the capital letters, Lord, Lord. But if you look over on the Hebrew side, it’s the the Tetra grammar can the the York board hey. And so if you say your way, if you say Lord, if you say Jehovah, we’re in this room, we know what we’re talking about and so please just feel comfortable. This is what the Lord Jehovah said.

00;05;31;26 – 00;06;08;26
Speaker 1
Stand upon the roads and reflect. Inquire about the ancient paths. What is the good way? Walk in it you will find tranquility for your souls. But you said we will not walk. I set up watchman over you listen to the call of the Rams horn but you said we will not listen therefore harrow nations and no our community what awaits them here?

00;06;08;26 – 00;06;42;08
Speaker 1
Earth, I’m about to bring evil upon this people the fruit of their schemes for they did not listen to my words. And as for my law, they rejected it. For what purpose do I need frankincense brought from Sheba or choice came from some distant land. Your burnt offerings are not desirable, nor do I find pleasure in your sacrifices.

00;06;42;08 – 00;07;20;22
Speaker 1
So that’s the end of that thought. And what I brought that up is to talk about two things. One is walking and the idea that we can settle down and walk with you Hova. So anyone tell me some of the places where we see in the Scriptures where men walked with God and went on to give a shot at that person.

00;07;20;28 – 00;07;28;16
Speaker 3
Just thinking about Adam Knack. Mm hmm.

00;07;31;10 – 00;07;32;25
Speaker 3
Those are the first two I think about.

00;07;33;15 – 00;08;23;11
Speaker 1
That’s good. Adam and Enock sometimes we forget Adam, right, but yeah. Adam. Enoch. Shabbat shalom, kelvin. Shabbat shalom, Doreen Sometimes we do forget about that. We also have Noah because he said Noah walked with, with Elohim. And then we have Abraham, who in Genesis 17 was invited to walk before him. And so what’s interesting when we look at walking, Esther was sharing that in Vietnamese the language, the word walk means more than just to take, you know, physically put one foot in front of the other.

00;08;24;29 – 00;08;58;05
Speaker 1
It means to completely obey and to follow and I love having this international fellowship because I love to hear from different cultures and communities. You know, what they get from the scriptures as we as we study them. And so here we see that you Hova has talking about the fact that he made an invitation to the people to walk with him and they said that we wouldn’t.

00;08;59;20 – 00;09;40;05
Speaker 1
And he said, I want you to heed the call. And they said that they would not. And so therefore they’re going to be punished for that. And what is interesting is the way that he stands before the world, because he said here, oh, earth in here, he nations. And we had been talking earlier, too, about with the flood with know when he made the covenant how he made a covenant with the earth right to to never flood again with water.

00;09;40;05 – 00;10;17;25
Speaker 1
And so I think it’s interesting and I think if you think about that and remember, every time that you hear the Lord call the earth into accountability, that there’s something special about this ground. And it’s I think it’s more than just the idea of us being dirt and made from earth. I think we can tell from Scripture, even when we were in in Genesis, when the Earth brought forth, there’s a relationship.

00;10;18;12 – 00;10;51;16
Speaker 1
And I think I had shared with you guys last week my theory that one of the teachers had, which I really think is a good one, that when in the beginning, when Elohim said, let us, that he was actually talking to the Earth like some people think it’s angels and or or, you know, the Trinity. But this ancient Hebrew teacher was saying that he and he broke it down because he was explaining the the word Elohim, which is plural.

00;10;52;28 – 00;11;34;04
Speaker 1
But whenever it’s referring to the creator, they have this phrase called the Majestic plural, majestic plural. So it’s that idea that of power, because this like if we saw thousands upon thousands of people, you know, we’d say, that’s a great and mighty nation. It but the idea with using Elohim in the plural is the majestic plural. And even though it’s plural, the verb that’s used with it is still singular.

00;11;34;04 – 00;12;07;19
Speaker 1
And so with this and you can look up and study this majestic plural, I think it should it will help you with understanding why you can have this word God, Elohim. But Elohim in the Testament can also mean little gods. It can also mean authority or majesty or power or judgment. Right. Shabbat shalom, Dora. I hope you’ll come up and chat with us.

00;12;08;11 – 00;12;13;00
Speaker 1
So how are you?

00;12;13;00 – 00;12;18;07
Speaker 3
I’m good. Thank you so much. Shalom, everyone.

00;12;18;07 – 00;12;44;19
Speaker 1
So the idea of plurals anyways, the let us. I believe that Elohim was talking to the Earth because at this point, you know, the Earth had been the one that brought forth all the seed in the trees and the animals. And so now he’s saying, let us. So this time he actually puts his hand in and takes out the earth and forms it.

00;12;45;02 – 00;13;10;15
Speaker 1
Anyone got thoughts on that? What, you think so? Yes. We were getting to the majestic and plural. And how did I get over there? We were talking about walking with Elohim, the different people that walked with Elohim O and the Earth, how they call the Earth into the nation. He said, Here on Earth, anyone have a different translation that they can read from that one to read?

00;13;10;15 – 00;13;37;06
Speaker 1
Where in Jeremiah 616 through 20. Yeah. So verse 19 says Here O Earth, behold, I will bring evil upon this people. So I don’t think he’s talking to people. I think he is talking to the earth because he would say here o people, I will bring evil upon this people. I believe that he is talking to the earth and giving record and accountability.

00;13;38;17 – 00;14;39;10
Speaker 1
I think he does that a lot and will notice that as we continue to do our study. So walking with Elohim is part of something special, part of something that he asks people to do, that he makes this opportunity for you to walk with him. We know that before the kind of scripted words that we have now, that ancient languages used pictographs, right pictures and one of the earliest forms of how Elohim was represented in a pictographs.

00;14;39;10 – 00;15;27;01
Speaker 1
And you could also look this up in city, but there is a person that I recommend. His name is Jeff Banner J e f and I will show you. Give me a moment. I will post a link in the chat to his website and let’s see what I completely enjoy about Jeff Benner and studying ancient Hebrew, which is absolutely fascinating, is called the Ancient Hebrew Research Center and the material that he has on there for free is amazing.

00;15;28;09 – 00;16;06;02
Speaker 1
Absolutely. There’s a lot of material. So you can it’s possible to get a little overwhelmed with all the material that he has there. And he’s got some great books, but what I wanted to bring out to you was that he explains and shows to us that the name of Elohim L was represented by an ox head and a shepherd staff.

00;16;06;02 – 00;17;11;03
Speaker 1
So the the ox head was the alef, which is the first letter of the alphabet, the a right. And then the L was the shepherd staff. And so I’m not going to get into explaining all of those things, but the ox head and the shepherd staff were the words that the pitchers put together that represented Elohim and one of the things about Hebrew culture, which I appreciated learning from him, is that obviously we understand that it’s different than our Westernized culture, but they were very concrete in the way that they they describe things, though, the way that they looked at their words, looked at how things functioned.

00;17;11;03 – 00;17;43;24
Speaker 1
And so their understanding of God, the accent might and power. Right. And the shepherd staff was authority. So if you think about how that’s translated over time, even if you’ve watched any of the Viking movies, you remember how the leaders they would wear that the the helmets with the horns right and they would walk with a shepherd’s staff.

00;17;44;03 – 00;18;24;00
Speaker 1
Many tribal nations still do that. But what’s also interesting is that we can still see that represented when we look at the UK still has a queen, they still have royalty. So there’s a crown and there’s a staff. Right. And yes, ma’am, we are in Jeremiah 616 through 20. We were talking about walking with Elohim. And then I got into because we’re in verse 19 talking about the earth, and then he was speaking to the earth, and that’s how we got over to let us.

00;18;24;18 – 00;18;54;24
Speaker 1
So we did start in Jeremiah 16, but we’re kind of talking about Genesis right now. And what I wanted to do is break down how they understood Elohim. And so in the UK and in many places they still have the crown and they still have the scepter. And because the crown speaks to the, the power that they have.

00;18;56;06 – 00;19;23;10
Speaker 1
And that’s right. You now have a king. Thank you, Dana, for explaining that to me. And that I knew that I knew that you now have a king, but you have royal families. Right. Still who monarchs who reign and what what they they do now Shabbat shalom, Wanda. Good morning to you. What they do is they.

00;19;23;10 – 00;19;25;05
Speaker 3
Still give on. Good morning to you all.

00;19;25;05 – 00;19;52;20
Speaker 1
So morning they still have the crown. They still have the accent and the shepherd’s staff. And so when they pictured Elohim as being mighty and one full of authority, they pictured him as an ox. And so an ox you put a yoke upon the ax, right? You’ve seen that where it’s usually two acts pulling, sometimes it’s just one.

00;19;53;23 – 00;20;22;28
Speaker 1
But their idea was that Elohim was this older, more mature ox, and that we are the younger ox in the yoke walking together and that he is training and he is teaching us, you know, how to work and do this work. And so then the Shepherd staff, which spoke to authority, but we also know that shepherds use their staff as weapons to protect as well.

00;20;23;28 – 00;20;59;24
Speaker 1
And so I think it’s so interesting and enlightening in a character study about Elohim that in ancient Hebrew he was an ox and a staff, and if you saw those two together, then that was representing Elohim. And so imagine if we could switch our mindset to that, to not think of God as something out in the distance, something as rural, something, you know, that you can’t really put your hands on.

00;21;00;25 – 00;21;25;21
Speaker 1
But they had this understanding that he was a mighty powerful being that walked along with them and showed them in not just being but the ark, something that was practical, that was useful, that was needed. Right. Like you, you you need the ox to plow up the land. You need the axle, pull the cart. You need the ox to do these things.

00;21;25;21 – 00;21;56;20
Speaker 1
And so if we would begin to to look at Elohim that way, right. That we would begin to understand and better. And so as we go along in our in our studies and stuff, I will share more with you that I’m learning from Jeff better. But it’s the ancient Hebrew Research Center. Amazing, lots of free material, a lot of great things.

00;21;56;20 – 00;22;26;05
Speaker 1
And you can vet him, you know, on your own, you can vet him on your home, but I said I was going to post the link and every time I get to talking I don’t post the link in the chat. Let me do that right now. Anyone have a thought they want to share about that idea of the ox and the shepherd stuff?

00;22;26;05 – 00;23;02;27
Speaker 3
Okay, that’s just a new concept for me. I think every time I think about the yoga, I think about the arts. I just think about the scripture that talks about not being okay with unbelievers. I never looked at, you know, Yahweh ever being an ox and, you know, him leading us, you know, and training us. It’s always looked at it as just another person that you’re in connection with, whether it be, you know, partnership or whatever, just making a decision to connect with another person.

00;23;02;27 – 00;23;04;27
Speaker 3
So that’s a new concept for me.

00;23;06;02 – 00;23;45;01
Speaker 1
Hey, man, thanks for sharing that. Yeah. And when I when I read it, I began to study the pictographs and and began to understand that Hebrew culture was very functional, practical, and that everything had a reason. And the way they just described it, it helped me to really pull Elohim from just something out there to this power that was walking beside me.

00;23;46;21 – 00;24;15;29
Speaker 1
And the fact that he would put the yoke on himself and me so that we could walk together and so that I could learn. And if you if you keep that in mind about walking with him. Right. Why use that term walk? You know, that idea of, you know, he came into the garden and he walked in and walked with him.

00;24;16;12 – 00;24;54;12
Speaker 1
Noah walked with him. He asked Abraham to walk with him. As you continue to go through scripture and you look at this idea of Elohim walking with them, it’s not a just, you know, cloud or something. It’s not just a spirit. It is a very powerful entity. And so putting him in that idea for them, that would be like the most powerful thing, the most valuable thing, most needed thing would be an ox for them.

00;24;55;19 – 00;25;24;07
Speaker 1
And so the idea that he not only had that power, but he had the authority. And so it I think it helps with this idea of walking because, you know, sometimes like, well, how can we walk with God? Like he’s invisible, we can’t see him. But if there was so many mentions of walking with him in the Scripture, then there’s got to be something more concrete to it.

00;25;24;22 – 00;25;58;25
Speaker 1
Right. And that’s the thing about pictographs. That’s the thing about the the Hebrew culture and probably a lot more ancient cultures in general. That idea that it was a very concrete, functional thing. One of the the other examples that Jeff used in one of his books to explain the Hebrew culture is he would say in Western culture, how would we describe a pencil?

00;25;58;25 – 00;26;39;06
Speaker 1
We would say that the pencil is yellow. You know, it’s thin, it’s long, it has a point, right? That that’s how we would describe it in Western culture. We would. And when he says Western culture, he just he means well, it doesn’t mean Western and more modern. I think there are Eastern cultures like I, I love talking with Esther because she gives me another perspective from a very agricultural based country that does things that are still biblical, like they still let the land rest every seven years.

00;26;39;21 – 00;27;09;04
Speaker 1
Right. Just like he talks about Leviticus. So anyways and so he says Western culture, that’s how we would describe a pencil. But they would describe a pencil by saying it’s something I used to write with. Like, you see the difference and we describe the color, what it looks like, how it feels, all these feeling things. But they would describe the pencil as something I used to write.

00;27;10;10 – 00;27;39;27
Speaker 1
And so there’s, there’s function in that. Esther, can you talk? Yeah. I want you to describe how how Vietnamese explain being hungry. Yeah, I remember there I had to learn the word hungry and. And what is if you actually literally translate what Vietnamese are saying? What is it?

00;27;39;27 – 00;27;41;15
Speaker 2
They were? What, hungry?

00;27;42;01 – 00;27;48;23
Speaker 1
Yeah. If I want to say that I’m hungry. You don’t really have the word hungry. What do you say?

00;27;48;23 – 00;27;51;24
Speaker 2
So how I want to eat.

00;27;52;16 – 00;27;53;22
Speaker 1
You say I’m empty?

00;27;54;23 – 00;27;58;03
Speaker 2
Yeah, I’m empty. Yes, yes.

00;27;58;03 – 00;28;08;08
Speaker 1
Listen to me telling her about her own language, but I remember it. Is that true, though? You when you say hungry, you say I’m empty.

00;28;09;13 – 00;28;13;09
Speaker 2
I yes, that is true. Well, I don’t get about that.

00;28;13;14 – 00;28;30;12
Speaker 1
Yeah, I know. It’s so common to you. You’re like, what is she talking about? But anyone else here? No foreign language. Anyone? Your me. You do research what language?

00;28;30;23 – 00;28;32;18
Speaker 3
I speak real Haitian Creole.

00;28;33;15 – 00;28;48;04
Speaker 1
Do you have any do you have any words or thoughts or things like what I’m talking about the idea that you can say a word in English, but it has a different would take you a whole paragraph to describe it.

00;28;48;11 – 00;29;02;05
Speaker 3
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, I, I agree. I’m trying to think of a word is plenty, but it’s really early and okay no problem.

00;29;03;09 – 00;29;03;26
Speaker 2
But yeah.

00;29;03;26 – 00;29;04;09
Speaker 1
There are.

00;29;04;09 – 00;29;18;04
Speaker 3
Plenty. There’s just not there might be just an English word, but then you have to add a sentence. You would have to actually describe DAW because it’s not actual translation word for word.

00;29;18;15 – 00;29;33;21
Speaker 1
Exactly. Exactly. Esther, I mean that the same thing in Vietnamese, whenever we’re translating in Vietnamese, what happens? You are not with me today.

00;29;34;25 – 00;30;06;28
Speaker 2
Sorry. Just like I’m reading something because you know, I’m still stuck in Jeremiah 616. He hasn’t read it again. It sounds something is speaking to me about that because the thing that I’m doing right now is very close to this verse, like in the Bible, like I’m, you know, that I’m up in the company, you know, and then I work with the, the farmer.

00;30;06;28 – 00;30;50;10
Speaker 2
And when we do the, the farmer work and we we working with the ground, the land, the sea, and then we I have to read the history about the land, the soy from the history, what they are doing, you know, so that we not I lose the things that they are already beans that says from the Amazon. And now we need to what we need to come by for the future so that we can do it better not forget about the history, not forget about the past, because the people leap from the ends and they they have their own wisdom.

00;30;50;10 – 00;31;20;24
Speaker 2
And then they did it very well for a very long time. And now as a young people and then to do that thing, I have to read the history so that I know what they have successful doing when they do with the crowd, with the sign, with the weather, how they how they live with it. And you know, when I read this, the scripture in Jeremiah 6616 says, yeah, we’re Elohim.

00;31;20;24 – 00;31;45;27
Speaker 2
Just remind that me about that, that if you want to be baptized now, you need to see the ends and the pat and then see what is good in it. And then you work in it. Don’t forget about it. Don’t, don’t, don’t carry it out from your way, but you need to work in it and then you would do it better just like that.

00;31;45;27 – 00;31;50;24
Speaker 2
And then stuck there. Sorry, because I’m not with you when you tell about that.

00;31;51;27 – 00;32;16;15
Speaker 1
And you know, that’s good. I’m glad you shared it with us. I’m glad I kept pressing you. I that’s a good analogy. That’s. That’s good. That’s what steady as we we don’t have to, like, finish all my notes or points or anything like that. We’re just studying and whatever rock reveals to us, you know, we’re going to stop in.

00;32;16;15 – 00;32;35;13
Speaker 1
We’re going to walk with him. Right. I think that’s this whole thing that we’re even doing in our fellowship is let’s walk with him. So if he slows down for you, then let’s slow down and share with us what he’s showing you. So thank you for that. I lost my signal for a moment, so I didn’t hear everything.

00;32;35;13 – 00;33;13;22
Speaker 1
So I’ll definitely go back in the replays and and listen to it. Hey, Tommy, Shabbat shalom to you. Yeah, so we’re talking about we started in Jeremiah 616 through 20, just talking about walking and it was 619 that reminded us that he called attention to the earth. And that’s how we got over to Genesis. Just talking about when he said, let us, was he talking to the Earth?

00;33;14;07 – 00;33;45;18
Speaker 1
Because we do see him talking to the Earth a lot throughout the Tanakh, the Old Testament. And then I began to sharing with you what I learned in my Hebrew classes, and I put the link in the chat, guys, so you can go check out his website. And he has this thing about the mechanical translation of the Bible, which he has for the Torah, which is really cool, but we’ll talk about that later.

00;33;45;18 – 00;34;32;10
Speaker 1
But anyways, just the idea that God Elohim was pictured with an ox head and a shepherd’s staff. And that’s how whenever you saw that, you knew that they were talking about Elohim and that’s good. So we’re going to continue because our our study in the path that we’re on in the Sabbath Fellowship is to understand what is Elohim plan for us, for humanity, and that we need to understand that we are included in the plan, always been included in the plan, all of humanity.

00;34;32;26 – 00;35;01;27
Speaker 1
There was always a place for us. And so these are the things that we are beginning to to study out. And in order to do that, we need to to walk with him. And so this is what we’re doing on this journey now is we are going to set in our minds, we are going to walk with Elohim as we study this, which means he is yoked up with us now.

00;35;01;27 – 00;35;23;02
Speaker 1
He’s more powerful and more experienced. But I think sometimes and this is what happened, too, if you think if you if you don’t use that picture, it’s possible for you to run ahead, right? It’s possible for you to go your own way. It’s possible for you to stop when you want to stop and move. When you want to move.

00;35;23;02 – 00;36;01;24
Speaker 1
But if you keep that picture in your head about Elohim and that he is this powerful, more experienced ox that is yoked up with you, you really can’t move unless he’s moving. Right. And if he’s leaning to the right, then you’re going to go to the right. You might try to struggle to go somewhere else. And so I found that helpful to me and in ways I feel like I can actually walk with him in that idea of walking with him doesn’t seem unreachable.

00;36;02;18 – 00;36;26;25
Speaker 1
It doesn’t seem so real when have a more concrete understanding of how the Hebrew culture sort of Elohim. Anyone want to add to that or something that they’re thinking about?

00;36;26;25 – 00;37;02;05
Speaker 2
Yeah. You know that when I read there were Jeremiah 619 when said that talk to the earth like dear. And I remember that thing that Yahweh hints that in Genesis 821 to 23 after the flood, and then he mixed the covenant with the earth, and he said that all are we no longer trust the Earth because of men for the because.

00;37;02;16 – 00;37;20;20
Speaker 2
Well, I read that and then when you saw the scripture in Jeremiah and still like we see that God is talking to the earth but the people also made by the earth. So that I feel like step from.

00;37;21;04 – 00;37;23;19
Speaker 1
Can you tell me a little bit? A little bit.

00;37;24;07 – 00;37;25;03
Speaker 2
It’s just wait for.

00;37;25;13 – 00;37;25;22
Speaker 1

00;37;30;28 – 00;37;37;00
Speaker 2
A case better. Can you hear me now?

00;37;37;24 – 00;37;40;16
Speaker 1
Yes, I can. Thank you. Go ahead. I can thank you.

00;37;41;28 – 00;37;42;28
Speaker 2
I forget my thought.

00;37;43;16 – 00;37;46;20
Speaker 1
I’m talking about the earth and Genesis eight.

00;37;47;23 – 00;38;31;22
Speaker 2
Yeah, Genesis eight. After the flood. Yeah. We Elohim which is made the covenant to the earth like he said that I will no longer curse dear because of men. And when a read in the book of Jeremiah 619 also talk about oh dear like the and and I feel like that is different that if talking is not about the earth but about the human being because human beings also to make from the Earth, i, I just forget my thoughts.

00;38;32;28 – 00;38;33;01
Speaker 2

00;38;33;04 – 00;38;50;00
Speaker 1
So I know that’s okay. But if you go back and you look at Jeremiah 619 when he says here, oh, earth, the thing is, is that he he mentions the people.

00;38;50;00 – 00;38;50;25
Speaker 2
Yes, yes.

00;38;50;25 – 00;39;08;09
Speaker 1
I’m open for for other people. If you want to join us in what you think, what it looks like, it’s that’s being said here. Where is it? I’m looking in this Hebrew Bible here. Yeah, it’s.

00;39;09;06 – 00;39;11;00
Speaker 2

00;39;11;28 – 00;39;39;13
Speaker 1
Where are you? There for hero nations or community. What awaits here? Earth. I’m about to bring evil upon this. People. So I think it’s two different things. I don’t think here that he means here all people. I’m about to bring evil on this people and he want go ahead and continue your thought. You you were saying that you thought it was people.

00;39;39;14 – 00;39;44;04
Speaker 1
Go ahead, Esther.

00;39;44;04 – 00;39;46;05
Speaker 2
And just just wait for me a minute.

00;39;47;02 – 00;40;22;16
Speaker 1
And and I’m going to look it up in a I’m going to go to look up that section in a right now in the lexicon and a concordance. And let’s see if the words are the same. If the words are the same, then in Hebrew, then the words are the same. But let’s see. Go ahead, Esther. Or anyone else.

00;40;22;16 – 00;41;00;21
Speaker 2
Yeah, okay. Okay. I remember my dad. It’s just like when he said that. Oh, all up here or be whole and. And I will bring evil upon this people. Just like the way Elohim talked to the Earth. And and he told the Earth what he will do with men, with the people endure. Not talk to the earth like the evil thing is not for the earth, but the evil thing is come.

00;41;00;28 – 00;41;14;04
Speaker 2
Because I reflect of the thought of men is do you get it? I don’t know that I extend that is a canard, but I don’t know how to say that.

00;41;14;16 – 00;41;42;27
Speaker 1
Now you I got you so what you’re saying is you’re saying that the word earth and people you are saying that is two different things. And what I think you’re saying is that Elohim is telling the Earth, listen, I know in in Genesis, I told you I was not going to curse you for a man’s sake. But I’m letting you know that I’m going to bring evil upon this people.

00;41;43;24 – 00;41;46;20
Speaker 1
Is that what you’re saying, that you understand that is separate things?

00;41;47;00 – 00;41;52;09
Speaker 2
Yes. Yes, that is. That is. Thank you.

00;41;52;09 – 00;41;58;00
Speaker 1
Yes, sir. I’ve been with you long enough that I. I understand what you’re trying to say.

00;41;58;08 – 00;42;08;17
Speaker 2
You know, I speak in Vietnamese. I can tell a lot of this, but because I’m English and then I just that.

00;42;08;17 – 00;42;10;11
Speaker 3
Oh, good, good.

00;42;10;27 – 00;42;38;11
Speaker 1
Yeah. He is speaking to the two separate entities here. And I think that’s important for us to to understand. I think so many things when we start looking now, we start reading in the Old Testament and you see the land and you see the earth and you’re like, he lets the land rest for on the seventh year for a year, many things.

00;42;38;11 – 00;43;15;00
Speaker 1
And even this whole idea about in Genesis eight, does he reverse the curse from Adam? Right. Because in Genesis he he told man that by the sweat of their brow, you have to toil. Right. And then when Noah, we talked about this last week, when Lamech, Noah’s father, when his son was being born, he said, finally Lee, someone has come to comfort us and save us from the toil of this land.

00;43;16;03 – 00;43;52;06
Speaker 1
And that’s actually how we left off in our last study was well. Lamech We don’t see the mark having any kind of relationship with your Hova. I mean, just because we don’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But it’s written down that he kind of prophesied what it was his son was going to do. And I’m sure Lamech didn’t know that, you know, because, you know that a flood was coming and certainly the whole land was going to be saved from their toil.

00;43;52;06 – 00;44;21;01
Speaker 1
But we do see in Genesis eight and nine, when we see the covenant with the Rainbow, that it seems like Elohim reversed that curse of the land because he said he would make a covenant. Now, he made a covenant that he would no longer flood that with water. But are there other curses and things that happened? And so we’ve got this in our forefront of our mind.

00;44;21;16 – 00;44;46;24
Speaker 1
So as we’re moving along now and we’re studying, we’re going to be thinking about, well, Elohim is an ox. He’s in this yoke, he is walking with me because that’s what he wants to do. He wants to walk with us. And there’s something special about walking with him. And then we’re going to also think about there’s something about the land.

00;44;47;17 – 00;45;11;18
Speaker 1
And these two things are important. Something that we brought up in our first study is that the promise to Abraham, which we’re going to get into now, we’re going to go to Genesis 17, is it’s always been about I’m going to bless you, make you a great nation, and then I have a promised land to give to you.

00;45;11;18 – 00;45;45;06
Speaker 1
And there’s something special about the land, and we can’t lose sight of that. We can’t lose sight of the fact that there’s something special to our creator about the Earth. But there’s a special section of the earth that he has blessed because he’s returning to Jerusalem. He’s there is this promised land and what we have to understand is that the promised land was given to his seed.

00;45;46;26 – 00;46;18;17
Speaker 1
Now, that includes and I’ve heard other Hebrew teachers talk about this, that as Jewish people, they can’t be selfish because Abraham does have other seed that are not Jews. Right. We know there’s Ishmael. Part of the reason that they’re fighting, right, is because they’re both the seed of Abraham. And then we know that with Katara, after Sarah died, he had more sons.

00;46;18;17 – 00;46;46;02
Speaker 1
So those are seeds. And and we see this promise come out all the way through to Jacob, and he’s got the 12 and we’re going to talk about that as well. But there is something very special. And so we’re pointing this out, that walking with Elohim, he wants to have relationship with us, but there’s something special about the land.

00;46;47;13 – 00;47;24;03
Speaker 1
And let’s remember too, that Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Digbeth. Shem became is where Abraham came from, right? And so Shem is the one that received the biggest blessing. And then it was told that Canaan, the son of Ham, who was coerced, that he would be a servant. Let’s not forget that the land of Canaan is Canaan.

00;47;24;25 – 00;47;52;15
Speaker 1
And so here we have we have family against each other. We’ve got Shem and Abraham being told that he’s going to possess the line of basically his nephew. He’s going to possess that land, land of Canaan. And we hear that Canaan in the Emirates. Right. The iniquity of the Emirates is not yet full. We’re going to see that Emirates come from Canaan.

00;47;54;04 – 00;48;26;25
Speaker 1
And so here you kind of have your uncle’s bloodline coming down and he is going to possess the land of his nephew because there’s a curse. And and talk about family oil, right. Talk about family turmoil. Excuse me. That’s a better, better use of that word. Right? So land is an important possession of this land. This line of Abraham.

00;48;26;25 – 00;48;57;15
Speaker 1
Abraham is going to possess the land of his nephew. So Shem is going to possess the land of Canaan. But first, Shem is going to walk through his own period. Abraham, the children of Jacob, children of Israel. They’re going to go through bondage. They’re going to be sojourners in the land. They’re going to be nomads traveling around, and they’re never going to have their own place for the longest time.

00;48;58;23 – 00;49;39;01
Speaker 1
And I think this is also important to point out, because when we get into looking further that foreigners and sojourners are included in the promises, we’re going to see that they had, you know, generations of being foreigners and sojourners in the land. So how could it now when you’re coming into your place of your own, you know, Elohim, like you can’t reject the foreigner in the sojourner if they want to dwell with you because you are foreigner and sojourners in the land.

00;49;39;18 – 00;50;19;00
Speaker 1
He says that a lot. And so this idea that unfortunately that religion has done to us is to make us think that somehow this one group of people or culture is it and that we’re kind of all on the outside looking in. All right. Which is not the case. Okay. Any thoughts or questions? We’re going to go into Genesis 17 No.

00;50;19;00 – 00;50;39;07
Speaker 1
One. Rolonda, Shabbat shalom to you. Welcome to the room. If you want to come up and just talk with us, you are welcome. Okay. No one has any thoughts or anything. Go ahead, Esther, I.

00;50;40;21 – 00;51;23;23
Speaker 2
I read through the channels. Jeremiah did this thing from 16 to 20 again, and you see that in the verse of 18, God is speak to the nation, and then he speaks to the congregation. And then in the verse of 19, he speaks to the earth. And then just like he telling the nation to congregation the Earth, that he will let the evil thing happen to the people.

00;51;24;27 – 00;52;14;19
Speaker 2
That is the result of that thought. So it’s just that. And then in the verse up 20, he said that because now the end of the verse 819 he said that because they don’t want to hear his word and then they don’t want to follow his commandment. And because of that, for whatever they do, the thing that they bring to him is not please him because they refuse to listen to his work.

00;52;14;28 – 00;52;55;11
Speaker 2
They refuse to follow his law. And just like us right now, as a Christian, we did a lot of things, we do a lot of things, and then sometimes we do the way too much. The thing that Yahweh Elohim require us to do. We have a lot of confusion. We have a lot of things happen during the week, but we just we fail to listen to his word like he want us to to to keep the Sabbath to to to to honor the Sabbath.

00;52;55;11 – 00;53;27;07
Speaker 2
Because the Sabbath is the the the holy day for him. And then we just we to doing that. And then because of that, what ever we do instead of that is not accepted due to the lot. And then that’s why we have no rest in our so and we one to have breath but we don’t follow his work.

00;53;27;22 – 00;54;15;08
Speaker 2
We not honor his law. We’ll never have the thing that we want. Even we are crying to him. We are, you know, crowd and then everything we did is still not the same. And this is very important to me that when I study with a pastor we that we are John and then he talk about to keep the Sabbath is very important for us because that is the day we fully like come before him in 24 hour we only sit quiet with the Lord and then reading His work.

00;54;15;17 – 00;55;00;23
Speaker 2
Let Him speak to us and and for the Christian. When they not doing that, the sun for them is exhausted, is no resting there. And I’m very grateful because God led me to this so that I understand the thing that got one of us to do when we said that we want to worship him, we want to honor him, to worship and to honor him is to follow his word, not to do to do what we think, because God, we got word is far away from our thought.

00;55;00;23 – 00;55;11;07
Speaker 2
It’s just like that. I’m very grateful. Hallelujah. Thank you. And you are my amen.

00;55;12;25 – 00;55;15;24
Speaker 1
Anyone else want to share anything? Chris, Dora?

00;55;16;17 – 00;55;45;07
Speaker 3
Wanda Yeah. Shabbat Shalom. Glory Hallelujah. Esther You just, you know, unction something in me. The the the time, the coming into studying and doing Shabbat, I can see a difference and I can see why the father and I’m quite sure everybody in this and anyone in this in this planet that observe Shabbat, you can see a difference in your life.

00;55;45;15 – 00;56;16;22
Speaker 3
The peace that surpasses all, understand, as with what has happened for me and I’m quite sure countless others coming in to Shabbat, you know, making sure I do it at the time I’m supposed to do it, laboring to rest, you know, and then being in rest. And then the other six days, anything that come my way, I’m not how I used to be prior to Shabbat, frazzled or anything like that.

00;56;17;01 – 00;56;40;27
Speaker 3
I’ll go to the father with it and a lot of times I get to solution in Shabbat or during the week. So I’m grateful that Yahweh, my Elohim, allow me to come here, just like Esther said, to come to to be able to observe Shabbat, and that he in the commandments, he said he made it for man and that’s man.

00;56;40;28 – 00;56;49;25
Speaker 3
And that I think I’m mixing it up. Shabbat is made for man that man made for Shabbat or help me. Help me, Virginia.

00;56;50;12 – 00;56;52;26
Speaker 1
That’s correct. Oh, I’ll put it right. Right.

00;56;52;27 – 00;57;15;10
Speaker 3
Okay, so what a blessing. And I always say to you, we thank you so much because it didn’t have to be, you know, is right there in the Ten Commandments from the beginning of time, from the foundations of the earth. And it took me to be at the place that I met. But I’m grateful at a time such as this that I am here and I release.

00;57;15;10 – 00;57;19;07
Speaker 1
Go ahead, Dora, I everyone.

00;57;19;24 – 00;57;45;27
Speaker 3
Please forgive me. I’ve had a bit of a cough, but I know that, you know, Arafat is with me, so I am healed. And I just want to say that I have spent this time over a year now getting used to understanding what Sabbath means to me and trying to understand what it means to him that I am in Sabbath with him.

00;57;46;20 – 00;58;13;28
Speaker 3
There are days when I struggle with, you know, trying to get in on time because my work doesn’t recognize it. So I have to work to a certain time. But definitely on Fridays I do get to leave a little bit earlier so that I am literally rushing to Sabbath every Friday, but I am thoroughly enjoying being at rest with him.

00;58;14;19 – 00;58;44;20
Speaker 3
My issues are my issues in the sense that sometimes because I don’t get here in time or at the required time, I think I tend to to beat myself up a little bit about that. And I do understand that he receives whatever I give him. But for me, I feel sometimes that what I’m giving him isn’t enough, right?

00;58;44;20 – 00;59;13;04
Speaker 3
One, to set issues at work. Things that have been an issue in the past are no longer an issue. And my week tends to go a lot smoother now. And if there are things that I need, I just take it to him. And I also have to recognize that his time is not my time. And as somebody said earlier, his thoughts are way off of my thoughts.

00;59;13;04 – 01;00;08;12
Speaker 3
And so sometimes I have to be at peace with what he is showing me and take the time to understand that it’s his way, it’s his will, and that he orders my steps so I am truly grateful to be able to come and to be in the things of that with with him and to rest with him. And each time I come in, I get a different or a better understanding and I want to thank you all for sharing your thoughts, because I think it makes it easier for me to get understanding, which I know, you know, I want this me to have because this is him making sure that I rest and those thoughts

01;00;08;25 – 01;00;24;21
Speaker 3
can be quite tiring. So hallelujah, praise be to him for me being here, for you being him, for sharing. I yield the mike.

01;00;24;21 – 01;00;49;03
Speaker 1
Amen. Thank you, Doro. Let’s instead of going to Genesis, let’s go to Isaiah 56. Every one of our sessions we’ve been in Isaiah 56. And it just it bears repeating and discussing even deeper because I think it it it will help us. We’re going to go to Isaiah 56 and we’re going to read one through eight is my focus.

01;00;49;03 – 01;01;35;17
Speaker 1
But it’s actually went through ten and there are three sets of white spaces in Isaiah 56, which kind of makes sense. So we have a one through four is one set actually went through. How does this break up here? Okay. It has the section with the unit in the section with the children of the stranger. This is, I think will really bless us.

01;01;35;17 – 01;02;18;21
Speaker 1
And as we read this, if you’re not there, please go to Isaiah 56. We’re going to read one through eight, maybe one through nine, possibly. Excuse me. This is the scripture verse that is on our if you read the description of the room, there’s Zachary, too. But then there’s Isaiah 56, one through eight. And this is where we know a just another place of confirmation and that it was always Elohim tent that all should be included.

01;02;18;21 – 01;02;37;05
Speaker 1
And so we’re going to go through this. Anyone want to read one, three, five? Anyone feel like reading our read?

01;02;37;05 – 01;02;38;25
Speaker 3
If it’s okay with everyone.

01;02;39;08 – 01;02;52;14
Speaker 1
Of course. Will you read Isaiah 56? Read one through five for us. First, please.

01;02;52;14 – 01;03;36;03
Speaker 3
Let’s save the Lord. Keep judgment and do justice for my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man that to this, and the son of mine that lay hold on it, that keep the Sabbath from polluting it and keep his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of the stranger that have joined himself to Yahweh speak, saying, Now we have utterly separated me from his people.

01;03;37;08 – 01;04;11;00
Speaker 3
Neither let the unique say Behold old I, I’m a dry tree for their safety away unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths and choose the things that pleased me and take hold of my covenant even unto them will I give in my house and within my walls a place and the name better than sons of and of daughters.

01;04;11;11 – 01;04;19;21
Speaker 3
I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.

01;04;19;21 – 01;05;03;12
Speaker 1
Awesome. So right there we see two things that he says are important and that’s keeping the Sabbath and not polluting it. And now some of you are thinking of Isaiah 58, 13 and 14, but it also says to keep your hand from doing evil. And he’s talking about the commandments, his instructions. What you also see is that as we as we begin our study in looking at the blessing of Abraham, it is all about it’s always, I’m going to make you a great nation.

01;05;03;19 – 01;05;27;20
Speaker 1
I want to make you a great nation. You’re going to have children. The stars of the sea, stars in the sky sands in this, you know, beaches. It’s always about children and it’s about land. So this would almost seem completely opposite that he would bring in a unique. So for those of you who don’t know a unique is someone who’s been castrated so they cannot have children.

01;05;27;20 – 01;06;01;13
Speaker 1
Their the the part of their body that holds the sperm has been cut off from them. And so that would seem the absolute opposite as we’ve seen with all the patriarchs. Sarah struggle to have children. Rebecca That had children for a while and then we see Leah and Rachel, right? Rachel Not being able to have children for a while.

01;06;02;21 – 01;06;33;14
Speaker 1
So we understand that this idea of being able to to be to not be bear, that being bear was a curse to them. And so if you are unique, you can never have children. I mean that I mean, sure, a miraculous thing could happen. But but you’re dry tree and yet we see here and we also see there there are laws in Leviticus about becoming a unit that you should they should not do that.

01;06;34;05 – 01;07;20;12
Speaker 1
Okay. So but here we hear our father saying to us, not just the stranger, but he’s addressing the eunuch that, listen, I’m going to bring you into my house, which is territory, which is land within my walls, a place. So they get a place and they get a name. Their name was carried on through their children. But here we see him making an exception, opening up for everyone, the eunuch, that person that cannot produce at all and usually was a slave.

01;07;21;05 – 01;08;00;28
Speaker 1
Right? Because had harum in concubines. And so they need someone to protect the women, but they didn’t want you having any children with the women, any sex or anything like that. They castrated you. So not only were you a slave, but then the possibility of you ever producing or carrying on your name was cut off from you. And we see him saying, I’m going to bring you in because you keep my Sabbath and you follow my law.

01;08;00;28 – 01;08;37;22
Speaker 1
What I think is beautiful and I think we we don’t quite capture all of it is in Isaiah 56, verse one, it says thus saith The Lord, which is your heaven, Jehovah or Yahweh, depending on what you choose, keep judgments and, do justice for my salvation is near to come. Anyone have a lexicon with them? I’m I’m on blue letter Bible do or but maybe you have something on your phone or on your computer.

01;08;38;08 – 01;09;40;00
Speaker 1
If someone tell you, I’m going to tell you unless you don’t what that word salvation is, you know that that word salvation is Yeshua. Yeah. So that word, my salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua. That’s, that’s the name because Yeshua means Jehovah Salvation. What we should also understand is that, that that salvation is used many places. Before we get to Isaiah, when he talks about salvation, but he is the savior.

01;09;40;00 – 01;10;15;25
Speaker 1
And so the idea of it being near is not so much that it’s thousands of years away as much as it is right there at hand. There’s something to think about. You can do a word study on it. I think that’s interesting that the word salvation, Yeshua, that’s the word was used quite frequently in the Old Testament. So it’s not a, it’s not a new word, but the English translation covers it up.

01;10;16;03 – 01;10;45;13
Speaker 1
We’re in Isaiah 56. So let’s continue with this broader discussion about Isaiah 56 one through five. Thank you, Dore, for reading. Will you read now Isaiah 56 six through nine for me, please.

01;10;45;13 – 01;11;26;03
Speaker 3
Starting up six. Also the sons of the stranger that join themselves to yell away to serve him and allow the name of reality to be his servants. Everyone that keep the Sabbath from polluting it and take hold of my covenant. Even then, will I bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar for mine.

01;11;26;03 – 01;12;08;12
Speaker 3
How shall be called a house of prayer for all people? Yahweh, which gathers the outcasts of Israel, sayeth, yet will I gather of this to him? Beside that are gathered unto him, all ye beasts of the field come to devour ye or ye Beasts in the forest is what men are blind, they are all ignorant, They are all dumb dogs They cannot bark Sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber Can I stop there?

01;12;10;01 – 01;12;35;21
Speaker 1
Yes, please don’t. Now we see the second part about the sons of the stranger. So these are not of the bloodline. When you’re considered a stranger, you’re not part of the land. You’re not native. If you’re a stranger, right? If someone comes into our neighborhood, we’re like, Oh, they’re a stranger. So they don’t live there. They’re not part of our culture, our community.

01;12;37;18 – 01;13;29;00
Speaker 1
And the requirement that he gives are keeping the Sabbath and holding on to the covenant. And so it’s no wonder that the way that you and I feel about Sabbath, how we feel about what it does for us, because that’s our way of coming in it. The bloodline is not a requirement anymore. It never was. But he’s reiterating that here that you can come in and take hold of Jehovah through keeping the Sabbath and keeping his covenant.

01;13;29;00 – 01;14;04;05
Speaker 1
And that is that is so, so important. We’re going to see as we as we as we continue in our study that that’s what it’s about. He he doesn’t say you have to do the sacrifices. He he doesn’t say I mean keeping the covenant. There’s lots of things involved in keeping the covenant. But he’s able to break it down to two things the Sabbath and the Covenant.

01;14;04;05 – 01;14;33;21
Speaker 1
And that’s how you grab hold of him. And then notice what he’s always saying is that he’s going to bring you into his land. It’s like my holy mountain, my place, my walls walls of my place, my house, and tell you there’s a promise about land and about blessing, but there’s a way to access it if you’re not of the bloodline.

01;14;35;14 – 01;15;11;22
Speaker 1
And so don’t ever that anything that you read in the Old Testament is not applicable to you. It is because he told you so he’s telling us here now realize that Isaiah is way after, you know, Abraham and Jacob and David and Solomon. But we’re going to see just as we begin in in in looking at the blessing of Abraham, because this is our blessing to we just need to see how it started.

01;15;12;07 – 01;15;39;05
Speaker 1
We just need to see where it came from, how it got to to us. Does that make sense? Anyone have a thought or a comment on this part of Isaiah 56? It’s always a blessing to me when I read this because it reminds me that he is not left me out in that I can keep the Sabbath, I should keep the Sabbath, and I should keep his covenant, and that’s it.

01;15;40;02 – 01;16;11;08
Speaker 1
And that doing that salvation has come to me because I used to wonder sometimes where all these people before Yeshua got here, Jesus got here, were they not saved it, this whole misunderstanding of what salvation is, because when you look in the altar all over the place, he says, I am the Savior, you’re only Savior, I’m your Savior, I’m your salvation, the first person to be called Jehovah Salvation is when Moses changed his name to Joshua.

01;16;11;09 – 01;16;57;11
Speaker 1
Yeshua, Yehoshua, which is your Hova salvation. You should study that out. Moses changed. Josh That was not always Joshua Yehoshua that was always his name. It clearly says it. He changed his name from O’Shay to Yehoshua, which is Jehovah’s Salvation, and that is the route here that you see of salvation. Yeshua just opened. If you don’t have a lexical concordance, just open blue letter bible dot org on your phone and you can go into this verse.

01;16;57;11 – 01;17;35;06
Speaker 1
Isaiah 56 And just for the record, let me tell you which, which strong concordance is. It is h three, four, four, four and that name is Yeshua. So Yeshua was here even in the Old Testament. Oh certainly. I will get that link. I’m going to go get that link in post in the chat. Anyone have any thoughts about Isaiah 56.

01;17;35;06 – 01;17;38;26
Speaker 1
I would love to hear. Yes, Esther, I yeah.

01;17;39;26 – 01;18;16;23
Speaker 2
Oh okay. When I read this script in Isaiah from 650 6112 12, it remind me about what this shows said to, to the Eastern L Oh, because this is just like a hope for the Gentiles. And the warning for for that is Israel the bloodline of Israel. Because I remember when yes, she was sat to them in the book of Matthew.

01;18;16;23 – 01;18;54;16
Speaker 2
Matthew from a verse Matthew tree I will read it the that and thing not to say within yourself we have Abraham to our father. For I say unto you that yeah, we is able up this stone to rise up children unto Abraham. Like where it is, is just remember that that like this is our hope for the Gentiles.

01;18;55;05 – 01;19;27;10
Speaker 2
Like if you you you doing what Yahweh is required to you to do and keep himself sabat keep his commandment, keep his court covenants even as you add the agenda, even you at the dry tree you sat. Even you said that you are nothing. But I will bring you to my mouth and the Holy Mountain. But if you are Israel and then you are not doing this, just like I send the watchman for this earth.

01;19;27;14 – 01;19;52;09
Speaker 2
And then you know my what? You know my law. You live in that I you said that your Abraham is your father and then you not doing what I said. Sure, I will not bring you into my mountain. Sure, you are not in my house anymore. And the people who never know me, they will come to my house.

01;19;52;16 – 01;20;05;16
Speaker 2
But you set. You know me. And then if you are not doing my what? I will not bring you my house just like that I you.

01;20;05;16 – 01;20;16;27
Speaker 1
Thank you, Dora. I saw you flash your mike. Go ahead. Door. Did you want to say something?

01;20;18;02 – 01;20;50;16
Speaker 3
Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to say that I felt it was very reassuring to read particularly the six where it says also the sons of the stranger, that drawing themselves to the Lord to serve Him and to love the name of the Lord Yahweh, to be His servants, everyone to keep the Sabbath from polluting it, to take hold of my covenant, even them I bring to my holy mountain.

01;20;50;16 – 01;21;21;05
Speaker 3
I just thought that was so beautiful. I’m so reassuring and it really spoke to me as a, quote, stranger. It’s not of the line of of Israel that, you know, his salvation, his love is for everyone who chooses to take hold of it, who chooses to serve him. Like I said, that was just so reassuring. Thank you. I you my.

01;21;29;15 – 01;21;58;11
Speaker 1
So I put in the chat. Thank you, Dora and Esther. I put in the chat the link to blue letter Bible talk, and I put the Strong’s concordance so you can go in there and just actually put in h three, four, four, four instead of the verse, and it will pull up the meaning of that. It’ll show you the Hebrew, and then it’ll show you all the places in the Bible where you see that verse, that word, that word.

01;21;59;26 – 01;22;33;09
Speaker 1
And then I also put in there numbers 13, 16, and this is where Moses changes his name, Joshua, which is Yahweh Salvation, Jehovah Salvation. So those are there and you can study that. So the idea that Jehovah Salvation was there early on, it’s it’s not a New Testament thing. We need to understand that his plan for salvation for us was was there back in the beginning.

01;22;34;01 – 01;23;08;08
Speaker 1
That was his plan. Always. And so, you know, this idea of I don’t want to get into that because I don’t want to be controversial about that. So anyone else have thoughts at all about what we’re saying? And thank you, Dora and Esther, for sharing. Chris, Laura, Wanda, anything. TOM Calvin. Gabriel Shabbat shalom to you, Miss Paula. Thank you for joining us.

01;23;08;08 – 01;23;11;21
Speaker 1
So let’s get to our text for today. We have 30 minutes left.

01;23;14;04 – 01;23;14;09
Speaker 2

01;23;14;09 – 01;23;26;27
Speaker 1
We we even really get to our text, which is fine. I love this conversation. I love learning. I love hearing from everything. Yeah, go ahead.

01;23;26;28 – 01;24;01;13
Speaker 2
Go ahead. Oh, I just looking for the eight three, four, four, four. And then the first place mention about the salvation is in Genesis chapter 40, 49, this 18 that said that I have waited for ty salvation. Oh, Lord, yeah. Is this mean that. Yeah. Yes. Or is is the salvation me. And yet thank you for that said.

01;24;01;13 – 01;24;07;11
Speaker 2
That is clear now.

01;24;07;11 – 01;24;48;03
Speaker 1
Okay. And what’s the context of that. I think that’s important so let’s I don’t we don’t just want to read that verse out because what’s happening in Genesis chapter 49 is that Jacob is blessing his son. And so he is giving them the blessing. But the salvation here does not mean that they’re waiting for the person. So much of you sure to come as they are waiting for their salvation out of bondage, which to us is kind of the same thing, right?

01;24;48;26 – 01;25;32;18
Speaker 1
For those who who walk in and and profess themselves to be Christian, the idea is that Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the Messiah saved us from bondage, but they have yet here no concept of this person, Yeshua, as much as being saved from the bondage that they’re in. Because as we get to Genesis 17, our founding scripture, we’re going to hear the promise that Aber, that Elohim made to Abraham, that you’re going to be in bondage, but after 400 years you’re going to come out and that there’s a promised land that I’m going to take you to and that, you know, so that’s there.

01;25;32;18 – 01;26;20;16
Speaker 1
That’s what they’re looking at. They do not at this particular point in Genesis 49 necessarily are thinking that there is they don’t even know Moses yet here. Right. They’ve not met Moses. They don’t know who Joshua is. Joshua. Yehoshua. Yeah. Way salvation. Who? Who Moses. Who we all honor and revere changed his name from Osher to Yehoshua, and Joshua was the one Yeshua led them into the Promised Land, Yahweh Salvation, Jehovah Salvation.

01;26;20;16 – 01;26;46;12
Speaker 1
So I know our Apostle does a lot to help us understand that, you know, I was singing it today. All I need is king. Jesus, I don’t need nobody else. That’s not. That’s not what you came to teach us. Because when you she will walk the earth. He only had the Old Testament, right? So it is going to take a while to kind of like process that.

01;26;47;15 – 01;27;20;21
Speaker 1
But they waited for themselves, you know, Lord, I have waited for that salvation because at this point, Jacob is about to die and he has not yet entered the promised land. He’s going to die in captivity. So he is waiting for salvation. And salvation is that promise that our seed was going to be innumerable, that we were going to be kings on this earth, and that you had a promised land and freedom land flowing with milk and honey.

01;27;20;21 – 01;28;09;04
Speaker 1
For us, they have not met Moses yet. They don’t even know about. I don’t even think Joshua was a sparkle in his father’s eye yet. But Yehoshua, Joshua is going to be their leader because Moses doesn’t get to bring them over. And that’s that promise in this. And all this should this should settle you even more like anchor you even more that all through the Old Testament it is Elohim.

01;28;10;20 – 01;28;34;18
Speaker 1
It is keeping his Sabbath and his covenant that brings us salvation. And we see them as they exit, you know, and then walking through the wilderness and they’ve got the covenants and the things that they need to do. Keeping Sabbath right now, they get the Ten Commandments, like, okay, yeah, y’all need to keep the Sabbath and you need to keep the Covenant because he’s going to bring them into that promised land.

01;28;34;18 – 01;28;52;15
Speaker 1
So that idea of of walking with him, we have all of this here for us to study. Everyone okay with that?

01;28;52;15 – 01;28;58;08
Speaker 3

01;28;58;08 – 01;29;01;18
Speaker 1
Go ahead, Dora.

01;29;01;18 – 01;29;08;21
Speaker 3
Sorry. No, I was just agreeing with you, Mr. Wanda.

01;29;08;21 – 01;29;21;24
Speaker 1
Chris, let anything now.

01;29;21;24 – 01;29;28;28
Speaker 3
I’m just listening. So my listening and gleaning.

01;29;28;28 – 01;30;06;24
Speaker 1
Okay. Made your daughter. I’m sure if you have something to say, you’ll come off Mike or you’ll bless us. Okay, so, Yehoshua. Yes? You were all throughout the Old Testament. Do words study on that? Look at that. See the places where you should also look up the word savior? Because many, many places Elohim says, I am they savior.

01;30;06;24 – 01;30;58;13
Speaker 1
Right? Okay, great. Genesis 17. We have a few minutes. We’re going to go here. Genesis 17. So at this point that we meet Abraham in Genesis 17, he’s about to get his name changed. So in the earlier chapters he gets called out of the land of Earth. Well, actually, his father too does, but dies on the stops and dies on the way.

01;30;58;13 – 01;31;59;26
Speaker 1
And then Elohim speak to him. They come and follow. And so, you know, he has Ishmael, we have lot and we have, you know, the Sodom and Gomorrah incident. And we are here now in Genesis 17. And one of the things that we brought out in our last study was just the reiteration that you hold. It always said that in you will all the nations of the earth be blessed in your seed, in your seed, will all the nations of the earth be blessed?

01;31;59;26 – 01;32;31;14
Speaker 1
So it was never just about the seed, only the seed. All the nations of the earth would be blessed by the seed, which means there’s a requirement on the seed to do some things. But what those things are and how it manifests, they have to walk some of that stuff out. And so we talked about also about how Elohim made the covenant with Abraham by himself.

01;32;31;14 – 01;33;14;20
Speaker 1
He put Abraham into sleep, he cut the animals and that the smoking furnace and the lamp walked through the cut pieces because it takes two people to walk through to make the covenant. But Yahweh covenanted with himself. So we have the two entities that pass and solidified the covenant about blessing the seed and giving him the land and so we’re here in Genesis 17 and we are going to read through this.

01;33;14;20 – 01;33;33;25
Speaker 1
Let’s see, I don’t want to break this up. Okay, Genesis 17, one through eight. Who wants to read that for me?

01;33;33;25 – 01;33;35;18
Speaker 3
I’ll read it again if you wish.

01;33;36;02 – 01;33;40;09
Speaker 1
Oh, thank you, Dora. Yes, please.

01;33;40;09 – 01;33;50;19
Speaker 3
Reading from this one. And when Abraham was 90 years old and not Abraham. Yeah.

01;33;51;12 – 01;33;53;24
Speaker 1
Yeah. I thought you said Abraham. I’m like, not yet.

01;33;53;29 – 01;34;39;05
Speaker 3
Okay. Average. Okay. Asked that again when Abraham was 90 years old and nine you know, I appeared to Abraham and said to him, I am the Almighty God, walk before me and be that perfect and I will make my covenant between me and the and will multiply the exceedingly. And Abraham fell on his face. And Yara talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with the and thou shalt be a father of many nations.

01;34;40;00 – 01;35;07;04
Speaker 3
Neither shall thy name be called Abraham anymore. So because Abraham, but thy name shall be Abraham for a father of many nations, have I made the and I will make the exceeding fruitful and I will make nations of the land. King shall come out of the and I stop that.

01;35;07;04 – 01;35;09;18
Speaker 1
No, go to verse eight for me, please.

01;35;10;08 – 01;35;52;00
Speaker 3
Okay. And I will establish my covenant between me and the and I see after the in the generations for an everlasting covenant to be way onto the to the I seed after and I will give unto the and to thy seed after the the land wherein our two stranger all the land of Cain for an everlasting possession. And I will be that God.

01;35;52;00 – 01;36;46;02
Speaker 1
Thank you. They’re going to get all the land of who name them. And who is Canaan? Noah. Noah, curse Canaan. Cast by cursing his son. So and we said that if you look at the genealogy, Abraham comes from Shem and they’re going to be given a land of the person who was cursed to serve his brother and and we see Elohim continuing that for an everlasting possession.

01;36;47;24 – 01;37;24;00
Speaker 1
Land is important but also progeny children seed multiplying and so that’s why it’s so amazing when we read in Isaiah 5060 hear him say even to the eunuch, you can come in if you keep my Sabbath and you keep my commandments. So we’re looking at this covenant that he’s making with Abraham, and the promise is to make him a father of many nations.

01;37;25;29 – 01;38;22;10
Speaker 1
So there’s not one nation, because even though it’s Jacob, still many nations come out of Jacob. And because of that, everyone around is going to be blessed. Verse nine And God said unto Abraham, Elohim, thou shalt keep my covenant thereof. Therefore Thou I seed after the in their generations. This is my covenant which he shall keep between me and you and I see after thee every man child among you shall be circumcised.

01;38;23;19 – 01;39;05;28
Speaker 1
So you remember that I was just saying to you, and if we need to go look at it, we can. But I think it’s in Genesis 15, where where Yahweh makes a covenant, Elohim Jehovah makes a covenant, and he and Abraham slices up the animals and separates them. But Abraham doesn’t walk through. And so you can study ancient covenant, you can study ancient covenant and you can see that there Eastern Ancient Covenant.

01;39;05;28 – 01;39;20;07
Speaker 1
That was one of the ways that they made covenant because they didn’t have, you know, lawyers and document that they were signing that at that point anyways. So if you’re going to make a covenant, you cut animal, you put him in half, and then the two of you walk through the animal, you know, you walk them through the path.

01;39;20;07 – 01;39;51;04
Speaker 1
And that’s you making that commitment right to to keep this covenant, but in this particular case, Elohim covenant with himself. So way he didn’t have to worry about anyone breaking it because he’s not going to break his own covenant with himself. So at that point, Abraham didn’t have to do anything yet. He didn’t shed any blood, if you will.

01;39;51;04 – 01;40;29;15
Speaker 1
Right. But here now there is some requirement. There is some personal sacrifice. Race in that personal sacrifice is the circumcision. The blood is going to be shed. So this is my covenant. I’m in verse ten. This is my covenant which she shall keep between me and you and I seed after the every man child among you shall be circumcised and he shall be circumcision circumcised the flesh of your foreskin.

01;40;30;02 – 01;41;07;29
Speaker 1
So he’s very clear and it shall be a token of the covenant be took me mean you and he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you every man child in your generations He that is born in the house or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seat here is very important that in order to come into the covenant you had to be circumcised.

01;41;07;29 – 01;41;36;02
Speaker 1
But he allows for circumcision of non seed people. So even if you’re a slave because you’re bought with money, you’re a servant, you’re a slave, you can partake in that covenant. In fact, you have to, right? If you’re going to come and work in his house, you have to be circumcised. You have to keep like there’s no way I’m going to practice my religion.

01;41;36;02 – 01;42;10;26
Speaker 1
And, you know, you can do your religion or your beliefs. It’s like, no, if if I buy you, if if you’re a slave and I buy you and you come you’re going to do what I do. You remember that in that that quote that Elohim says, Shabbat shalom, Pastor Spencer, good to see you. Remember that quote, that that section where when Elohim comes down to talk to Abraham and he says, Shall I hide this thing from Abraham?

01;42;11;14 – 01;42;39;15
Speaker 1
Seeing that I know him and he will teach his house. So even before Hova got to this point where he knew about Abraham was that Abraham was going to make sure that he taught everybody in his house that there was not going to be any there’s no backsliding here. Right? Everybody is going to come into understanding. Abraham is going to teach and train everybody.

01;42;40;14 – 01;43;25;04
Speaker 1
At this point. Ishmael is still with him because Isaac has not been born yet. That means that Ishmael was circumcised. There is a covenant. So verse 12 again, he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised among you. Every man, child in your generation that is born in the house or bought with money of any stranger, which is not thy seed was 13.

01;43;25;04 – 01;43;51;13
Speaker 1
He that is born in the house, he that is bought with their money must need to be circumcised. My covenant shall be in your flesh for an ever everlasting covenant And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people and he has broken my covenant. So it’s clear that if you’re circumcised, you’re part of the covenant.

01;43;51;23 – 01;44;31;23
Speaker 1
If you’re not circumcised, you’re not part of the covenant. And already you do not have to be the seed of Abraham to be in the covenant. That’s clear. You could even be a slave and still be in the covenant in his seed. Shall all the nations of the earth be blessed? Always from the beginning we were always included.

01;44;31;26 – 01;45;06;00
Speaker 1
There was a way for us to enter in. Okay, let’s finish this chapter and then we’ll we’ll end because we’re almost at our time. Where was. Oh, okay. 14 and the uncircumcised man child who’s flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised. That shell shall be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant and God said Elohim said unto Abraham.

01;45;06;00 – 01;45;37;08
Speaker 1
As for Sarah, that my wife, thou shall not call her name Sarah, but Sarah shall her name be, and I will bless her and give the son also of her yay! I will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations. Kings of people shall be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his face and laughed. Okay, so this is the first time we see laughter and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him?

01;45;37;19 – 01;46;12;16
Speaker 1
That is 100 years old, and shall Sarah that is 90 years old, Bear and Abraham said unto Elohim, Oh, that Ishmael might live before the. And Elohim said, Sarah, wife shall bear the sun indeed, and thou shall call his name. Isaac, and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I’ve heard thee behold I have blessed him, will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly.

01;46;12;27 – 01;46;48;04
Speaker 1
12 Princes shall he beget? And I will make him a great nation, not just also because he’s a seed. But Ishmael is being circumcised at this time. But my covenant will establish with Isaac. Does that mean that Ishmael gets out of being circumcised? No. But there is the promise that is going to be established with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear A.D at this set time in the next year.

01;46;48;04 – 01;47;35;26
Speaker 1
And he left off talking with him and he went up from Abraham, and Abraham took Ishmael, his son and all that were born in his house and all that were bought with his money. Every male among the men of Abram’s house and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in selfsame day as Elohim. It said unto him. And Abraham was 90 years old and nine when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin and his son and Ishmael, his son was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin in the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised and Ishmael and all the men of his house, born in the house, all the

01;47;35;26 – 01;48;12;14
Speaker 1
men of his house, born in the house and bought with money of the stranger or circumcised with him now they do get away from keeping some of the things of the covenant. But here Ali makes, it very clear how to begin to enter into the covenant. And this is important to understand as we look at what is Labor’s promise, why, why are we also included in the promise?

01;48;13;15 – 01;48;40;26
Speaker 1
Because we see that there is a seed, but we see that Elohim has allowed people who not seed to come into the covenant. Now there’s something very particular about the line of Isaac. Yes, because we see here that Ishmael gets circumcised, all the people in their house get circumcised. But yet Elohim is saying, but it’s with Isaac that is going to continue.

01;48;41;24 – 01;49;08;29
Speaker 1
And that’s important because with Isaac then we see Isaac has Esau and Jacob and but the promise it like it’s split, right? And so like if you think about it, we see Noah and we see the blessing come to Shem because ham Canaan you know JP Well JP gets to live in the land. So he’s not really curse, but he’s not really identified as being truly blessed.

01;49;09;06 – 01;49;40;20
Speaker 1
But there’s line. We don’t actually say the God of a Shem, we actually start with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because it’s important to understand where the line follows, right? If you think about it, Abraham had more than one son, but with two in Ishmael, it’s like if you look at a family tree, you have Ishmael and then you see Isaac and you’re like, Oh yes, okay, the God of Abraham.

01;49;41;01 – 01;50;07;12
Speaker 1
But it’s not necessarily the God of Ishmael, it’s the God of Isaac. Right? And then you see the line split because Isaac has Jacob Venecia and it’s not the God of Esau, but it’s the God of of Jacob. So we see it come when it’s like to me I begin to understand the reason they keep saying the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is because you need to follow the blessed the line.

01;50;08;15 – 01;50;33;01
Speaker 1
Because if you just said the God of Abraham, well, he had quite a few nations that came out of him. And then you can’t just say the God of Isaac because they were Jacob and Esau. So where did the blessing flow? Where two continue to flow through? And so it is important. Like if you think about during that time they didn’t have denominations.

01;50;33;01 – 01;51;11;10
Speaker 1
So I’m Catholic, I’m Protestant, you know, I’m Methodist, I’m First Baptist. Like, Oh, I follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just case you weren’t sure which Elohim I’m talking about. I’m talking about this fellow him. I. And it’s exciting to see how that promise flows through. So we are have a few minutes before we end. Anyone want to share their thoughts about what we’ve talked about today?

01;51;11;10 – 01;51;33;15
Speaker 1
And there are notes in the chat and Shabbat shalom to you, Minister Jackie, Chris Lawanda. Dora, Esther. Esther, you’re getting ready for work. I know it’s that time for you.

01;51;33;15 – 01;51;59;23
Speaker 3
It’s a lot to kind of take in, but I am understanding better how that bloodline flows and what it means, which is wonderful. So I’m. Yeah, that that is quite clear. Thank you.

01;51;59;23 – 01;52;34;22
Speaker 1
Shalom, Paula. From Genesis 17, I was reading that whole chapter. Thank you for asking. Genesis 17 from Jose Salvation to Joshua or Yehoshua, Jehovah is salvation from Abraham, exalted father to Abraham, father of multitude, from individual to multitude, from one to many. Well, this is interesting. Very good. Esther. I like that. Esther put a comment in the chat.

01;52;34;22 – 01;52;59;05
Speaker 1
I was just kind of I was mumbling it, but I should have read it better. He she says from Josiah, we have salvation to Joshua or Joshua. And for those of you who are just joining us, you can see in the chat we were we were in Isaiah 56, one through eight, and we were talking about salvation. And the word salvation is Joshua.

01;52;59;20 – 01;53;36;05
Speaker 1
And so we were saying that, you sure was common throughout the Tanakh, the Old Testament. It’s everywhere. So the idea of your whole was salvation is not. And then I pointed out that in numbers 1316, Moses changes because Joshua’s name was not always Joshua or Yehoshua. They they didn’t have AJ then. So it’s Joshua that he changed it from salvation, just Moshe Salvation to Jehovah’s Salvation.

01;53;36;15 – 01;54;04;09
Speaker 1
So that the first time we see like that name Jehovah’s Salvation, give it to an individual. And it’s true because in the end it was Joshua who led them into the Promised Land, Yehoshua. And so you can read on that or listen to the replays. So from Abraham I’m exalted father to father of many nations. So from individual to multitude, from one to many.

01;54;04;14 – 01;54;39;17
Speaker 1
While this is interesting, yes, it is Esther. Yes, it is. And we are just beginning. Just just beginning. Powerful in Dora. I’m very pleased. We’re very pleased that you are getting it, that there is a bloodline to follow. But we’ve always been included and strangers have had the opportunity to be included. And so, you know, Jehovah is not schizophrenic like, well maybe I’ll bring them in one time and maybe not.

01;54;40;21 – 01;55;14;10
Speaker 1
It was always his plan for all of the nations of the earth, all the families of the earth, to be blessed, to know Yehoshua, Yaakov, a salvation was always his plan and he is salvation. He is the Savior. So very, very good. All right, anyone else before we close this room?

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